TheInstance's Forum Posts

  • go to the layout editor.

    Add a sprite from the butterfly animation that in the folder with sprites i provided for this tutorial.

    Any of the butterfly sprites will do.

    Yes this gonna be an animation, but a simple basic one.

    Name it ******* yes i like little joke in my events.

    Bite my ***** hahahaha, oopz.

    Set width and hight to 20. It is a bit to big now, compared to the snake.

    Not that its gonna look realistic. But though ........

    Place it outside the layout canvas. We will bring it on screen by an event.

    Now we add animation.

    With **** selected, click the "animator" TAB on the organizer on the right.

    The Animator has two screen parts. On top you see the animations.

    Below the middle you see the sprites (frames) that make up the animation.

    On top you see "default" and a sub entry "angle:0�"

    "Default" is the name we will call the animation with in the events.

    In the animator "Default" acts as a folder, containing animations that match with the angle of the object.

    When we want to animate a walking man. We want him to have his nose to the right when he's walking to the right. This animation is different (mirrored) when he walks to the left, nose faced to the left.

    When u add an animation for 0�(faced right) and 180� (faced left), construct will automatically use the right animation when the angle of the object changes to left or rigtht.

    NOTE: You can mirror sprites by giving it a negative width (or hight) in its properties. Bet not to many people know this.

    But our animation will not change direction. It will not walk. The butterfly will just sit and wait patiently to be eaten by the snake.

    Told you, we will only use basic things in this game.

    So select the sub entry "angle: 0� attached to "default". (Yes you can change "default' to another name in the left properties pane, if it annoys you.)

    So select the sub entry "angle: 0� attached to "default".

    This is what actual is containing the animation frames.

    On the bottom part you will see one sprite, numbered 1. At the moment there is 1 frame in the animation. Right click it. Choose "import frames" from the contextual menu.

    The file explorer comes up. Point it to the folder containing all the butterfly's that i provided.

    Press CTRL+a to select them all. Or have your way clicking and selecting them all.

    Click open.

    Now you are confronted with a import wizard.

    I can not explain u everything in this wizard. I dont know it in depth yet. But there are not to many buttons and check boxes to figure it out, if you want to.

    For now, just click "import"

    The frames will be imported.

    And you can see them, and bring them in the picture editor by double clicking a frame.

    This why i say "one frame of an animation is also a sprite"

    The sprite is no more then a variable property of an object. This sprite will animate its face over time. And thats close to animate X over time. Same thing.

    Now with angle:0 still selected, change its speed in the properties on the left to 12.


    Initial its set on 50.

    To give you an idea about commonly used animation speeds :

    35 mm Cinema (the big movies) runs at 24 images / sec (a speed of 24)

    television in Europe runs at 25 full images / second

    in America thats 30 images / second

    Most .gif animations on the Internet are set to a speed of 12 images /second (most monitors are set to 60 hertz, and 60/12 gives a whole number)

    ok thats enough for now. Lets bring the butterfly with an event in the layout, and lets get it eaten by the snake.

  • Actual, its funny to see that snake walk backwards.

    But, it has to go.

    Lets first analyze "backwards" ..

    The snake can not change direction to the right when we are all ready going left. = backwards.

    Not left when currently going right.

    Not up when currently going down.

    Not down when currently going up.

    When is the snake going right ? How do we know ?

    Well, when X_head = 10

    We go left when X_head = -10

    We go up when Y_head = -10

    and down when Y_head = 10

    When do we change direction ?

    Well when the corresponding key is pressed.

    So we just have to link the keys with a condition to X/Y_head variables.

    Lets add conditions based on this to the key inputs.

    STOP ! you yell. You said no conditions to key inputs.

    I meant, no conditions to key inputs on top of them. They will slow them down. And the event sheet looks like a mess.

    Key board and mouse detection conditions are triggers. Currently in construct they dont act as triggers yet.

    A trigger will pause the execution of events, run the action and sub events under a trigger condition, and when done with them, return in the events sheet where it paused.

    I am sure this will be implemented some day in construct. Therefor, today already i threat triggers as triggers.

    Rule 1: triggers will always be the first event in a tree.

    So lets add conditions to the keyboard triggers to LIMIT execution of its actions.

    NOT on top of the key conditions to limit the key inputs.

    You are allowed to place hundredths of sub_events under the key conditions, just not 1 on top.

    Select the condition "on key Right".

