TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • It's explained on the video.


    Thank you!

  • Hello, at the bottom is a video showing the issue.

  • 1) Set the text box to be in a new layer, then, set its paralax to 0,0;

    2) Just use the Scroll to Behavior on the player, or, do a customized "scroll to". Using the search button you'll be able to find many samples of custom "scroll to" made with events;

  • R0J0hound

    This is not the best practice, if he create or destroy anything in the meantime, he will bug his game.

    Ashley words:

    "IIDs and UIDs in the editor don't change depending on the Z order, but they do change if you delete and insert instances. Because of this you should not rely on knowing UIDs or IIDs in advance at all - the instance with UID 3, for example, could change to a different object if you add or delete some things in the layout view. This could easily break your game or make it work differently "randomly" (it will seem random to many users because they won't realise certain things they did changed the UIDs and IIDs). For this reason I don't think UIDs or IIDs should ever be displayed in the editor, in order to discourage this bad practice."

  • Another way is using "instance variables"...

    Don't use UID or IID, they are very volatile.

  • I can suggest you to read this tutorial and download the sample inside it:

    Then, just check the wanted ID to be destroyed by: Instance.ID = Maximum ID - 2 = Destroy

    Where Maximum ID can be a Global variable.

  • Hello Mr. Ashley

    Any possibility to have in your TO-DO LIST this feature?

    *Initial animation name and frame on placement, then, updating the image on the canvas to show the current configured animation and frame;

    <img src="" border="0">

    Well, at the first look, it may not appear important, but I can say a infinity amount of uses for this feature request.

    Like 10 Orcs using the same instance, but each one starting with a different attack pose on the same canvas, or, using the same animation but starting with different frames, so, they wouldn't look all the same even using the same animation.

    I have written many examples, but decided to shown only one, I know you're very smart and understood the intention, so I don't want "to rain on the water".

    Thank you!

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  • Michal11, you don't need to port anything to a smaller version, just scale the interface. If it's pixel arts, use the rounding feature ON.

  • I should have been a little more specific. The bikes are being moved by data coming from a server. Once the race has started, there's no actual user intervention..

    Thanks for the tips.. I appreciate it.


    here is the CAPX with a explanation.

  • I did using frames, because after many tries, my version was not good enough. But using frame animations, it's perfect.

    Also, I was having several issues with the detection, also when pinning the animation to a invisible player.

    The sandBOX was made with these rotating frames, you can check them, and you'll see what I mean of feeling good, because the animation always will show the right frame on the right moment of the rotation, instead of depending from forces, torques, etc.

  • Well it's not rounding anything. At 100% zoom, sprite position was always whole number without decimals. Decimals showed up when zoom is bigger then 100%. Same with size, but it gets decimals all the time.

    Oh, okay then, I didn't noticed it. This video was made before I read your post.

    Maybe a little button to round the values can help Us a lot! ^^

    I was having several problems with collisions because of very little misalignments.

    Ashley , my bad, this was the zoom rounding the numbers ~_~

    Maybe later, this can be added, because help a lot while doing collision masks for scenarios (I'm doing primitive forms, because one day you told me to use it, remember?

  • Ashley

    My computer is not brand new, but it's quite good.

    -------[ Summary ]----------------------------------------------------    Computador:

          Tipo de Computador                                PC baseado em ACPI x86

          Sistema operacional                               Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate

          Service Pack do Sistema Operacional               Service Pack 1

          DirectX                                           DirectX 11.0

          Data / Hora                                       2012-09-07 / 14:40

        Placa m?e:

          Tipo de processador                               DualCore Intel Core 2 Duo E6400, 2133 MHz (8 x 267)

          Nome da Mother Board                                Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (3 PCI, 3 PCI-E x1, 1 PCI-E x16, 4 DDR2 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN)

          Chipset da Placa M?e                             Intel Broadwater P965

          Mem?ria do Sistema                                3584 MB (DDR2 SDRAM)

          DIMM1: KingStonDDR2GPC800                         2 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-6-6-18 400 MHz)

          DIMM2:                                           512 MB DDR2-667 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-13 333 MHz) (4-4-4-11 266 MHz) (3-3-3-8 200 MHz)

          DIMM3: KingStonDDR2GPC800                         2 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-6-6-18 400 MHz)

          DIMM4:                                           512 MB DDR2-667 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-13 333 MHz) (4-4-4-11 266 MHz) (3-3-3-8 200 MHz)

          Tipo de BIOS                                      Award Modular (06/25/09)

          Porta de comunica??o                             Porta de comunica??o (COM1)

          Porta de comunica??o                             Porta de Impressora (LPT1)


          Adaptador gr?fico                                 ATI Radeon HD 5670 (512 MB)

          Adaptador gr?fico                                 ATI Radeon HD 5670 (512 MB)

          Acelerador 3D                                    ATI Radeon HD 5670 (Redwood)

          Monitor                                           Samsung SyncMaster 199BW/940BW/MagicSyncMaster CX915BW (Digital) [19" LCD] (H1AK500000)


          Adaptador de som                                  ATI Radeon HDMI ATI Redwood - High Definition Audio Controller

          Adaptador de som                                  Realtek ALC883 Intel 82801HB ICH8 - High Definition Audio Controller [B-0]


          Controladora IDE                                  Controlador de canal duplo padr?o PCI IDE

          Controladora IDE                                  Intel(R) ICH8 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2825

          Controladora IDE                                  Intel(R) ICH8 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 2820

          Drive de Disquete de 3 1/2                        Unidade de disquete

          Disco r?gido                                      SAMSUNG HD160JJ ATA Device (160 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA-II)

          Disco r?gido                                      SAMSUNG HD501LJ ATA Device (500 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA-II)

          Drive ?ptico                                      HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-H42N ATA Device

          Status dos discos r?gidos SMART                   OK


          C: (NTFS)                                         148.9 GB (60.1 GB livre)

          D: (NTFS)                                         465.8 GB (183.8 GB livre)

          Tamanho total                                    614.7 GB (243.9 GB livre)

        Dispositivos de entrada:

          Teclado                                           Teclado Padr?o PS/2

          Mouse                                             Mouse compat?vel com PS/2

          Mouse                                             Wacom Router Mouse


          Endere?o IP principal                   

          Endere?o MAC principal                            00-16-B6-5C-F4-3A

          Adaptador de Rede                                 Linksys Wireless-G PCI Adapter (

          Adaptador de Rede                                 Marvell Yukon 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller

  • It's bold when you right click on the frame windows to add a strip, for example. Also, it's very slow, before I was doing the job in less than a second, now, it's a bit slow, 5 to 10 seconds to load the same images.

    I did a video to show the procedure.

  • Nice addition Mr. Ashley

    I was thinking in suggest it, but today I was positioning some sprites on the canvas and noticed the plus. Also, it's rounding the sizes too, very nice! Thanks, this little tweak is really useful.

  • I reproduced the problem when hitting F4 to preview the game, but instead of keeping watching the loading screen I clicked to see the forum and it popped up.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    It's random and I tried to reproduce it again in video but nothing happened.

    Also, no third part is installed, no plugins, only the C2 as it is.