Tom's Forum Posts

  • Username is now showing properly (thanks nearly missed that!)

    The forum is going to look a little ugly at first until I style it (which I'm hoping to have finished soon/by tomorrow).

    I'm keen to make it accessible to everyone, once the new forum CSS is completed I'll be happy to talk about how we can improve the colours for readability.

  • Good luck to you :)

  • Uuuh i really like the prices, does the offer count for steam and ps3 stores? :D

    Yep! Any two games you want (max combined value of $100 USD)

  • It is meant to do that if I recall correctly, but it's been a while since I looked at it. I know it's semi broken on the forum, I do aim to fix it as soon as I have time.

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  • No problem :) I imagine it's probably an issue that will clear itself up.

    If you want to see where the bottleneck is, you could try doing a traceroute on command prompt. Enter command prompt on windows, and type:


    It should come up with a list of all the routers along the way to and their response times.

    I expect you will see at least one which is very slow!

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  • I'll be doing a blog post explaining everything soon :)

  • <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Please do not delete this post, it is a test I'm running

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  • Porto x Sporting ao vivo, Porto x Sporting, Porto x Sporting AO VIVO, Porto x Sporting AO VIVO Gr�tis, Porto x Sporting AO VIVO Online, Porto x Sporting AO VIVO pelo PC, Porto x Sporting AO VIVO RTP, Porto x Sporting AO VIVO SIC, Porto x Sporting AO VIVO TVI, Porto x Sporting Gr�tis, Porto x Sporting Online, Porto x Sporting pelo PC, Transmiss�o: Porto x Sporting AO VIVO, Ver Porto x Sporting ao vivo FC Porto vs Sporting ao vivo em directo 2 de maio de 2012. O jogo de futebol entre os times de futebol FC Porto vs Sporting ao vivo em directo, Para o campeonato Liga dos Campe�es 2012, voce pode ver na internet de graca online.

    Ver FC Porto vs Sporting ao vivo:


    Pedro Proen�a vai ser o �rbitro que mais logo vai dirigir a partida entre o FC Porto e o Sporting no Est�dio do Drag�o.

    O �rbitro da Associa��o de Futebol de Lisboa j� foi quem arbitrou o jogo da primeira volta, em Alvalade, que terminou com uma igualdade a zero.

    De resto, a �ltima vez que o �rbitro de 41 anos marcou presen�a num jogo do FC Porto, os azuis e brancos derrotaram o Benfica no Est�dio da Luz por 2�3.

    Por sua vez, o �ltimo jogo que dirigiu do Sporting foi na Marinha Grande, tendo esse encontro frente ao Uni�o de Leiria terminado com o triunfo dos le�es por 0�1.

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  • Very sorry for the spam problem. We have a lot of possibilities we can explore, but it will take time to cycle them and see what works best so please bear with us!

  • Sorry for taking a while to reply!

    Have you tried connecting on a different internet connection (for example at work/library etc). Is it still slow then?