    Right click choose "insert new conditon"

    step1: object = vault

    step2: condition = "Compare a private variable"

    step3: private variable = X_head / comparison is "not equal to" / value = 10


    Now lets *lazy edit*

    Ctrl + drag that condition into every "on key" condition.

    then double click copy by copy to edit the conditions.

    Key left

    private variable = X_head / comparison is "not equal to" / value = -10

    key up

    private variable = Y_head / comparison is "not equal to" / value = 10

    key down

    private variable = Y_head / comparison is "not equal to" / value = -10

    Run all

    Yup, this is right. eh ?

    <img src="">

    In next post we bring in the pray for this hungry little snake.

  • Here i go again.

    Add 4 Private variables to the object vault.

    X_to, number, 0

    Y_to, number, 0

    X_from, number, 0

    Y_from, number, 0

    go to the events editor.

    First we have to store the Position of the Head in variables before it moves to a new place.

    This has nothing to do with the X_head and Y_head variables we made earlier.

    They are not holding a position. The head will never be positioned at 0,-10.

    X_head and Y_head are holding "relative values"

    Relative values have not much meaning by there own. They relate to something. They only get a meaning by adding them to a absolute value. Like we added them to the Head's position to move the Head 10 pixels.

    The Values we use to remember Heads old position are absolute value's.

    We gonna store Heads X and Y in the variables X_to and Y_to. Because thats what the first body will jump to.

    So locate the comment "move head"

    there is the condition "every 100 milliseconds" and its sub condition always.

    Easier then adding a new sub tree to all this...

    is again go by the *lazy editing* way.

    Duplicate the always sub-event.

    Now you have a duplicate of the event and its actions. And on the right branch in the tree.

    We need to store the variables before the Head moves.

    So, delete the actions behind the first "always" sub event.

    And we are ready to code.

    hit new action behind the first "always" sub event.

    Step1: self object = Vault

    Step2: action = set value

    step3: parameters: private variable = X_to / value = Head.X


    Yes, Head.x not .x The self where "." refers to is Vault in this action not Head

    Duplicate that action.

    Double click it.

    step3: Private variable = Y_to / value = Head.Y


    There, now we we always know where the Head was before it moved.

    Now lets snap the first body to that position.

    Locate the comment "move body"

    Double click the "always" event under it.

    Automatically you land in step2 of the events wizard. Thats because "always" has no parameters. Another, you probably think coincidental, reason to make a structure with comments and "always"'s before starting to code. I will try always to start a tree of events with a flow condition.

    step2: condition : For Each Object (ordered)

    step3: parameters : select Body as object (its a pick condition) / Order expression = Body.UID /

    Mode = Ascending


    Body.UID and not .UID because its a condition, conditions dont know "selfs", only actions do.

    what is the property UID ? it stands for Unique ID. Every object, made in the layout editor or/and made by events, will get an Unique ID, a number. The first made object will have a lower UID then the second made object. Not necessarily 1 and 2. But for sure ascending.

    For Each Object (ordered) is a pick condition.

    It well run trough the instances of the object chosen in the parameters step. One by one. And feed this instance as picked (one by one) to its sub-events and actions.

    It will do that in an order and direction you told it to do.

    In this case, it will pick the instances of the object Body. One by one, and feed them one by one to the sub-events and actions we gonna make for it.

    It acts as a Loop. And it will adjust its end to the count of instances for Body in this layout. In other words, we can add as many instances of the object body on runtime as it pleases us, the "For Each" will just adjust and take into account all instances.

    Now well the condition is in place. Now it needs actions.

    First we will store the position of the currently picked instance of Body in a variable. Before we move it.

    Lets *lazy edit* . Under the events moving the head u see the action

    Vault Set 'X_to' to Head 0 .X

    Duplicate it by CTRL + dragging it to the actions of the "For each" we are working on

    Double click the copy.

    step3: parameters: private variable = X_from / value is Body.x (self = Vault)


    Duplicate that action.

    Double click it

    step3: parameters: private variable = Y_from / value = Body.y


    There thats that.

    Now we stored its position, we can move the currently picked Body instance.

    click new action.

    step1: self = Vault

    step2: action = set x

    step3: parameters: it will be an expression.

    double click Vault in the expressions guide

    double click the expression "get private variable"

    Body.Value('Variable name') will be filled in (you can of course type all that too)

    change it to Vault.Value('X_to')


    Duplicate the action.

    double click

    click one step back to step2

    step2: action = set Y (select, and click next)

    step3: ahh that expression is still here, just change X_to in Y_to

    finish ...

