tommyoliversays's Forum Posts

  • i just tried it and the problem is that only one object spawns from one out of three spawners

    I didn't realize you wanted multiple items to spawn objects, my bad. I'd add each item you want to spawn objects to the action. So instead of just the last object that collides, repeat the spawn another object for each spawner.

  • I think I understand what you're asking.

    You'd probably want an on collision > spawn another object. Then once the second object collides with the wall, on collision, system > every X seconds, spawn the object.

    Something like this. I didn't test it cuz I don't have time at the moment to build the whole thing, but in theory I think this should work, maybe with a little tweaking for your specific scenario.

    (also apologies for the random objects, they're just stuff from my game)

    EDIT: Dunno why the image isn't showing up, here's an Imgur link

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Add the following to your HTML

    > <script>
    window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
    // space and arrow keys
    if([32, 37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(e.keyCode) > -1) {
    }, false);

    I'm surprised NG doesn't do this by default, but at the end of the day a blanket wide change to standard usability would be terrible.

    Ashley maybe this could be an export setting for HTML5? Or part of the browser object?

    Worked like a charm. Much appreciated!

  • I recently uploaded the demo for my game to Newgrounds and Itch, but I'm running into an issue where using the arrow keys to move or select still scrolls the webpage. It's affecting the Newgrounds rating, which is a real bummer.

    Is there any way to prevent this from happening, or do I just have to switch from arrow keys to WASD?


  • You can create an eventsheet and include in other eventsheet to reuse it.

    Interesting. So how would I call that event sheet when I wanted to use it?

  • So, I have a large number of events that I set up to display some animated text when the player gets locked into an arena combat encounter:

    I'd like to be able to block all these events off and call them whenever a situation like this pops up in the game, essentially, a function.

    However, I don't think C3's function behaviors allow this, since there are multiple events that depend on each other to run, and from what I can tell, C3's functions can only have actions, not conditions, and the effect consists of multiples of both:

    Is there another way around this? Or will I have to duplicate the events each time I want to use this effect?

  • Nope! LOL you just have to do the same events but with gamepad

    Welp... 😂

  • Hey all.

    Interested in adding gamepad support to my game. Already have keyboard controls set up. I’m assuming there’s a better way of adding gamepad support than just duplicating all the input logic with gamepad buttons instead of key events.

    Is there a standard way of doing this that’s documented somewhere? Poked around the forum and a Google and didn’t find anything. Maybe I’m not using the right terms...

    Thanks in advance! 👍

  • Hey, thanks everyone for the super helpful advice! I ended up going with dop200's suggestion, but there's lots of great stuff to keep in mindd here for the future!

  • A simple workaround would be to do all lerping with another variable and then set camera.X to round(newVariable).

    That wouldn't really change anything. The lerp would still go to 13 decimal places out (every lerp in the project is doing that now that I look at it), and setting the camera would just snap it into place, which isn't what I want to do.

  • I'm trying to make some basic cutscenes for my game, moving the camera sround to show stuff happening. Certain conditions are triggered when the camera reached a specified position. I'm trying to lerp from the previous camera position (in this specific example, camera.X = 470), at which time the next sequence of the cutscene triggers. However, for some reason, the lerp stops at 470.00000000006, so the event is never triggered.

    Is there any way around this? I have pixel rounding enabled in project settings, which I figured would prevent this, but I guess not. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Performance tips

    Much appreciated!

  • We are a small company and our limited resources are already the main bottleneck in our ability to do things like write exciting new features. Adding extra workloads on top of this, even if we charged for it, would likely make this worse.

    If you have a large project and think the engine is not performing well enough, I am happy to profile it and see if there are any obvious hot spots in the engine that can be optimised, which I do from time to time already. However if the project itself is not efficiently designed, that will generally be something we leave to the user.

    I haven't run into any performance issues myself, as my project is still quite small, but are there any resources for best practices within Construct floating anywhere so perhaps I can avoid possible those kinds of headaches down the road?

  • So I created a new file just to check and for some reason, the Browser object IS in the new file, but not listed in my actual game project. How is this even possible? Is it possible to delete objects on a per-project basis?

  • I want to create a simple menu option to quit the game from the main or pasue menu in my game. I looked up tutorrials on how to do this, and there are a bunch of results about using the Browser object. However, there is no Browser object in my version of Construct 3. Is this a depreciated feature? Was it moved somewhere else? I'm confused... Using the stable Win64 build.