tomhaiger's Forum Posts

  • I'm trying to include a Double Jump feature for my autorunner game but i can't get it to work. I've found a few posts online about Double Jump, albeit not for an autorunner, and i've tried to include what i've found into the autorunner template to see if it works but unfortunately it's not working for me.

    Could someone help me out with this please? I've posted a capx file to show what i tried so far.


  • Any luck with this?

  • Kyatric Yes i am using a tiledbackground but I don't think it's the texture i'm using thats the issue as only some of the platforms have the dark line. Here is a capx i quickly made to demonstrate my problem

    A0Nasser I tried your method but i still get the same problem.

  • Anyone? Sorry to bump this but could do with some help to sort this out.

  • I've got a really annoying issue with the platform for my game, when testing out my game i've noticed a dark line that appears on some of the platforms and i can't figure out why that is. It happens on random platforms and can be quite noticable, especially when you notice it the first time. Most platforms appear correctly, but the ones with a dark line at the top are really bugging me and have no idea what it could be.

    I've posted a picture below so you can see.

    Also what i have noticed is that if i erase just small bit off the top of my platform, a line appears that forms the shape of the platform, which you can see below.

    I don't know why this appears, whether its a bug or not but it's really annoying. Can anyone help me out on how to fix this?

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  • Thats great thanks.

    Could i get some help with my other problem as well please? I don't know why the dark line appears on some of my platforms. What i have noticed is that if i erase just small bit off the top of my platform, a line appears that forms the shape of the platform.

    I've provided a picture to show this

    I don't know why this appears, whether its a bug or not but it's really annoying.

  • I guess i'm not doing it right then Could you perhaps show me how its done with the capx i provided?

  • Thanks but thats not going to work as my game is an autorunner, so my player will be constantly moving and jumping. So I can't set a certain position as a result, which is why i thought the Pin behavour might just work.

    Any other suggestions?

  • I've got 2 small issues i was hoping someone can help with.

    My first issue with my platform, when testing out my game i've noticed a dark line that appears on some of the platforms and i can't figure out why that is. It happens on random platforms and can be quite noticable, especially when you notice it the first time. Most platforms appear correctly, but the ones with a dark line at the top are really bugging me and have no idea what it could be. I've posted a picture below so you can see.

    My second issue is that i wanted to add a feature where when the score hits 1000, a small picture will appear over the players head and then dissapear, something similar to the metal gear solid games where the red exclamation mark appears over the enemys head. I've use the Pin behaviour to try and do this but it's not working right for me, i don't know if this is what i should be using.

    I've uploaded a capx file (which you can download from the link below) so you can see what i've done.

    Hope someone can help, both issues i've mentioned appear in the capx.

  • I'm using 9patch for my autorunner game to create my platforms, but i'm having trouble with them as some of the platforms appear distorted/stretched at times. Since the platforms appear in different sizes, it's pretty important for me to get this fix, only i don't know how to fix it.

    I reckon the reason is because of my sprite for my platform, the fact that it's a large image and has to shrink down to make the smaller platforms, but is there a way to fix this so the it appears correctly when its a smaller platform?

    If it is my image thats the issue, what would be the best way to go about using an image to represent a platform for an auto runner bearing in mind that platforms can appear in different types of sizes?

    I've provided a capx file so you can see my issue. Would appriciate any help in fixing this.


  • Minor Thank you, thats what i'm after. caiorosisca Thanks for taking the time to work on my capx and for your suggestion, appriciate it.

  • Thanks but thats not quite what i'm looking for. I don't want the sprite to change while playing the game, i want it to only change when the player dies and their score happens to be 123,456.

    When the player dies and the game over screen comes up, if their score is 123,456 then the Retry button on the game over screen will change to a Continue sprite (you can see this in the capx). What i want is, when the player presses Continue, the game will start normally but instead of the normal power ups it will be the special power ups that appear which give 5,000 points instead of the normal 1,000. This is what i'm trying to do.

    I hope i've made it clear, i apologise if this is confusing anyone.

  • I have an Autorunner game with powerups and I'm trying to create a reward system for my game, where if the player hits a certain score (123,456 in this example) then the powerups will amount to something like 5,000 instead of 1,000 as it is normally. I also want to change the powerup sprite when this happens so that it's a different colour.

    So in my game, if the player dies then you'll have two options on the game over screen, Menu & Retry. If the score 123,456 is achieved, then instead of retry, a continue sprite will appear instead. What i want is when the continue button is pressed, the powerups change from 1,000 to 5,000 via a different sprite.

    I've tried various different way in order to get the special powerups to appear rather than the normal ones when the score 123,456 is hit but i can't get it to work. I think the problem is that if i press the continue button, it goes restarts my game layout so it doesn't register any changes and starts normally.

    I've provided a capx i've done, with this i've set the score to always be 123,456 when the player dies so that the continue button appears. I would appriciate any help to solve this.


  • Thanks, I noticed what I left out in my capx. I have an issue with some of the platforms look stretched/distorted, any way to fix this?

    What would be the best way to go about using an image to represent a platform for an auto runner bearing in mind that platforms can appear in different types of sizes?

  • Thanks for the link, that does seem like what i need for my issue. I've tried to incorporate 9patch by replacing it with the tiled background block from the Autorunner template and replace everything in the event sheet with 9patch but it's not working for me perfectly, i'm not sure how to do it.

    When i tried it, the platform for 9patch doesn't spawn correctly and appears stretched on some platforms. I'm guessing this is because of my image, is there a way to sort this out?

    Could i get an example of it working in the Autorunner template if possible please?

    I've just realised my mistake with the capx i provided, as it's just the Autorunner template with no changes

    I've provided a capx of what i've done with the 9patch.