    Now all we have to do is change point of view from the current picked instance of Body, to the point of view for the next instance the pick-condition will pick.

    For the next instance, the X_from will be the X_to. So all we have to do is store the value of X_from into X_to (same for Y)

    X_from is where the previous instance jumped from, and the point the next instance will jump to.

    Lets *lazy edit* this.

    Duplicate the "Vault Set 'X_to" and the Vault Set 'Y_to' actions from the "move head" events to the place of actions that we are working at.

    Double click the "Body: set 'X_to" action (2 actions back under this event)

    Copy the expression in it ( Vault.Value('X_to') )

    click cancel or finish

    double click the first duplicated action. the one that sets the X_to

    step3: just paste the clipboard content in the value. And change X_to in X_from


    A computer is made to copy and paste, and for nothing else !!!

    double click the second duplicated action.

    step3: just paste the clipboard content in the value. and change X_to into Y_from


    note: every time i make an expression, i will trow it in my clipboard. Usually turns out to be handy.

    Run all to check. And it looks like a big mess. And theoretical. The math is right.

    Most beginners stop here. At this point. (or at the next problem).

    And yet, there error is easy.

    We forgot the "every 100 milliseconds" condition. In other words .. Head and body run out of sync.

    Aha !!!

    OK lets sync them up. Add a another ""every 100 milliseconds" condition" ?


    lets not do that.

    Just drag the event tree with the "For each" loop up, under the second always that moves the head, and on the same tree level.

    Delete the "move body" comment.

    Edit the "move head" comment to "move head and body"

    there, run all again.

    Perfect!!!! Only a snake can not move backwards, lol. oh thats easy solved.

    And we will in next post.

    Here is how the events should look, if you ran in a problem, compare with is picture.

    Maybe it was my english, or you forgot a detail somewhere. So check up with this.

    <img src="">

    I do not want to post the .cap. Because i really need you to type and click all this.

    Else it is no tutorial. sorry ?

  • LOL .. i hit the windows shortcut for page back in IE explorer at almost the end of my next post. LOL .. all gone .. LOL .. *hits head* I need to start writing this outside IE. But all my other spell checkers are DUTCH talking !!!! LOL.

    Oh btw this IE plug in containing this spell checker is just plain awesome.

    Google for IEpro.

    I actual love this plug in.

    Well, i got to start over. First will be dinner.

  • Its a simple game. We will use the same sprite for the body as we use for the head.

    But while the head gets straight directions from the players input, the body get its directions from the head. It will just follow the head.

    There for we need a totally new object for the body.

    The most simple way to do this would be cloning the head. But in the current construct release, when u copy an object and past it back as clone, the copy will like random jump allover the layout.

    Like everywhere except on the place you told it to be. Even far outside the canvas.

    At least, thats what it does on my computer, and i think it will also do so on yours.

    The clone command is a little obsolete anyway, less you have no access to the original sprite.

    Because, bringing the sprite again into the layout as a new object is exactly the same as cloning it.

    Besides ofcourse, when you want to change the sprites, you will have to in both objects.

    Well lets do this.

    Add a new sprite to the layout from the "dot.png" that i provided.

    Give it the name "body".

    position it at exact x = 325 / y = 225. (again positioned according the grid of our little world)

    Lets start out with 3 body parts.

    So copy body twice, to make 3 instances in total.

    Position instance 2 at x= 325 / y = 215

    Position instance 3 at x= 325 / y = 205

    Now we have a vertical row of dots. The bottom dot is the Head. The other 3 are instances of the body.

    To translate the movement of the body in events, we do need to understand the movement.

    Let me try to visualize the movement inside 1 tick for you and for myself.

    1 tick is the execution of 1 complete events sheet, remember ?

    Lets also forget the Y movement for a minute to simplify.

    Step 00

    <img src="">

    The *rest situation" we start from.

    The head will move to the left.

    <img src="">

    Leaving an open spot. We want the body part to jump to that position, where the Head was.

    In other words, we need to store the position of the head in a variable BEFORE it jumps to its new position. So we can Jump the body to the stored variable.

    <img src="">

    Lets call that variable X_to. Since its the place the body will Jump_to.

    <img src="">

    Now the next body will jump to the place where this body was just a moment ago. So we also need to store the place the first body is coming from in a variable.

