Tenshi's Forum Posts

  • Very useful, thanks !

    But... you forgot to set up the Visible/Invisible function <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Even if the layout is turned invisible, the checkbox remains visible !

  • Thanks :)

  • Thanks :)

    The music is not mine of course ;) (it came from Last Exile, an anime)

    Autoshoot is good to free one of your fingers. Usually in this type of shmup, the fire key is always pressed down, which is imho a nonsense : if it's always down, delete the key and put autofire when enemies are on screen.

    Now you can use fingers to make something else. Like this game got already 4 buttons in addition to arrows, I think it's enough for the left hand. :)

    There are some left/right movement enemies, try segments 7, 8 and 9 ;)

    I'll add more type of enemies in the future, some making zigzags, making translations like space invaders, coming from back, teleporting,

    etc., and a boss every 10 segments (that's why the game is actually finished at segment 10, because I have to make first boss).

    I plan to make 100 segments, with a non-game-speed-influenced timer for speedrunners.

    On first time, score was on ships, that's indeed nicer. But I moved it on bottom/right to not overflow the readability of the game : the less informations on playing field you got, the more you can see what's important (like lasers and enemies).

    Maybe I can make an option to switch between 2 modes, for people who wants it nicer and people who don't want be bothered. =)

  • Thanks :)

  • Thanks to those wonderful program, community and manual section, here's my first game =)


    Ok, that's not the best game ever, it's not finished at all and I'm working on it for less than 1 week. I plan to make waaaaay more segments, with boss fights, and maybe some dialogues for story.

    Bugs, errors, english mistakes... leave a comment ! (or leave your score ;))

    Arrow : Move

    S : Increases game speed to 200% (consumes a Time Capsule)

    D : Decreases game speed to 50% (if game speed is 150% or over, creates a Time Capsule)

    F : Bed of Razors (consumes a Time Capsule)

    E : Activate Auto-Missile (consumes a Time Capsule on activation, disabled when struck)

  • Hi,

    When I use the "Take snapshot of canvas" action (and open image in a new tab), all the textboxes, listboxes and comboboxes aren't here. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Is it normal ? How to take a snapshot of all objects in the layout ?

    Thanks !

  • That's awesome, thanks for the mod.

    But include "->On select" event would be the greatest thing ever ! :)

    (In fact "->On click on line" and "->On click on any line")

    Edit : Here's a bug :

    On the Listbox, if you add lines, then delete some of them, the add more of them, ID is messing up. Selecting a line to delete it will delete the line(s) above.

    A little spamming of that process will result in this error :

    Javascript error!
    TypeError: this.elem.options[i] is undefined
    http://localhost:50000/ComboBox_plugin.js, line 387 (col undefined)
    This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!

    I presume that's why there's a "Reattribute IDs" action ? ;)

    Edit2 :

    A "Permute" or "Switch" action would also be great ;)

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  • Yup, thanks.

    Don't worry, it was clear with your first post and everything works fine ;)

  • I red this, but I'm not english and I didn't understood what was the "count" parameter (which is, in fact, totally obvious...).

    I thought "mid" was for counting the number of characters in a string from a point. ^^"

    Thanks for answering my stupid question. Now I presume I understand how Left and Right expressions works.

  • Hi,

    Someone knows how I can get the value of a specific digit in an integer or string ?

    (for exemple the first one, the last one, or even the 3rd one)

    Thanks ;)

  • It would be more efficient as checking all events first and then if conditions of some are met, execute respective actions.

    So order wouldn't have any impact, it's usually like that every software of this type are working. ;)

    But of course it wokrs with "else". ;)

  • Hi,

    Here is the thing :

    <img src="http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/2852/blehfc.png" border="0" />

    On this situation, X works only to setting FireMode to 0, but not to 1.

    If I start the game (FireMode set to 1), pressing X set it to 0. If I press it again, nothing happens.

    If I start the game (FireMode set to 0), nothing happens while pressing X.

    If I use 2 separate keys on each event, for exemple X and V, it's working.

    If I invert events 14 and 15, the problem is inverted.

    Same problem with "On a key released".

    What's wrong with that ?

    I presume Construct is triggering both events 14 and 15 in a row on a single key press, in that case it would be a bug. Only one should be triggered.

  • Un nouveau fran�ais dans la communaut�

  • Thx for help, i'll try.

    (Yeah sorry about that, i see after that i was in wrong topic :/)

  • Heya,

    I'm trying to rotate my "screen" during game (a specific layer in fact).

    I tried to deal with "Set layer angle" and "Set display angle" actions triggered by time events ("timer is equal to X" and "Every X milliseconds"), but nothing happen... is there something wrong ?

    Now about zoom, i tried to bind zoom option with mouse wheel like that :

    On mouse wheel up -> Set Layer 1 zoom ratio to (LayerZoomX(1)+1, LayerZoomY(1)+1)

    On mouse wheel down -> Set Layer 1 zoom ratio to (LayerZoomX(1)-1, LayerZoomY(1)-1)

    But it don't work.

    I tried with Zoom Offset, but my Construct got a bug :

    I've got 3 elements in the form :

    Layer Name or Number

    X Ratio

    Y Ratio

    The problem is : Construct use the "Layer Name or Number" instead of "X Ratio"

    So, when i fill form like this :

    Layer Name or Number : 1

    X Ratio : LayerZoomX(1)+1

    Y Ratio : LayerZoomY(1)+1

    It gives : "Set Layer 1 zoom offset to (1, LayerZoomY(1)+1)" !