tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • lennaert I yes using animation frames works well, but it doesn't seem that the layout view updates and shows the correct frame. Not showing the animation/frame i've set it on, for that instance of the object. Always the first frame of the first animation. Maybe a bug I'm having? I have to investigate.

  • My library of sprites in the game is growing rapidly. Is there any good way to bundle them except for placing several of the sprites as frames in an animation? or bundle them as a sprite font? Tilemap doesn't really do the trick since they can differ quite a lot in size. From small pebbles, to buildings, but i want to bundle related stuff in a single object by category, rather than having to scroll through lots of single sprites in Construct.

    Best option so far is adding all my sprites as animation frames, but the layout view doesn't update when i set initial frame for that instance of the object, so I can't really see what I'm placing and how it will look. The benefit of this is that they export as a spritesheet as well.

    Maybe there's some feature that I've missed or overlooked?

  • Looking good, and despite the minimal content i even had fun hunting and getting hunted by other players.

    LG G3


    CPU - ~53 average, Min 45, Max 65

    FPS - ~59-60 average, Min 50, Max 60

    Thanks for joining. I'm gonna have another playtest shortly on a better map. To compare how how wild & crazy I can go with sprites and effects, but still keep good performance. So i guess It was you i shot a couple of times.

  • I've been twaeking and optimizing quite a bit for better performance, and would like some help reporting CPU and Framrates on different devices. (mobile & tablets) If anyone interested in testing please surf on your mobile device http://tunepunk.com/Archer/. Please don't mind the graphics as this is just a test stage.

    To see FPS and CPU usage, click the blue "game settings" icon at the top. Send me a pm or reply here with:



    Min-Max CPU:

    Min-Max FPS:

    Other: (if you noticing anything else odd or have any suggestions)


    Left thumb


    Right thumb,

    press and pull back to aim and fire, (like drawing a bow)

    tap to dash

    hold to sprint.

    If you wish to join in on more playtests in the future join my facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/arrowheads.playtest/

    Thanks a lot for your help and see you in the test area.

  • or something like that?

    yeah that could work.

    I tried that but it seemed that Sprite.X never reached exactly 300. it was 299.249859284752975029478520938752095786209587625

    but i didn't think of rounding in the condition :p round(sprite.x) = 300

    way easier.

  • Just basic movement of an sprite, towards another sprite.

    lerp(self.x, object2.x, 0.1)

    will round actually stop it? i was thinking more of having a condition to make the event false if it was close enough, if the distance between object1 and object2 is less than a certain amount ... The point is that I'm trying to optimize for a lot of objects, so i don't want heavy calculations.

    maybe compare condition like this would be suffice, but I'm not sure if distance calculations for a lot of objects is very performance friendly?

    distance(object1.x, object2.x) > 0.5

    lerp(self.x, object2.x, 0.1)

    Or maybe it would be better to add a variable to object 1 which holds the last x postion, then checking if last position x (minus) current position x is less 0.5? or something like that, but I guess i always have to return a positive value then.

    abs(object1.lastpos-object2.x) > 0.5

    lerp(self.x, object2.x, 0.1)

    set object1.lastpos to self.x

    or something like that? lol

    Just specilating Maybe that would work... better try.

  • I'm using lerp quite heavily and while using the debug i can see that some objects actually never stop. (They just move too small steps to be noticeable) My guess is that this could cause a minor performance hit, so how do I stop the lerp when it's close to the destination, like half a pixel or so?

    And is there a good way to limit decimals in calculations?

  • Making event sheet clearly is the most important thing in a large project.

    The performanc of plugin or behavior is better than every tick In event sheet usually.

    Thanks. It would make sense, since I'm trying to limit top-level events, which i noticed can increase the performance quite a bit. Instead of running a en set position event every tick, I could just pin once, on layout load or in a function.

  • I'm currently optimizing my event sheet a bit, and wondering if there's any performance benefit to using behaviours instead of Events? From the looks of it, it seems that I could make the event sheet a bit cleaner by using behaviours in some cases, but does it have any impact on performance? Positive or negative?

  • Not even a reply from any devs? Known issue? ignored? High DPI displays are getting more common, fix is needed.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hmmm. In order for it to detect a collision or overlap i guess i would need 2 At least 2 BBox values intersecting with 2 BBox values of another Sprite.

    Condition1 - Sprite1.BBoxLeft & Sprite1.BBoxTop (X and Y of Top left corner of the first sprite) < Sprite2.BBoxRight & Sprite1.BBoxBottom (Lower right corner of Sprite2) if true, that would indicate that the two Sprites BBoxes are intersecting on at least one corner?

    Maybe it would be good to add a X & Y instance variable for each corner of a Sprite BBox. I guess i would get values like this for a 100pixel square box.

    BoxCornerTopleftX =100

    BoxCornerTopleftY =100

    BoxCornerToprightX =200

    BoxCornerToprightY =100

    BoxCornerBottomleftX =100

    BoxCornerBottomleftY =200

    BoxCornerBottomrightX =200

    BoxCornerBottomrightY =200

    Then it would be pretty easy to check if there is any intersections with any other sprite.

    Continuing my experimentations, think I'm getting there.

  • I'm already using a collision polygon but would also like to use the common expression BBoxLeft, BBoxRight, BBoxTop, BBoxBottom for some custom collision detection using the BBox of a Sprite.

    What I'm trying to do is making a check if any sprite BBox in SpritegroupGroup1, overlaps any Sprite BBox in SpriteGroup2.

    Would something like this work to return true? and how would i go about making it true for every instance of the object?

    Sprite1.BBoxLeft > Sprite2.BBoxRight

    Any idea how i would go about to create some events for this custom collisions using BBox of a sprite?

    Any help Appreciated.

  • Messing with procedural animation. No frames here, just a stack of sprites being rotated, stretched and squashed.

    Here are the individual parts all spread out.

    Looks awesome!. I'd love to see the event sheet! :p Is it heavy on performance?

  • Problem Description

    Bug related to interacting with Construct 2 using touch or stylus. Tap & hold for right clicking does not work in Construct 2. Either with touch or Stylus, anywhere in the software. I like using construct 2, on the go and do not always bring mouse/keyboard. In my point of view a software good for creating touch friendly games and apps should also be touch friendly.

    Attach a Capx

    Construct 2 software related.

    Description of Capx

    Construct 2 software related.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Open Construct 2
    • Try using Tap&Hold as a Right click equivalent anywhere in Construct 2. Layout, Eventsheet or other places.
    • Nothing happens.

    Observed Result

    Does not register Tap & Hold as a right click.

    Expected Result

    Expected tap & hold to work as a right click.

    Affected Browsers

    Not browser related.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10 on Surface Pro 4

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Release 221 (64bit)

  • Problem Description

    Add event popup window is bugged with scrambled listing and some items missing when using high DPI screens using interface scaling. Some list items flicker on mouse over, some become invisible/visable. Starting the software with compability mode for High DPI displays does not work. Construct still scales.

    Attach a Capx

    No capx but screenshot added in observed result.

    Description of Capx

    Construct Related.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Launch Construct on a High DPI screen with UI scaling to 200% (I was using Surface Pro 4 with 2736x1824)
    • Add an event.
    • Check event list window.

    Observed Result

    Expected Result

    I expected the list to be neat and not bugged.

    Affected Browsers

    Not browser Related

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 10, on Surface Pro 4.

    Construct 2 Version ID