    <img src="">

    Lets call it X_from. Standing in the shoes of the first body, its X_from.

    Standing in the shoes of the next body its X_to.

    We will need to make a loop that runs trough all instances of the body. When the loop starts with the second body part, we will have to store the X_from into the X_to. = Change point of view from the first body to the next body.

    <img src="">

    i have to post this, to check it what i wrote with the pictures. And to use it myself as guide for coding the events.


    I do think though, that most games have there own routines to route user input a "non windows" way. There for macro and scripting will fail on most games.

  • I can not add this to the wiki,

    for several reasons.

    For one, my english looks childish and foolish.

    For two, ik take a very personal aproach to some things. And i am aware that they can not be the official statement of the makers of construct. The way i aproach pick-conditions and flow-conditions could even be contraversial.

    For 3, There is, besides showing the great things and calling them great, also honest critic on the program, i think there is no place for that in the wiki.

    for 4, some critic is only true for the current release, every new release seems to tackle more and more on my critical points.

    For that last reason, any wiki will be made to soon, maybe.

    Although i desperatly miss guides on how to use the things in the present wiki.

    There is a good wiki about expressions, but it laks the essential info on how to acess the expressions.

    There is a wiki about conditions, but neither the pick-conditions are explained, and its lacking the essential guide on how to copy, select events, select conditions, actions, move them, delete them, and so on ...

    I still do not know how to use containers. If i make a container containing 2 objects, and move one, the other stays in place. And yet i feel that containers are essential.

    I dont understand yet the "include event" thingy. Although it should make a lot things easyer.

    Look at the *dumb* way i just copied event sheets to differend layouts in my pac-man example.


    for 5, i dont know for sure that i choose the best solutions in my explinations yet ! There for it can not be in the wiki.

    But i do think that structure, the flow, the order i bring new things in that post is right. I do think that it is correct to start with the system object and its flow conditions. move to basical movemet by behaviours, move to pick-conditions and so on .....

    So yes i do think some one can take it as base to write a practical wiki.

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  • [quote:zkggwtuc]where PickedObjects is not the name of the PickedObjects but a token

    Glad that i am finaly not the only one asking for this.

  • Yes there is something to solve, but we do that after we made a body for the snake.

    But before we go there, i have something so say.

    About the key input events, or and mouse input events.

    We have them now nicely added, visible, and easy accessible on top of the events sheet.

    Thats a good practice.

    Do not attach conditions to user inputs. How faster the game reacts on user input, how faster it feels.

    Do not not bury the user inputs deep in a event tree. For the same reason, and also for another reason.

    If you share .caps in here. Then remind that there are left handed and right handed people.

    Usually you do not share complete games here. Including options for changing keys.

    Mostly they lack instructions on how to play the game, which keys to use.

    Most left handed people i see use the AQSD keys in stead of the arrow keys. Its handier for them.

    Do not act as u are alone on the world. Make the user inputs clear and visible, readable and editable.

    So anyone you share .caps with in here, can easy read what keys are used for, and edit them according there needs.

    there ! .. now lets give the head a body. But that is for tomorrow.

  • Add the sprite "info" from the last posted file.

    Place it outside the canvas of the layout.

    Name it "Vault". Size it if you feel its to big.

    add 2 private variables to it

    X_head, number, 0

    Y_head, number, 0

    Now we are set to take a new start.

    back to the events editor.

    Double click the action. Click back till we are in the first wizard step. (lazy editing )

    step1: self object = Vault

    step2: action = set value

    step3:parameters .. private variable = X_head .. value = 10


    You see the eye catching thumbnail ? Much better then a black dot.

    now we "lazy edit" some more

    CTRL + drag the action under itself to copy it. I do advice to not use copy / paste short keys in present version of construct when dealing with actions. Sometimes the copy shows up on a random place in the events. If you have all events but the one you work on collapsed, then suddenly your

    game is messed up, and u dont know why. Using CTRL dragging to copy actions.

    double click the copy.

    we land allready in step3.

    change X_head to Y_head

    change value 10 to 0


    Lazy but fast. And more of this.

    Select the on key event. (line 2 in the sheet). The event, not the condition. (E-spot)

    They whole tree will go selected.

    press CTRL+c, press CTRL+v

    Now we have a copy of the event, including the actions.

    Double click the condition in the copied event. Automatically we land in step3 in the wizard.

    Change the right arrow to left arrow.


