Thylacine's Forum Posts

  • 99Instances2Go

    You are right, but maybe I can still use Local Storage and Variables for something else more simple!

    Ok so ive been trying to understand the array and ran into a problem. Can I get some help with the placing of another section of slots that would work with the first section.. So make it create a section for the Arsenal Items as well?

    As of now I got another section, but the slots are still considered the same I guess. If I move one item on the right side down one slot, then the same item on the left section moves its item down one too..

    Array Logic

    Inventory edit

  • I just found a 3rd Array tut and I am trying to understand it. It seems to be working, but now I need to have more then one section of slots to put at my Arsenal spot. Very happy I am getting the arrays now. As soon as I am done setting it up I will be trying to make the save data like your game. Btw way I meant "ill try to understand your code" meaning I am not too smart at programming.

    Thanks for your help

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  • Thanks for the help I will try to understand your file!, If you ever need art or sound let me know, id be happy to work with you.

    I started with 2 arrays. the code for 2 array systems is still in my game set to disabled. I could not get them to work. Maybe I need to post the code for them instead.

  • Hey thanks for the reply.

    Link to the logic

    The inventory and your squad setup needs to be the same as it was when you restart the game. Also when in the game layout where the battle is, the inventory needs to be like you set it in the Squad\inventory editor.

  • First of all I have limited funds so I cant spend tons of money at once. Looking to pay for each thing separate in steps. Payment for work is Guaranteed!

    Payment will be through Paypal.

    "Worms" like game with destructible terrain.

    What I need:

    SquadEditor\Inventory system. Needs to be able to save squads, change squads. Each unit needs to have their on inventory. Items need weight to adjust the time each unit has on its turn.

    After the Inventory is done there is more work to be done. Such as Multiplayer, so the inventory needs to be able to work with multiplayer in the future.

    Please post your price and we can talk.

    I will update the thread as I need more stuff.

  • Hello all,

    I Have been trying to make a inventory screen where I can select units in the squad and edit their inventory. It should save the Items\weapons in their Inventory for each game after until you edit it again. I have followed about 5 inventory tuts 2 that use arrays and I could not get them to work.

    So this is the last one I tried and it worked ... -no-arrays

    Is it possible to save the data of the inventory with that type of programming? If so how do I go about doing it?

    Here is what my SquadEditor\Inventory Screen looks like.

    One other problem I have with that Inventory is.. say I add one of the SMGs to weapon slot 1, Then remove it by Rclicking it in the weapon slot 1. If I try to add the same Smg to the same slot again then the Smg sprite does not show there In that slot. But say I instead added the Rocket launcher to weapon slot 1 after removing Smg then remove Rocket launcher from it, then add Smg to slot 1 again, it will appear. How can I make it show the graphic even if I deleted it from the same slot I am adding it to?

  • Just multiplayer buddy! I am not very good with programming and I have not found any good examples so far.

    OK so I found Rexrainbow's grid plugins, but I still am not sure how to use them yet.. going to look into it more but I dont think it will work for region\zones.

    Now since then I been trying to think how to make a region\zone based Turn based strategy.

    Look at pic below

    {OK I think I figured the problem below out!}

    So I have a circle sprite around the GREEN unit, And If it is touching a REGION Square sprite then you can move there, taking a movement point away from the unit.

    But You can also click the REGION Square you are already in, and waste move points(witch I dont want to happen)

    What should I do to get the desired results?

  • Hex grid or land regions,

    Players take turn at the same time, Then hit end turn\ and then see the out-come of the players choices?

  • I am not really good with programming but I tried your game out in firefox. It is looking good =] When I was in the battle screen I got the item menu up one time but after that it would never come up again, even after restarting the game. Also hitting run away did not let me run away =[

  • Hey there again, How is it coming along? I was going to ask you if you could help me with the attack with the sword! How close did you get it to be like a link to the past? Im asking because I started making my own adventure game in construct,(Unrelated to zelda) But I want the attack to feel like ALTTP's sword swing.

    You can message me back here or my email, chase.gwaltney@yahoo(DOT)com

    Thanks LaDestitute In advance!

  • Hi Ethan, I love your work so far! Id like to do the art for this game if you are interested? Email me at


    I cannot Pm you yet!

  • Hey Email me if you want I am an artist working on some games, but im not so good at programming. :{


    I cant PM you on here yet, not enough rep!

  • Looks really fun to play!

    Gfx are nice, music is superb! Are you using FL studio?

    Will be following your game.

    I am also making a side scrolling shooter like this! Your game really inspires me!

  • A Link to the Past is my favorite game of all times! Keep up the awesome work and I am sure you will get the combat right!

  • Hi, I emailed you.