> I don't know if this work for you, but I sometimes use dictionary to store picked UID's. That way the for each loops doesn't have to loop through a whole family, but only the ones stored in the dictionary. That might work when you have many units in the same family, but let's say 20 out of 100 selected, as you don't have to loop through the 80 that are not selected. I found it to have some performance benefit in some cases.
> For me the picking itself seems to use a lot of cpu in some cases, so i try to find ways to use some more lightweight way of picking objects. Restructuring the condition order can help a lot too.
> For example:
> For each unit (loops through all units)
> is Selected. (then picks and filters the ones selected)
> insead use.
> Is selected (pick the selected ones)
> For each unit. (loops through only the selected ones)
> Small things like that can help a lot, but you probably know that already. Trying to filter down with conditions as much as possible before running any for each loops and actions, seems to work pretty well in most cases.
tunepunk I show you did an interesting test on this how-do-i-pick-multiple-by-uid-string_t190930 very good test Thanks
Did you manage to find any good results or ways how to improve ?? I will be very interested in that
do you know if is possible example you have 20 objects on the screen the idea is to take the UID of all those 20 objects and just loop between them checking distances between them and depends the distances do some actions those objects, is it possible without looping through the whole 150 instances that are not on the screen
In some cases i found that using LOS behaviour could be a bit better, it's pretty much a range check as well, if you set a 360 cone, and they can also utilize the "use collision cells" option.
Another way that is way less CPU intensive is to use pick nearest/furthest, if something is within the range you set a boolean, and loop through that a few times per tick. It updates slowly but uses less cpu, so can be good for something that doesn't need to be instantly updated, or if you have a lot of instances but most of them are outside the viewport, in other areas of the layout.
Code looks like this:
Edit: Added link to C3 project.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/96e7y0njoqyqd ... e.c3p?dl=0