    Change the X_head value directly in the action line, by clicking the value 10.

    Change it to - 10

    The value stored in Y-head stays the same 0.

    Do the same for up and down arrow keys. (copy event, change condition, change values)

    the values for the up arrow will be

    X_head 0

    Y_head -10

    the values for the down arrow will be

    X_head 0

    Y_head 10

    Do you see how fast you can code ? make events ? edit events in construct ?

    This is another reason why i like it so much.

    Now we translated directions, given by a key, directly to X and Y changes.

    All we have to do know is move the head's position + the changes

    right click the always event under the "move head" comment.

    Add an "always" sub event.

    give the sub event an action.

    step1: self object = head

    step2: action = set X

    step3: parameters ... click the vault object in the expressions guide .. click the expression "get private variable" ... change the 'Variable name' to 'X_head' ..

    so its Vault.Value('X_head')

    add .X + in front of that .. so it is

    .X + Vault.Value('X_head')


    note to ashley : it would be nice if the wizard preselects the Variable name, would be very nice.

    Copy the action.

    Double click the copy

    Click back to step 2 of the wizard. Select "Set Y" as action.

    Click next. The expression is still there, just change X_head to Y_head and .X to .Y

    And we can run and test.

    Hey that works. But OMG, that snake is fast.

    Lets slow it down.

    Double Click the TOP "always" condition in the event that moves the Head.

    it brings up the events wizard.

    click back to step 2 of it.

    step2: Choose "every X milliseconds as" condition

    step3: change the default value 1000 to 100 (hundred)

    DO you Understand NOW why i want you to open each tree of events with a "always" condition ?

    Its easier to edit, organize 1 condition, then to add a level of events to a tree.

    And the structure stays correct.

    run all .. and ..

    is this better ?

    there is something else to solve though.

  • Carefully choose how to store your variables is half way the game.

    So lets point a few things out.

    The snake will have only 1 head. We do not have to deal with instance having each a different X and Y. So we could use a global variable.


    Global variables do not reset when recalling the layout. And we will offer the player when he dies, to replay the game. And thats no more then recalling the layout.

    I do not want to worry about resetting those variables. So Private it will be.

    Now is the Question, which object is gonna hold this private variable ?

    The snakes head? The sprite for the snakes head is a black dot. The body sprites will have the same sprite.

    A small version of the sprites, thumbnails, will be present in the events. Adding to readability.

    But if every call to a variable will be presented with a black dot. Thats too much of the same,

    and certainly not adding to the readability of the event sheet.

    In fact this is true for every game/project. I like my events to read nice. There for i will bring in different objects just to group, organize and store certain private variables. Those objects will have eye catching sprites, just to improve readability of the events.

    There is a perfect sprite for that purpose in here

    download, decompress somewhere handy.

    Many times people told me, thats a wasted object.

    An object that brings law and order is never a wasted object.

  • I just could tell you what to do without trial and error.

    But, ahhhh thats boring. So lets error and distillate little lessons out the errors.

    Time to dive in the events editor. You should have the structure with comments and "always" events.

    If not, then go back and do it. Takes one minute.

    Now double click the "always" condition (C-spot) under the "keyboard" comment.

    The events wizard shows up.

    Click back to the first step of the wizard. This is what i call "lazy editing".

    Step1: object = mouse & keyboard

    Step2: condition = on key pressed

    step3: parameters: click under "key" to access the drop down menu with keys. Choose "right arrow"


    Add an action to this.

    Step1: self object = Head

    Step2: action = Set X

    Step3: parameters = .x + 10 (respect the spaces, and do not forget the dot)

    set x position of self + 10 pixels, every time the player will press the right arrow key

    Run it, and try it out.

    Yes that movement is right. But. Hmmm.

    A snake in a snake game keeps moving, and will change direction according the pressed key.

    This snake will stop moving when no arrow key is pressed.

    Well then we are taking the wrong approach. No disaster.

    Lets rethink this.

    This means we need 2 events.

    One to keep moving the Head.

    One to catch Keys pressed and feed the changes to the directions of the head.

    To do this we will need to store the keystrokes in a variable.

    Or, we feed the X and Y of the head from a variable, changed according the directions by the keystrokes.

    Lets choose for the last option.

    But ? what kind of variable .. private ? or Global. And if private, which object its gonna hold it ?

    Answers and theory in next post.

  • k.

