sxespanky's Forum Posts

  • i got it working correctly, you've been a huge help! thanks a ton!

  • arraymovement, was a variable that moves the spot im putting a number, so that if a mistake was made ,yo can go back, and it just moves the place holder.

  • line 4 should have been setting a number in my array

  • my text box type was text. rechecking stuff now...

  • i think i'm stuck on getting the TEXT BOX to save an amount to the Array. currently, i have When press next - it moves the array counter forward by one, and also saves set value at Array (arraymovement,1) and then resets the text box to ""(auto zero if no text). i have a debugger text box to show the what my number value of (1,1) is, and i think i set my array to be 1 row, with 100 slots. like i said im sure im screwing up the array somewhere.

    re sharing the cap

  • Hello, i'm working on a program for my work, as a night auditor at a hotel, and thought making a program do my work was easier than doing it my self - (work smarter, not harder) but the problem I've encountered is, i guess i don't know how to save a number, and manipulate it correctly. for instance. i need to enter many numbers in, save them, and then later throw them out and add,subtract,multiply and divide them. some of them saving as a new variable. i made this easily on an excel spread sheet, but figured it'd be nice if i made it stupid simple for anyone to do this. i originally thought arrays, but then i guess i don't understand them the way i thought i did, here the first page of my project.

  • ya, that was it... stupid Internet Explorer... Chrome Worked Perfectly

  • ill try in a diff browser, i realized im using IE =\</p>

  • i dont think a cap, or a screen shot will help in any way, seeing as i dont have much going, but a few lines of stuff, which im not sure if im even doing right, its really a long test and if it dont work try somethign else project - its just frustrating that when i change any aspect of this, it refuses to show when i hit run, or hit f5. if i dlete a backgorund, or add one, it takes a long while to show up, is there something that forces the program to catch up while debugging?

  • im currently trying to make a "game" that will help me at work, basicly do my night audit calculations for me. at the moment, im trying to write the program using an Array for the numbers i need to put into certain places before i add and subtract. the main problem im facing, is when i make changes, it refuses to show that in the run phase. it took nearly 30-60 mins before it changed the background correctly i had. its hard to tell if the changes i make are helping or not. any insight would be appreciated. and no rush really, im going to write this in down time at work. thanks

  • i didn't even think about this! thanks man

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  • i am using the command

    Every tick >> Sprite >> set angle to mouse.x Mouse.y

    and this is great for mouse when using a 8 direction moving over the top game.

    i also have my controller working, as long as i disable that one line of code. my question is how to disable that line of code in game if the user wants to use a controller instead?

    i have made a Splash screen that makes the user click a box, or press A on gamepad, then the next screen tells the user how to use the controls for what they selected, then the next screen is the game. any help is good, thanks.

  • because one line was Sprite always look at mousex, mousey. so i need to make an actual menu before the game starts up and pick mouse and key or controller. right now the mouse was disabled, so if you wanna try out this so far, be my guest.

    ~B Resets game

    ~Right trigger fires

    ~when dual wielding left trigger fires other weapon.

    ~killing the larger green enemies spawns more enemies and also drops a weapon upgrade kit after death.

    i have more weapons and levels and eventually animating every enemy but for now its all just place holders. ill prolly end up buying the personal version within a few months when i get extra cash in pocket.

  • GeometriX - ive done a ton of searches to get this to work, and gamepad stuff that ive seen goes into brief descriptions what each outcome is of statements, i just haven't found the correct text on a thorough description on the gamepad object. after plugging the code into the RIght control stick, and disabling mouse function, it works.

  • So i've tried Both Geometrix, and sargas, your methods, but when i go to look, now its stuck at - Looking at the top left area, indefinitely, moving the stick around it will try and look about 1-2 degrees differently, but thats it. ill go find the controller tutorial, wherever this may be.