tutyses's Forum Posts

  • Helo everybody! I started using construct 2 just a few months ago and i loved it. This is my first post here, i had problems before but i found the solutions in this forum. In this case I did found a solution but It did not work

    The problem I have is an issue with the collision detection using Custom movement behavior

    I have a grid of 5x5 blocks, which spawn in a certain point at a high vertical speed (1500px/dt). It has a rule to stop falling when it collides with another block, and it does work, BUT at low speeds like 500px/dt. When i set it to 1500px, this happens

    When it should look like this

    I tried using stepping mode "linear" and "pixels per step" 1, but it still does not work

    Also i found a post from an user called "Ramones" Who uses the condition "on custom movement step" with the overlap condition. It doesnt work for me and i dont know why

    Thank you for taking a moment to help me

    Here is the ripped project file http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=50344323361830757989

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