Tube's Forum Posts

  • I'm so glad the "else" bug is fixed! Thanks for that.

    Is there a fix coming in the near future for the bug where clicking on / deleting / adding frames to animations for Sprite objects in the Layout Editor sometimes crashes the program immediately? Because that would save me a whole lot of headaches.

  • I am still having problems with corrupted projects (I tend to add and remove families/private variables/stuff and then run into strange bugs).

    0.99.9 is still not the most stable in that regard, however it is miles better than the current stable release.

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you are. Corrupted projects are still happening for me as well with this version. Some odd, and seemingly unreplicatable bugs show up within the editor itself, and the project is never the same again. As in, writing the same exact script, line for line, in a new project seems to work as intended, whereas something or other will go wrong with the old project.

    Sometimes it's not even a runtime issue. My favorite one today involved construct.exe crashing every time I attempted to change the font in any Text object in a particular layout. Other layouts in the same project, no problem. Opening Construct again, still the same problem. I ended up copying the Text object to a different layout, changing the font there, and pasting a clone of itself into the first layout. Still, a lot of needless work for something like that.

    And every version I've tried seems to have the same intermittent bugs with the Animator window, wherein clicking on the animation name will sometimes work just fine, sometimes do nothing at all, and sometimes crash the program.

    So, yeah. This version isn't stable, nor is the previous "stable" version, nor the couple of versions in-between. But if we're using the "stable" version as our benchmark, 0.99.90 is as good as any.

    I don't mean to sound especially negative or disparaging, but it does get a little frustrating. I keep hoping the existing bugs will get fixed before new functionality is added, but most of the time the bugs that are squashed aren't at all related to things I use.

  • If I understand what you're looking for correctly, you want to change between levels that are functionally very similar (just different "time periods"). In which case, it shouldn't be terribly difficult, depending on what you have in mind.

    Consider making certain objects global, for one thing. That way you aren't losing access to important information when you change layouts. (Actually, this solves about 80% of the problems I can think of, from my understanding of your idea)

    You'll probably end up swapping around a lot of variables at runtime, each time you time travel, so that you sync up equivalent objects from each time period. Other than being a tedious bit of scripting, there's no reason that should be especially challenging.

    Does this answer your question at all?

    Good luck!

  • I love that you're generating maps via cellular automata. If you want another challenge, try doing it with Perlin noise (it makes for some excellent landmasses!)

  • We come to the borders of my knowledge, so my answer is a bit vague. I know that shaping a window is done by using a black&white bitmap and that it is done on the sytem layer. Also I would assume that shaping a window is only possible on the 2D-layer of the system. In other words: with DirectX as in Construct you can't have a shaped window, regardless of using Constructs parameters or using Python. I hope some other with a bit more knowledge can answer it more precise.

    For the sake of argument, I'm going to agree this is more or less correct. Suffice to say that it's generally outside the scope of what the DirectX or XNA libraries can do, much less Construct.

    If you really wanted to do this, it would be necessary to write code at a slightly lower level. It's certainly doable in C++ or C#, but you'll find that you're largely on your own for the graphics handling, etc, once you're at that point.

    I've never tried integrating DirectX or XNA with it, personally, so take this with a grain of salt: If you're feeling inclined to be adventurous, here's a link (C#) that could be useful. I suspect that you could take a form like that, render your graphics to video memory in the background (via DirectX), and blit them onto the surface of the form.

    Good luck!

  • How about something like this:

    + System: Is global variable 'EnemyBatch' Greater than 0

    + System: Every 1000 milliseconds

    -> System: Create object Enemy on layer 1 at (random(DisplayWidth), random(DisplayHeight))

    -> System: Subtract 1 from global variable 'EnemyBatch'

    Works like this: as long as EnemyBatch is more than 0, it will repeat once every second. Spawn an enemy, decrement EnemyBatch. Tested and working nicely.

    That's pretty much exactly what I said, isn't it?

    Seriously though, that's more intuitive than the way I put it. I really should just stick to writing pseudocode instead of over-explaining

  • Wow, so much help! Thanks guys

    I do have one more question. Is there somewhere that has some documentation on the picture editor? I know that it's probably not the best for creating anything beyond basic images, but I do have some questions about it nonetheless.

