Tom's Forum Posts

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  • Happy Christmas to all of you, have a great day!

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  • Yes, what would you like it changed to?

  • Rep is going to be stripped out and completely re-written at some point, it's got too many holes in it and needs to be recoded!

  • No I don't think so at the moment I'm afraid. A forum upgrade is on the tabs at some point though

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  • They've redacted their outright support but they have angered a lot of people over it and a lot of people are moving their domains as they don't consider GoDaddys response to be sincere.

  • GoDaddy has been receiving a bit of flak recently for supporting SOPA. I also wouldn't recommend them either as their online management system is absolutely atrocious and impossible to navigate!

    For what it's worth we use WebWiz domain names ( You will find it hard to get a premium name for free, but for only a small amount per year you can have your own dot com and it's probably worth it!

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  • Is it your first language? The first one is always hardest. The problem with C++ as well is it's really low level with pointers which can be hard to get your head around.

    "Am I ever going to understand this crap!" is something every programmer has thought at some stage!!