Sushin's Forum Posts

  • I spent the better part of the afternoon working on this sprite text for my game and I figured I would share it for anyone else who wanted to use it. It's a modified version of "Geo" found here:

    I used most of the same characters as the default sprite font (sorry I don't have the Euro or Pound symbol and forgot to copy and paste >_>) so the only thing you need to do is change the character height to 24, and it looks a lot better if you set the character spacing to -2, however if you use a M and a W character together (maybe a few others), they will collide.

    The font is a little spacey but it's hard to work around that...

    This is what it will look like inside of Construct 2:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And just save this image to download the sprite font.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • I uploaded the web font to my game in the files and I've set the font appropriately, and when I run the game it takes a few seconds to kick in. However, when I play it from a browser, it never seems to load at all no matter how long I wait.

    I'm only setting the webfont on the start of the layout. Should I be setting it a different way?

  • Um...I know one thing you can do is use an invisible sprite for collision detection and pin the visible object to that, then the visible object can rotate and the other sprite doesn't have to. I don't know if that helps but I don't believe you can actually prevent an objects collision box from rotating if the object is rotating.

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  • Well...are you doing linear sampling or point sampling? You can tell in the properties bar.

    You would want to use point sampling.

  • Sushin I was told by people on the forums that we could not deactivate objects that are at a certain distance.I have never seen any tutorials of Deactivating objects out of veiw for construct 2,I have seen the trigger once function before but i never used it,I would love to know how to deactivate objects at a certain distance,But at the same time have them reload when you are close again and still be in the same place.

    Sorry about that i do see the event you said to use but will this work with arrays?

    Or will this be better to use if im placing tiles manually?

    I am just trying to figure out the ins and outs

    I'd have to see what you were doing, but for example:

    I'm making a game with platformer AI that has line of sight and all that. I think what I would do (actually what I would do is just create the enemies when the player reaches a certain point) is put all the AI behaviors into a group, and put that group under an event such as "if distance(player.x, player.y, enemy.x, enemy.y) < 600" (the entire width of the screen)

    and that way, the events would only be active if the player is 600 pixels or closer. You might have to pick and choose which events you can have this happen for though, depending on how your code works, but I think it would help save memory depending on how many objects you have and how much code each of them is using.

    The alternative would be to delete and create static interactive objects when the player is close to a point, and restore values based on global variables if necessary. Seems complicated but if you don't have any other options you might want to experiment.

  • It probably has to do with the fact that (i'm assuming) the object isn't moving pixel by pixel but will actually move between pixels (IE, at any point the object can be at a position like "X: 6.245")

    If that is true for your game, then you might want to try some other form of movement. But I'm not 100% sure if this is the problem or if doing this will fix it.

  • Well you could try making some things work only using the "is on screen" event where you can, or make sure everything that only needs updated once has the "trigger once" event on it (i miss that one a LOT)

    The way most games deal with things like this is by deactivating the objects at a distance where they can't be seen. If you ever heard of LOD or level of detail, that's when 3d models will swap to lower quality versions as they get farther away to save memory. Similarly, physics objects go to sleep when they are not being acted upon to save memory.

    If your game is as big as you say, I would attempt to put in memory conservation methods such as these.

  • I played die kitty die. Maybe I'm missing something but it seems impossible to kill more than 2 dogs.

  • 1) The bullet behavior assigned to the enemies makes them face the direction they are moving in.

    2)For scrolling left and right (infinitely) I don't know if you can use these stars. Obviously nothing is actually scrolling vertically. The stars are just moving on their own to create the illusion.

    What you could do I guess is remove the direction based angle on the stars and make them all move at their random speed to the left or right depending on which way the player is going, and then make the stars wrap to the layout (appearing on the other side when they leave the screen, which they may already do)

  • The code would read like this:

    "If enemy is overlapping jumper, then enemy jumps."

    Just make a sprite called jumper and put them on your map. If you want to make the jumping feel random or spontaneous as a dodge, you can put chance based jumpers.

    "if random(0, 100) is greater than 50 and enemy is overlapping jumper, then enemy jumps" will only make half of the enemies that collide with the jumper jump.

  • Get the distance between the two objects and divide that by two.

  • Given that you are actually fading in, I'm assuming layer 10 is all white.


    Why did you put the "every 0.1 second" in there O_o? It gives the fade a really choppy feeling to it...

    <img src="" border="0">

    This line will make the fade look much smoother. Adjust the 100 value if you want it to fade faster or slower.

  • I put little invisible marker sprites on the ground where I want them to jump. It's an easy solution instead of programming jump detection.

  • > I can see that, but I can't find any condition that checks distance.



    There is a built in function you can call simply called "distance"

    Just type "distance" into the prompt and it will appear. Type your values in the parenthesis and it will return a value equal to the distance between the two objects.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Um...Just make global variables for each level. "If player clicks on level 2 and level 1 is complete, go to level 2"

    You can save these global variables using the storage object, or some other object...I cant remember but it's quite simple. Just look for a tutorial about saving and loading data.