Titan Games's Forum Posts

  • How can I get it to where it spawns props randomly and stays the same when leaving and revisiting the same layout

    Like Online with Random Generated Layouts

  • Followed the Tutorial and got everything working but one small problem

    It says to

    Set Platform Enable[/code:2zhr8xt8]
    But I dont use Platforming I  use a addon called Spaceship
    And there no Set Spaceship Enable so what do I do is there a work around or fix or am I doing something wrong??!
  • This Engine is starting to get on my nerves

    Starting to feel like I've waisted my money, spent over 2000 Dollars and my results are sad

    I restarted my game over about 9 times because of some features not working correctly with others or simple problems like [[moving player to new layout plus keeping variables]] to be EXTREMELY hard to do and taking Hrs to figure out.

    If you want to create a game where you jump and go straight then this is the Engine for you but other then that I recommend you look else where.

    Been using this program for a month or 2 and in the beginning this engine was very easy to use but now that I advanced it feels like this gaming engine has gotten 10 times harder to use. Here are my results

    1st try-

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    3rd try-

    6th try-

    Last try-

    Ill try back in about a year or 2 hopefully the engine is better optimized but for now Ima go buy and try a few other engines. Im use to using the Unreal Engine but My budget is only around 20,000 so I decided to make a 2d MMO game using a easy to use engine but there far to many problems for the type of project Im creating.

  • I created alot of servers for alot of games [Private Servers] so Im pretty use to this but here Im a little lost. I cant find a tutorial on how I would set this up with construct 2.

    {Still New to Construct 2}

    I want to Host my Own Multiplayer servers on my own computer. Now, I know I need to use Wamp or Xamp but Im lost when It comes to making a Login and actually having people connect to the Servers.


    1. Where Do I start?

    2. Any Tutorials?

    3. Any Tips, Tricks or addons I could use?

    Please any help is appreciated!

  • How do I Move Player to Another Layout Plus keep Variables

    My code


    [E is Down] [System Go to Layout 2]

    [When overlapping Object]


    It does switch layouts but the player is not shown and the Layout and the Variables reset

    Please send a capx file if possible!

  • Hey guys Im back again looking for another Artist. This time Im looking for Planets...

    The current Planet Pack I use is

    https://www.scirra.com/store/2d-game-sp ... anets-1966

    And a few others from the Scirra store

    But what I really want is art style similar to Planets like this

    I need about 10 to 20 planets for now, If you are capable of doing this you can contact me on this post, In a PM or hit up my email at


  • Space assets for a 2D Platformer. I need

    1. Domes- 2D Colonies

    2. Turrets-

    3. Alien Like Buildings -2D RTS style

    Need this all to be very Alien like...Not Human looking buildings. If anyone is up to the task or have any assets already please contact me or just post a link to your creations so I may buy!

  • I need a 2D Creature creator

    Players create there characters using this creator. Or pick from an already created character. I think its possible but not sure how this would work so i wanna hire a pro or just buy an existing creator and modify it to my liking

    I want it to be something like this, not the exact same, I just want this creativity in my projects. If you have any type of 2D Creator just send me a pick and lets talk prices

  • How do some of you set your AI with the animations...

    I want my AI to do random animations ever x seconds.

    Like first the sprite starts walking...then it may fall asleep or start eating

    then I want to loop these animations...Sprite starts walking again then falls to sleep again blah blah

    So how would I go about doing this?

    Please post .capx if you can!

  • GameDevMarket



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  • How do i add new fonts?

    any addons to make the job easier??

  • Can anyone give me a list of useful plugins for a Space/Platform/MMO

  • How do I Randomly spawn objects at set positions

    I want everything in my layout to randomly spawn with a limit -like 10 trees and 5 rocks-

  • Nice found both ways to be easy

    Oh and I deleted my post because i found out how to do it thanks to your tutorial!

    However, I decided to go with the wamp server because Im very familiar with making private servers and this was exactly what I was looking for!

    But photon is very easy to use and is definitely a must have just incase something happens to my pc.


    Now about wamp

    I export my project in html, go to local host and my project is indeed there!

    How would I go about creating a sign up and login screen

    Any tuts? Anything at all would be helpful!

  • Is there a tutorial on how to create Servers on my computer using construct 2?

    Im looking to create a Space MMO Like DarkOrbit.

    Any tutorials, addons, plugins or starter projects would be Great!