    EDIT: I'm also looking for some information on how to detect things within a circle around an object, and how to find the nearest kind of 'whatever' object.



    The picture editor within Construct is basically a slightly fancied-up version of Paint, so I don't think there's really any in-depth documentation for it. You're probably better off using Photoshop (if you can afford it) or Gimp (if you can't) just so that you have things like filters, layers, and all the other features that will help make your graphics look passable.

    As for finding the nearest "whatever" it's a lot easier than you'd think. Just make a new condition, the base object is your "whatever" (and that can even be a family, if you're using them!), and give the coordinates you're searching from (likely the X and Y of the object you're searching near, such as your carrier in this example). And, as Oko indicated, you can use Distance to see just how far away that thing is, so if that's outside the radius you'd like to use you can just ignore it altogether.

    P.S. Sorry if my solution to your original problem was a little lengthy; I wanted it to give a half-decent graphical representation of what was going on behind the scenes, hence all the text boxes and so forth. There are slightly better, if less intuitive ways to do it, and I tend to err on the side of verbosity when making things for other people's benefit. Too many years of writing C++, I think

  • Great program by the way, doesn't help much with learning how to code your own game, if you can't see the code, but it's very nice and easy and fast to get into.

    It's open-source That means a bit of a steeper learning curve, most likely, but it's all there. If you want "real" code in your games, there's always XNA, and its tutorials aren't half bad. I think you'll find, though, that learning to script in Construct is a good way to give yourself the majority of the skillset that coding requires.

    And yeah, use two different animation sets. One way would be to change the animation of individual sprites (such that you're seeing a different graphic) while still retaining their same bone structure - assuming that meets your needs, of course. This is similar to what the thread you linked to suggests, although of course it's implementing something entirely different.

    Alternately, you could swap in a whole new character at runtime when needed, but that's a bit tedious if you're dealing with several bones and a whole new set of animations. Or, you could just make it look like you're swapping them out, with a sufficiently clever application of visibility. Either of these will probably meet your needs a little better, since you seem to primarily be looking for different stances on the same character, rather than the same stances on different characters (as the other solution indicates).

    I hope this helps

  • For loops all occur in the same frame.

    What you probably want is to set up a counter variable and initialize it to the number of objects you intend to spawn (10, in your case). Then, just do a check each frame to see if a second has passed, and also if the counter is above zero. If so, decrement the counter and spawn an object.

    This has the added benefit of allowing you to seamlessly start spawning more objects simply by setting the counter to a higher number again.

  • Hard to say what you're looking for, because it's a bit of a broad topic. I made a quick mock-up that might help you out. It literally does nothing but allow you to jump up and down on a platform, so hopefully you can adapt it in a useful way.

    Gravity can be adjusted up and down via the mouse wheel, purely for demonstration purposes. Jumping is "custom" in the sense that you can set a variable to whatever you like, although I made a couple of quick comments in the script on how to achieve something like double-jumping if that's your inclination.

    Probably also helps to mention that I set jumping to the spacebar, as is my personal preference.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Try this .cap, and see if it doesn't do what you're looking to do. (please forgive my 30-second placeholder graphics)

  • RTS movement per Zaaephod's request in this thread. Custom gravity and jumping via the custom movement behavior per marche398's request in this thread.

    Not sure if there's a better way to do this. I guess keeping my .cap files to a single thread like this is the way to go here?

  • This is brilliant, thanks!

  • I'm trying to get clarification on whethere or not the game is available for free play on this site if you win. Or don't win, in which case, it kinda destroys your chances of getting published, or selfpublishing. Id not, I will almost definitely enter

    It looks as though your game will show on the entries page when you submit it. Looking at what's there, those seem to be playable by anyone who feels like clicking on your project. That's a good thing in one sense, because one of the prizes (the $5000) is based on the votes of the community there. On the other hand, it might be wise to put up a version of your game that's not going to lose you any sales later on, but is still good enough to be competitive for their purposes - a hard balance to find!

  • While the prizes have been lower in previous years, many of the higher-ranked games in their other competitions have been made in Game Maker or whatever. It's entirely conceivable that a Construct game could win it.

    There's still about a month and a half to crank out an entry! Good luck to anyone entering.