Here's the topic where go faster's approach was devised.
In the linked post there's a capx. Events 6-9 move the tiles. The recalc variable is just a flag to tell the tile to re-lookup if it's a wall or not in it's new position. The most complicated bit is how the level is generated. It uses a array of random values and then does some interpolation with those values so that any position can be checked on the layout and always be able to get the same value. There's a perlin noise plugin that would greatly simply this.
sorry for the late answer. I was busy the last few days..
Anyways, after looking through the capx, i came up with this(well, almost just copied ):
Works great, thank you very much:)
The only problem i still have is that some tiles are still solid enabled but shouldn't(and white spaces on the sides, almost like the game isnt updating anymore). Any idea why?
There the capx: