Taximan's Forum Posts

  • I'm sorry my English is very bad.

    I meant "Pin behavior", I don't ping, I don't know if it's better understood now

  • When I ping an object that has a slow movement, a delay is attempted and the result is an abrupt movement (this happens in the apk).

    With "every tic" the movement is prefect, but I don't know if the performance will be worse.

    Sorry for my English.

  • Ashley> Please file a bug report following all the guidelines.

    The project is very large, 170 megabytes, and I do not know how to simulate the error in a smaller one.

  • When I activate Web Worker, I only get a black screen on android.

    With other projects this does not happen.

    Is there any way to find out why this happens?


  • It is more practical with functions, it is faster to activate them later.

  • Thank you

  • I do not know if I can deactivate many groups in a single order, or I have to do it group by group.

    Thank you.

  • Can not create multiple collision polygons for a single animation?

    I do not know if this could be done in the future, but it would be very useful.

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  • Long ago I report a bug, not very common but very annoying.

    It hasn't been fixed yet. On another issue, a provisional solution is given.

    I've tried, but I can't get it to work.

    there is a very simple solution to this. Splash screen with the correct sizes and the plugin has to be used.

    Put Splash Screens into www folder with the following sizes:


    ◦ Portrait: 200x320px

    ◦ Landscape: 320x200px

    • MDPI:

    ◦ Portrait: 320x480px

    ◦ Landscape: 480x320px

    • HDPI:

    ◦ Portrait: 480x800px

    ◦ Landscape: 800x480px

    • XHDPI:

    ◦ Portrait: 720px1280px

    ◦ Landscape: 1280x720px

    • XXHDPI:

    ◦ Portrait: 960px1600px

    ◦ Landscape: 1600x960px

    • XXXHDPI:

    ◦ Portrait: 1280px1920px

    ◦ Landscape: 1920x1280px

    Add the following to config.xml:

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" />

    Reference the splash screen in the config file.

    This fixed it. Here is how my config file looks.

    <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" />

    <platform name="android">

    <splash src="www/splash-land-hdpi.png" density="land-hdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-land-ldpi.png" density="land-ldpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-land-mdpi.png" density="land-mdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-land-xhdpi.png" density="land-xhdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-land-xxhdpi.png" density="land-xxhdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-land-xxxhdpi.png" density="land-xxxhdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-port-hdpi.png" density="port-hdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-port-ldpi.png" density="port-ldpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-port-mdpi.png" density="port-mdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-port-xhdpi.png" density="port-xhdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-port-xxhdpi.png" density="port-xxhdpi"/>

    <splash src="www/splash-port-xxxhdpi.png" density="port-xxxhdpi"/>


    My English is very bad...


  • Thx :D

  • How can an event begin when an sprite does not exist?

  • Google message: "As the deadline approaches, we wanted to remind you that at least one of your apps* uses native code but does not currently offer a 64-bit variant"


  • Could it be by enabling WebGL 2?

  • Lately I am very busy with work, but I am using the ROJOhound project, I hope to hear from you.

  • The player cannot jump on the wood, I want it to be just a decorative element.


    I'll look at the project, thank you.