Totally2d's Forum Posts

  • Thank you Asmodean

    You have really helped me out. I've never used particles, it never occurred to me in this case. I just knew about them, but you've allowed me to see how they cam actually be applied. Now I'm keen to see how the final product would be like if I choose to add particles. I still have a few more ideas I'm going to test out, especially when it comes to attacking enemies.. but I'm now feeling confident about the basic mechanics. Thank you! I'll send you the beta of my game, to check it out once I get it running.

    You've be a great help!!!


  • I'm now debating weather or not to do that effect now, cause I already love the prototype as it is. I'm a bit torn.

    When someone slides their finger across the screen. Is there a way to spawn a trail of "black squares" that varnishes. Without loosing the progress we've already done. In the final game I can turn those black sprites into sparkles. But now I'm no longer sure if I still want that effect.

    I'm already happy with the solution you've given me. Very happy


  • see a big square because you see the next to last frame of a newly created square. You can see that you are create many squares in debug mode.

    Thank you very Asmodean you made it perfect!

    I had no idea what was going on, I don't know why I never checked my debug mode. Even if I had, I still wouldn't have solved the issue. I just need to study how you sorted out the events.

    I can't thank you enough,

    I was at the end of my road on that one.


  • Hey guys!

    I'm prototyping the mechanics for my upcoming game.. but now I'm stuck. I'm struggling to explain my problem so I've included a small video + the CAPROJ file. This is my first Construct2 game ever, so I'm feeling a bit like headless chicken. Here is my problem:

    When you touch a screen region (Bottom right) the player moves forward. When you touch the "Bottom left" the player moves backwards. I have a black "touch-sensitive" box that appears when you touch any screen region. The problem is that black box is suppose to vanish when the animation cycle finishes.

    In other words I don't want the black square to remain visible if you keep holding the same place. How do I kill it off, I've tried everything I can think off. Here is a small video of the prototype:

    My second challenge is that I kind of fell in love with that "swirling circles effect" that happens when you move the cursor in circles. It would make a superb effect in the finished game. Is there a way to make them vanish off faster. Here is the CAPROJ file: ...

    The "swirling effect" would be nice to keep but my main goal is to make sure if you keep touching a single spot, that black "rensponse" box vanishes after a while (1 second will do).

    I don't know if my request makes sense, I hope it does.

    Please help me if you can,


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thank you! Let me try it out and see

  • I've been looking for some isometric tutorials, thank you very much for this!

  • Hey Tetriser Not yet, I'm still in development.

  • Uve nezuva rakanaka

    Thank you! Have an awesome one too KnivetonStudios

  • KnivetonStudios I know how you feel about measuring out whether or not your idea is too ambitious. I'm saving up to buy another copy of Construct2: for my younger brother. I just can't wait to get Totally2d's first game out there. I once made a bunch of never-released stuff using an engine called GameEditor. I had 3 open projects I never finished, it was back in (I think) 2008.

    This time around I'm getting my games out there! I already got my own copy of Construct2 and 2 copies of Spriter, for my bro and I.. (Can't wait for Construct3 - if it's still coming. That's if it can do Android natively).

    I live in Zimbabwe, Africa by the way. In Chitungwiza, a town famous for it's high population density and being the birthplace of a lot artists; especially musicians. My name is Tafadzwa Tarumbwa. I'm hoping my games will have visuals that can showcase things in Africa, but I'll do baby steps. Like when one builds Rome.

    I hope to see your games soon.

  • Can i get my game on the list? Haha <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> ... =730349005

    Your game is AWESOME!

    You've shown me what Construct2 is more than capable of doing.

    I'm buying it.

  • Make the game that you want to make, not one that fits into a specific genre

    Thank you so much for the encouraging words..

    I really love the genre you recomended: Puzzle Platformers. Seeing all these genres in action has helped open my mind on what else in already out there. I just "Googled" some Puzzle Platformers on Steam (Google is now a verb for searching right?). I found an awesome sample of how PPs look it's called "Super Puzzle Platformer Deluxe" by Adult Swim.

    I can't wait to roll out my first game. I just feel that I needed to as they say, know the rules. In order to break the rules

    Have an awesome day KnivetonStudios

    (Where can I find your game(s) by the way?)

  • The list goes on and on indeed!

    Take a look at Papers Please! Pretty unique game! I think Papers Please was created using the Game Maker Studio Pro. That's a 2D game in a hard to define genre but you can probably make it using C2.

    I love supporting Indie games! I'm really keen to get Papers Please now. I guess we have to score 1 for Game Maker studio.. we'll get them with one of our own. Have an awesome day!

    Thank you heyguy for helping me with the genres!

  • Top Down



    Endless runner


    And lots of offshoots





    The list goes on, and on...

    Thank you so much!

    You have given me the kind of list I really needed, I didn't know Mode7 were called Mode7. I've been googling each genre and taking notes, even a good Shoot'emup would be great to make. Especially the kind that scrolls from the side, I found one called "Sir Oliver & Aquila".

    You've given me a lot to think about

    Cheers newt

  • Hey fellow Constructors

    Google failed me, but I need some help. Can you list for me all the standard 2d game genres out there.

    I know game genres can fit into both 2d or 3d interchangeably but the reason I'm asking is because, I'm ashamed to say but I didn't even know about "Tower Defense games" until a few days ago. Now I'm in love with them, like crazy!

    I don't really care about "Massive Online Battle Arenas" at this stage. I'm more interested in another new game I've just seen today: Nuclear Throne". What Genre is that, is it a shooter or action game or what.

    When I bought my Construct if you'd told me I would end up thinking of making a Tower Defense game, I wouldn't have understood what you're talking about. When I tried Googling "2d game Genres" I kept getting Vainglory, Call of Duty and all the big stuff. Did I mention Vainglory? I love that game, despite all my dying. Anyway:

    Can anyone kindly help me with examples I can mimic.

    Genre examples like:

    1. Platformer = Super Mario

    2. Tower Defense = Kingdom Rush


    I'd really appreciate it, cause it will help me make informed decisions on what my 1st game can be like. I want to make it simple and 'finishable' to make (yeah.. it's now officially a word).

    Tafadzwa Tarumbwa


  • Hey digitalsoapbox

    Thank you for the link, I'm going to be basing my arcade cabinet off that design.