tetuan's Forum Posts

  • Hi,

    Does anybody have the pdf maker plugin?

    The link to download is not working.. It would be great if someone shares it again... thanks

  • thanks a lot, it really works

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Ok I got it this way...


    $servername = "localhost";

    $username = "tetuan_construct";

    $password = "constructconstruct";

    $dbname = "tetuan_construct2";

    // Create connection

    $conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

    // Check connection

    if (!$conn) {

    die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());


    if(isset($_GET['name']) && isset($_GET['score']) && isset($_GET['user']) && isset($_GET['idno'])){

    $name = $_GET['name'];

    $score = $_GET['score'];

    $user = $_GET['user'];

    $idno = $_GET['idno'];


    $sql = "UPDATE scores SET user='$user',score='$score',name='$name' WHERE id=$idno";

    if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {

    echo "Record updated successfully";

    } else {

    echo "Error updating record: " . mysqli_error($conn);




  • I use this edit code, but it doesnt work:


    $db = "tetuan_construct2";//Your database name

    $dbu = "tetuan_construct";//Your database username

    $dbp = "constructconstruct";//Your database users' password

    $host = "localhost";//MySQL server - usually localhost

    $dblink = mysqli_connect($host,$dbu,$dbp,$db);


    $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($dblink,$_GET['id']);

    $result = mysqli_query($mysqli, "UPDATE scores SET name='$name',user='$user',score='$score' WHERE id=$id");


    echo 'Success';


    echo 'Error';



    echo "Add ?name=NAME_HERE&score=1337 to the tags.";




  • Hi, I can add to my game data to mysql with the code below, but I need help on how to edit published data by using id number,

    I couldn't create the php code to edit the data by id number? I really need help...


    $db = "tetuan_construct2";//Your database name

    $dbu = "tetuan_construct";//Your database username

    $dbp = "constructconstruct";//Your database users' password

    $host = "localhost";//MySQL server - usually localhost

    $dblink = mysqli_connect($host,$dbu,$dbp,$db);


    $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($dblink,$_GET['name']);

    $sql = mysqli_query($dblink, "INSERT INTO `$db`.`scores` (`id`,`name`) VALUES ('','$name');");


    echo 'Success';


    echo 'Error';



    echo "Add ?name=NAME_HERE&score=1337 to the tags.";




  • Hi, I made my second game, which is a hex puzzle game grouped under different themes.The task is to search the hidden words in our hex blocks under the topic title and challenge to find the words.

    I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK on the game...


    Online: http://word-in-sentence.com/hex-game/

  • Hi,

    I created my admob ads using CordovaAdmob and published my app through phonegap, and

    everything works fine except one thing:

    Ads are always shown in the testing mode even if I disable testing mode?

    Any ideas or solutions? thanks

  • Hi,

    I have 10 sprite instances and they have "choose" instance variable, which is 0 value.

    When I touch one of them, "choose" instance var becomes "1" and I can move it to the target.

    Everything is okay up to here..

    But I want to know this:

    Let's say I touched one sprite instance and it gets the value"1", but later I change my mind and I want to move an another sprite instance.

    How can I reset previous one's value to "0"when I touch the new one?

    Any way?

  • hi, I tried to do it by adding a new array for found words. Please look at it..


  • Hi, I want to place 4 sprites on four positions randomly without overlapping.

    x y cordinates:

    100-130, 160-130,

    130-180, 190-180

    How can I do it?

  • Hi Tetuan. I love the idea of your game, I'm sure there will be kids who would enjoy the challenge.

    A few crits:

    1 - You need to work on the presentation a little - it looks like a program/app from the 90's.

    2 - I found that if you type too fast the game doesn't respond (I know it's aimed at kids but the game should still be able to cope with fast typing)

    3 - Maybe add full screen ability

    Thank for your crits. I hope I will make a new version with better visual effects.

  • Hi

    I am preparing an app which will contain hundreds of videos.

    I cannot put all the videos in the app because of the large download size.

    I want the app download the videos the user clicks on through internet from a website,

    into an file in the user device

    and not download again when the user click in a second time?

    Can I do it with c2 and how? Thanks

  • Hi,

    I've just finished my first game in my life with the Construct2.

    Thanks to the creators of this platform for such an amazing program.

    This "English Spelling Game" has been designed for teaching students English Spelling in a competitive game.

    I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK on the game...


  • I mean the letters of the word "wonderful" will touch each other;

    the user can follow the the letters in a correct path " w - o -n - d - e -r-f-u-l" on a continuous touch.