trainstation's Forum Posts

  • And another thing im thinking about is; i got an animation where my character shoots in mid-air. different from where the character is standing and shooting. if i want to add that animation..

    First i was thinking: playerobject --> on jump --> then i lost that one..

    next i was thinking: keyboard Z is down --> but then.. bah i cant get the logic in this haha.

    the character need to be in "jump" in air. and there the animation "jump shoot" should be able to play.

    I also got a slide animation where i want to activate a fast forward slide on a button hit. how can i make the button push the character faster forward a bit?

    Its like "if, else and while"-stuff i need.. but how do i implement it. i get the thinking but not how to.

  • Thanks! it works! great help.

    If i want to increase the length of my level, do i have to make a "longer" screen or can i think in someo ther way?

  • I see now. Thank you again. I made it work now thanks to you guys.

    Im going to spawn a bullet now. I post the code. The thing i cant figure out now is; how do i make the bullet work on moth ways, mirrored and not mirrored. And how do i adjust my bullet to spawn lesser times. right now it spawns alot of bullets when i hold the shoot button. could you configure it with timescale or something?

    I tried to check tutorials but cant find exactly what im looking for. The bullet also spawns from the middle of the characters body. Im trying to change the startpoint but it gets wrong.

  • I am so grateful for all your support guys.

    So i have been working a bit and ended up with some more questions ^^

    Here is an updated movie on how far ive come now:

    1. So as you can see in the movieclip, my character wont do the jump animation if i add another animation like in this case the run animation. And except for that, as you can see; the caracter is doing the running animation some seconds after ive stopped moving. Why is this?

    2. If i want to add a "longer" level, do i have to stretch the gamearea as long as i want the level? or is it some smarter way of doing it?

  • Thank you so much for great answers!

    The idea with the invicible box behind the character. Is there a tutorial for that somewhere? it seems to be a great way of doing it. By tutorial im thinking, how you pin all the movements to the same box and so on.

  • Hello fellow Constructors!

    I was learning the movements and animations in a platform environment.

    I downloaded a free sprite to test with.

    I found some problems that i would like to ask the community about.

    I have recorded my problem in this video:

    1. My "Idle" animation is working when i add my sprite on an empty space without ground. But when i add a "solid" ground under it, it jumps a bit. Can i configure this in some way?

    2. When i move forward i want to add the animation "run" to my sprite, i havent done it yet but when i move forward the sprite sometimes fall under the "solid" ground. So my question is; how can i work the ground better.

    3. The last thing i want to ask about is; what is the best way to reset an animation? like when i add animation "run" when i press forward on an arrow key, i want it to reset to "idle" when i release the movement. ive noticed the same problems when jumping and shooting.. the sprite stays in the last animationpart of that animation. I want it to reset to "idle"

  • Thanks for the answer. I get that. But does it work like you want to "record" a movement like it is a movieclip?

  • Thank you very much!

    That was really helpfull

  • Hi, im making a simple intro-thing where a sprite should be moving to a logo in start of layout.

    What is the best way to make the sprite move on its own to another object?

  • Hi! I want to create an attendance report thing for work.

    I dont know exactly how i should start it. The point is a "+"-button that adds names and the names should be able to be "checked". After you added a name and checked it you should be able to send the checked names to a mail.

    Is there anyone out here who can/want to help me in the right direction?

  • Thank you for your inputs. Ofc i should record the taps. i didnt think logic ^^

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  • Hello!

    I´ve made a simple game that plays sounds when i push buttons. Like a "drummachine"-thing.

    Now i want to add two buttons; one who records and one who plays. and i should also have on who reset it i guess. so Three buttons.

    The record button should have the function like: i hold the button and while i do that i can push other buttons and make a song of them, when i release the button its saved.

    Then i got the other button i can play the tune i created when recorded. And the last should reset it. I know how to do a reset button and i guess i figure out how to do a play-up button... But does anyone got any idea of how i could make the "record"-button?

  • Hello!

    Im experimenting on something.

    I made a list that should include names.

    The names should be added by the user when clicking a button like "add name".

    Like: "hey whats your name?" -"john" -"ok ill add it to the list"

    So ive made a text for title that says "names" and under it i should add something of an input field that C3 has.

    But where can i learn about how i let the user click "add name" and the name comes up under the title, and if i add another one.. that ones comes after it?

    I then want to make the program send the name to maybe an emailadress or something.

    Is this the right place to ask about this? im not sure where to look and learn about this.


  • > first thing to do is to add 2 buttons, 2 texts and the mouse object.

    > give one text object the following instance variable(you can add these in the properties menu on the left of the screen). Call the variable Score, this will be a number starting from 0.

    > Give the other text object the variable UpgradeCost also starting from 1


    > in the event do the follow thing:


    Mouse > On object clicked > left clicked on "first button"[/code:364xe2xl]
    > This will perform an action when a user clicked on the button
    > The action will be:
    > [code:364xe2xl]"text with the score variable" > add to > 1 to Score.
    > "text with the score variable" > set text > "Score: " &[name of the button].Score [/code:364xe2xl]
    > This will add 1 to score every time the button is pressed.
    > The other button will upgrade the automatic scoring. The event will be:
    > [code:364xe2xl]Mouse > On object clicked > left clicked on "second button".
    > "text with the upgrade variable" > Compare instance variable > Upgrade equal or larget then "int(self.Upgrade^1.5+1)"[/code:364xe2xl]
    > The action will be:
    > [code:364xe2xl]"text with the upgrade variable" > add to > 1 to upgrade.
    > "text with the upgrade variable" > set text > "Upgrade cost: " & int([name of the 2nd button].Upgrade^1.5 + 1) [/code:364xe2xl]
    > This will add 1 to upgrade every time Upgrade has been "upgraded". The price of the upgrade will be raise with the formula 'Upgrade ^ 1,5 + 1'
    > Thats it. Try change the formula to your own to make the game interesting
    how do you add offline earning?

    so the first part in C3 is "Score: " & score

    How do you solve the: "Upgrade cost: " & int([name of the 2nd button].Upgrade^1.5 + 1) -thing?

    Cause C3 does not recognize this way.

  • Hi! Im new to Construct but have been working with some tutorials thru February and forward. Now im stuck on this issue, the gif issue. So when i read around on the web and here on Scirra forums i understand this; You cant add an animated gif as a running character for example? Or do you who master it mean that you have to work with it in another way?

    I dont know how to do it, do i use Gimp and import an animated character from there? does that work?

    Or can i make the animation right in Construct? with less details then ofc.

    The other post above said something about making the work in C2 and just import the settings in C3? did i get that right? How exactly is the point by point in that progress?