    ** growwwling at myself for not copying the text before posting as i always do ***

    Lets add the main actor. The snakes Head. But before we do that,

    there is a question to answer.

    What Z-order will the snakes head flow trough the game ?

    Z-order is no more then then this :

    When 2 object overlap ? which object will show in front of the other?

    The object that shows in front has the highest Z-order.

    Thats all !

    We want the Head to move in front of almost every other object.

    This can be simple accomplished by using Layers.

    I introduced u already to the left properties plane. Now let me introduce you to the right organize plane. The right plane is to organize things.

    This if you still have construct in the original interface layouts.

    On the right you find TABS for:

    Project: to organize the layouts and there event sheets.

    Animator: to organize sprites into animations.

    Resources: to organize application specific resources.


    Layers: to organize .. well .. layers and there objects ... and easy Z-orders.

    If one of those is not showing, then simply activate by clicking Home in the top menu, and the button on the ribbon for the missing organizer.

    Note: layers have an internal Z-order too, but i am not gonna go there at this moment.

    Click the Tab "layers".

    The layer pane has 3 parts. On top the layers and there commands. On bottom a list of the objects.

    And in the middle a filter to show certain objects in function to the selected layer.

    We have only one layer so far. And on that layer *lays* the grid object.

    Lets add another layer. Click the green up arrow on top.

    <img src="">

    The up arrow adds a layer a layer on top of all the existing layers. Easy as that.

    The Z-order of the layers is "top - down". The higher positioned layer will be in front of all underlaying layers.

    Select the top layer.

    Add the sprite "dot.png" to the layout. It will be automatically placed on the selected layer.

    In this case the top layer. So it will always display on top of other objects.

    TIP: If you plan to make hundreds of objects in a big project with many many layers. Then immediately add a private variable to every object you bring into a layer. Name it like "Z-order" and give it as initial value the number of the layer. Now we do not have to remember what layer the object is when we spawn it in events. And it will be such a big help when we copy/past events to "lazy edit" them as base for the next event. : )

    OK, back to the head. Name it Head. Always name your objects.

    Place it in the middle of the layout.

    Then edit the X and Y in the properties, so they end on a 5.

    Thats in the middle of our 10 based grid.

    X = 325 will do, Y = 235 will do.

    The head will move according keys pressed by the player.

    On arrow up key pressed the Head needs to move up. Same for left, right and down keys pressed.

    To use the keyboard this way, we need an additional object.

    Double click an empty place to add an object, and choose "mouse & keyboard" from the "new objects" wizard. A flashing message will confirm that it is added.

    Dont look for it in the layout. It is a faceless object. Its has no sprite attached, just like the system object. You can see it in the layers pane on the right though.

  • blahhhhhhhhhhh .. it logged me out before post was done .. got to type it all over

  • Most people start out constructing with

    setting up the unmovable part of the environment of the game

    that interacts with "the player", in the layout editor.

    Say that again ?

    The environment that interacts with the player, as there are ...

    a maze (like in pac-man)

    a platform (like in Donkey Kong)

    grass, buildings, rivers (like in rts games)


    Then they start exploring and coding the sensors/dedectors.

    Those are like the eyes of the player object to sense the environment.

    Then they attach the player object to the sensors.

    Then they explore/code the other objects that move, like monsters, enemys, moving deadtraps ....

    Artificial intelligence ...

    Then they do things as score, layout changes, level changes, dead situations .....

    Thats a very rough description, every game is different.

    Our game is simple.

    Its environment is no more then 1 sprite. And none of the moving objects will interact with it. Its just a visual grid, that helps the player to orientate.

    So, or do the things explained in the previous post, or if you did this already and saved it ...

    bring it up in construct.

    Add a sprite, and choose "raster.png" from the sprites that i provided.

    Name it, and for once you are free in what name you use.

    Position it at exact x = 320 and y= 240.

    Give it an opacity of 5%

    And that is all that we will do with this object.

    So lets lock it away, so we can not accidental move it, not even select it, thats annoying anyway.

    To do this ..

    Select it, right click and choose under hide/lock .. "lock selection".

    You can try to select it now, and you cant no more.

    Also, we will not use this object in events, and not in actions. So lets hide it for the wizards.

    This keeps the list of objects small in the wizards. And thats a real time boost in developing a game.

    To do this,

    untoggle "show in editors" under the common properties.

    Thats our environment. I said it would be a simple game.

    We do not need sensors for this game. I will explain sensors in depth later. Thats a promiss.