TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • You have missed nothing Tonycrew... Telles0808 is either being rude or lost. The name of the game is "Maze Manor" not maniac mansion here is the link again so there is no confusion.

    It's called Maze Manor and it's on the Google Chrome store. Just do a search for "Maze Manor" or here is a direct link:

    WOps, my fault, this is the wrong topic and I have no idea of how my post was placed here...

    The right topic for my reply was

    But this is my fault because I didn't noticed this after posting.....

  • Ashley, I was trying to reproduce a Adventure game using C2, but it was difficult because the lack of options around Z order, when you're doing "perspective worlds".

    I think Our next big spot (or behavior) need to have some focus in that Z Ordering things, but that's another talk, for another hour ^^

    About the Maniac Mansion, You can play it inside the The Day of The Tentacle, inside a bedroom, on that old computer looking like a CP500 ^^

  • Don't miss, you can use Families with the full version. Using Families you can put your monster all inside it and only check the overlapping of that Families.

  • I think the most simple way to achieve your request is using a transparent sprite bigger than your Player gadget, pinned, so, check if this sprite is overlapping what you want, because if you start to check each distance, your game will slow down a bit.

    Doing your second request:

    Wasps is overlapping the transparent sprite:

    Change his sprite for Flying;

    Move for where your want (use SIN for natural movements, or in line, just checking the Player position and then making his trace route for there), setting X and Y (click inside that second window and select the player, then, select the Player.X and Player.Y);

    I think if you wish make them go to the player, you'll need make the Wisps a little bit dizzy on the path, or they will run directly to the player, making his movement unnatural.

  • I have installed and sometimes I like to play around Monkey Island I, II, III, Sam and Max, The Dig, Full Throttle, Gabriel Knife, Zork the Nemesis, 7Sins, The day of the tentacle, and much others ^^

    Nice find!

  • I was using R76 when it happen, updating to R78, it don't happen anymore.

  • my vicious in WOW is killing my social life and free time =(

  • Ashley, if he export the game using the "Minify script (recommended)" checking box checked, the game wouldn't be accepted.

  • If possible, it can be implemented in the future?

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  • So true ^^

    I'll figure out your tip =]

  • Hello Ashley,

    I would like to suggest something like the On Wall trigger.

    What about a trigger to check when a gadget hit a solid?

    Practical application. When the player project hit a solid or a phisic object, splash or explode, otherwise you'll need to check what it's colliding with the player.

    Actually, when you draw the scenario with many type of solids, like grounds, walls, ceiling, you'll have a huge work doing each collision detection for each type of wall.

  • is not redirecting properly (without the http://www.)

    When you try, it redirect you to scirra.comforum

    missing a diagonal bar.

  • Happen to me many times. It forced to start saving different file names with revisions:

    Here, if I save the project in file format, close, open, save in folder again, close, open, it will show up, sometimes, a missing sprite inside the >Background folder, copying the sprite there, the file still opening normal.

    The missing sprite always happen only for the >Background folder in this project.

    My workaround is save in file every Release and save in folder sometimes, so, if something goes wrong, I can set backup and in the most hard case, use the source code to restore the project and folders setups.

    The first sample file (the C2 samples) I tried to reproduce on Chrome,

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I was using Chrome in privative navigation and it started a common navegation window, showing the error up.

  • I think the better way to make it is setting the Player X and Y everytime he touch the doors.

    Don't forget to make save points and set the initial position each time the player save, or, set to save his position when he save the game (can be trick, if the player is near to die and save).

    The mechanic behind it is strict like Game Maker, Indie Game Maker and RPG Maker.