Tobye's Forum Posts

  • I myself am using CocoonJS (which allows you to publish to app stores with native performance) and (which allows data storage across all platforms as well as in-app purchases, leaderboards and many other functions).


    I have come to using these two after a lot of messing about with similar programs. Appmobi looks very good, but so far has a lot of game-breaking glitches that have been impossible for me to avoid.

    If you need any more advice feel free to ask :)

  • emoaeden - nope, the problem occurs on all layers across all layouts.

  • Hi all,

    Not sure if this is a bug or something weird I just don't know about. I created a folder within Object Types to help sort my objects in the Projects Window. After doing so, all new objects I add, even if clones or copies of an originally existing object, will become black in preview mode. I found that moving those objects to the newly created folder will solve the problem and they are visible once more.

    The other weird part is that over time, objects that were functioning well (that are not in the new folder) will go black. Again, moving them to the new folder will fix this.

    So I just want to know if I have done something wrong or if this is a bug or what? It has been pretty easy to work around, albeit very annoying. I can't really upload a .capx either as it's a very large, almost complete project. If someone has a theory of what might be causing it I will make a duplicate version and cut it down to the potential problem.

    Also note that I am using version 110.2, as version 111 made a significant amount of the original objects go black and I don't want to step into such murky waters this close to the end of a project.

  • Thanks EyeHawk! I found it here:

    I think I can combine one of those methods with some of Sqiddster's advice and come up with something that suits my needs.

  • Alrighty, thanks mate. I'll try a dabble myself, but I expect you'll be called upon - thanks for the offer!

  • Hey all,

    I'm trying to make a spinwheel like Wheel of Fortune, where the wheel is in the middle with several pegs around the edges. As the pegs hit the rudder I want to slow the rotation. I haven't gotten that far though as I can't for the life of me get the rudder to work properly. I want it so the pegs will just push past the rudder, which will snap back into place. What I have so far is a rudder that spins too far and also gets stuck in the hinge.


    I am really not good with physics and have tried this is several ways. Maybe there is a better/easier way to do it without physics, but right now I'm coming up with blanks. Any ideas would be appreciated!

  • Wink thanks mate! This should come in very handy.

  • I don't know how to from Cocoon only, but the latest plugin has it as a simple event (working through Cocoon). You can check it out here:

  • Are both layouts using the same event sheet? If so, consider creating one event sheet for each layout. Then it can't add to the variable unless it's on layout2.

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  • I had the same issue, but managed to event a counter system using sprites. Not hard at all really. Here's a capture of it.

    I tried the sprite font plugin, but it didn't work with CocoonJS.

  • Yeah mate, you can select it when you compile on Cocoon ( You can't set it for testing a .zip though as far as I'm aware.

  • Whiteheat is right, but really they are very simple for something basic like this. They just seem daunting.

    Array width = 4

    Array height = 2

    Now in an event go to the array > Set at X > X=0, Value = "Slot 1".

    Followed by another action array > Set at X > X=1, Value = "Slot 2". And so on for as many slots as you need.

    Now say you want to drag the items into their spot, give the items in your game drag and drop. Make visible shapes for the slots too and name them accordingly (slot 1, slot 2, etc.).

    Then make 'on click released' or 'on touch released'+ Item is being dragged > Item is overlapping slot > set item position to slot (this will make them snap nicely into place).

    Then when they press okay/start/whatever, go item 1 is overlapping slot 1 > set at XY (in the array)> X="Slot1", Y=Item 1. Do that for each item and slot (there are more efficient ways if you have many items, but for just a handful this will work fine).

    Then finally, when you save the game, save the array too. Simply:

    WebStorage -> Set local key "savedArray" to array.AsJSON

    and to load:

    Array -> Load from JSON string WebStorage.LocalValue("savedArray")

    (Found here:

    There are a few ways to do it, but if you only have 10 or so items this way is quick and simple. I could give you a few more ideas if this isn't working for you.

  • Check out the second post here:

    It really helped me a lot! It just saves the array instantly, and you can load it again just as fast. I have it in my project now keeping track of levels, items, missions, custom statistics, the works.

  • I'm having the same problem as Maximus. I have no idea at all what the site is talking about with creating certificates. Could someone please step-by-step this for me? I have the Android SDK installed, but no idea how to use it.

    EDIT: Maximus76 Epox - if you guys are still having trouble with this, I got it explained to me by 3division here:

    It was still pretty confusing, but really is just step-by-step and worked a treat. Read the whole lot first though and you can see the few issues I had (really I think all it was was that you should use jdk7, not 6).

    Hope this helps someone else!

  • tap - example sent.