TheDarkImperial's Forum Posts

  • Do someone have Experience or a Solution for this Problems ?

  • How make a Boss for my Plattform Game. How create a Lifebar that going shorter if i hit the Boss. Also how make Attacks for him ? Which Behavirous i need that he shoot a Wall of Bullets,shoot random in all directions or start moving to your last Position ? My Problem is that i don't know really how to start

  • I have try my App that i have export with cocoonjs. Looks like that i failed with Resolution and also the Perfomance is like 3 Fps per second. How set the Resolution correctly that its always fullscreen and Rotate if you rotate your mobilephone ? Also how it looks like with Effects ? I use some effects. Glow,Noise and Blur. Additive Blendmode and own effect, every tick it create a Trail for the Player. What can i do ?

  • Yes, as far as I know all is fine with the latest version of C2... I had that physics issue with a previous C2 release.

    Have you tried running your game in .zip format using Ludei's launcher app?

    Thank you It's okay,i have fix it.

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  • How make Deathcounter with Webstorage. I just need a Deathcounter that count simply and if you restart the Game. The Deaths are saved.

    How make a Turret that spray needles/bullets in 8 directions. I mean he should spray 8 needles up/down/left/right and diagonal at the same time every 1-2 seconds.

  • Mhm all of those should be working fine.

    Pretty hard to tell whats wrong then without an example of your capx.

    i can send you if you take a look ?

    Do you have Skype,Youtubechannel ? Because i can't send privat message here.

  • Pretty much the opposite may be the case. Are you using plugins that are not supported by cocoonjs?

    which one aren't compatible ? Is there a list or something. I use glow,noise,light,ctrshader,chroma effect and blendmode additive.

    Plugins included in my capx: Audio, Browser, CocoonJS, Keyboard, Mouse, Touch, Webstorage.

  • After i got my File and test it. My Loader Layout don't continue anymore,it should just preload one musicfile. Are there Plugins that i need maybe or i forget to do something after export with

  • So i can use every Feature of Construct 2 for mobile apps ? Is All compatible ?

  • I dont use any Physic

  • My Mobile App for Android don't load. I made it with cocoonjs. After i get the apk. File and put it on my Phone. My Loading Screen which preload a Music file don't load and Continue the Game anymore. What i did wrong ? Are there Plugins or Effects that aren't compatible with Phones ? I started with Infiniterunner template,was that wrong ?

  • I made a Game that i want Upload to Google Play Store. I also want include promotion. How exactly Do that ? How Export to apk ?

  • so you don't want overlapping at offset you just want overlapping ?

    So i don'T really know the diffirents ^^

    I use now only overlapping for my 32x32 Solid Block. But i want that only 24x24 of the Block count as playerkiller. How do that ?

  • try to just offset on the x not on the y (i.e. you are only interested in x (left and right) not in the y (up and down))

    i figured it out, just set x and y to 0 ... Now it works how i want,but thank you for your help.

  • I have created appearing and disappering Blocks like here

    [(] at 01:53

    Now i want that my Char die if he stuck in the block,if the block turn on. How set the overlapping offset right? I set X -10 and Y -10. But if i touch the Block on the Bottom or Left Side the collision is normal and i die. It works only on Right and on the Top side. How set it correctly ?