Love it! Awesome. Thumbs up Gigatron!
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks for sharing another future classic FX Gigatron!
Big one here! Thanks for sharing this classic game as c2 version.
Very awesome
Nice learning lession for me! Thanks all for sharing your stuff here!
fisholith great stuff! Thanks for the update and sharing! <3
Great additon to the FX lib! Thanks for sharing Gigatron!
Sorry, you must read the manual or ask better questions.
Yes its possible. Extract via 7zip to empty dir. Open File "XYZ.caproj" with notepad.
Edit Line 11 to your version:
<saved-with-version>24200</saved-with-version>[/code:1ljxvcxe] RESAVED [url][/url] Also stick to the latest stable version: [url][/url]
kriand Working good here. Thanks for sharing!
aydin Badrian Try this one?
Niespor I have uploaded the ParalaxZoom effect to my dropbox: ... om.7z?dl=1
Have fun!
Fine stuff. Thanks for the update.
Thanks Gigatron for sharing this nice effect!
Thanks Toby!
any chance to update to the new stable release?