suntank's Forum Posts

  • While in preview, I have no issues loading the game in Nodewebkit or chrome or firefox but when I export, the loading bar instantly jumps to 66% loaded and turns red. Another point of interest is that when I turn off preload all sounds option, the red bar loads all the way but stops at 100%

    I've had 0 issues with node webkit in the past, and this just started recently. The only things I've changed recently is just the multiplayer code and I've added lots of new sprite assets.

    I'm not using any new plugins or behaviors that I haven't always been while it worked. I even updated them all to be sure. I noticed node webkit wasn't loading only after the release r183. I would report a bug, but i can't seem to reproduce this bug in a new project.

    so....any ideas?

  • "X-Bridge is a classic top down space shooter with new genre defining social multiplayer gameplay. Build your armada and take on players custom created fleets to win the war against the opposing faction."

    While we are still working on the multiplayer aspect, Quickplay is now available and has a staggering 250 levels (referred to as "waves"). The Game chooses from the pool of waves to create a balanced game play experience making the game feel different every time you play it. We're currently working on Bosses (known in the ReVeN game universe as "Titans") and will be updating soon!

    Here's the game link:

    Here's our website:

    Here's some screenshots:

    If You've read this far, Go play it! And while you're at it...

    Don't forget to like us on Facebook:

    Follow us on Twitter:

    Here's our website (again):

    Also you can become a VG member on our website and receive free Red Gems which are a currency used in the game to buy extra lives and utilities for your ship! Cool

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  • I just tested it in r175 and it still has the same problem.

  • I think i may have been spawning in two of the player's ship on top of itself so it was running every calculation twice. I feel like a bad person

  • I'm having the same issue with triggers triggering twice. For me it's most obvious with "on collision" events that add score or control damage. it adds double the damage or gains double the score. It started happening out of nowhere, as I added more events. I noticed I can get around this by using "on overlap" event with a trigger once. I have over 1400 events in the main game event sheet. Like Lunatrap said, it seems to be related to the amount of events and not the events themselves. I suppose I could create a clean capx with a lot of events and see if it still occurs...

    I also noticed construct 2 itself becomes progressively unstable as the events get up into the thousands. I use it anywhere from 8-16 hours a day and it crashes at least once per hour.

  • I just tested it in Firefox and it works just fine with music streaming. It produced no ajax errors, and other songs also streamed properly afterward. I'm having trouble getting IE to load the game at all. But I've never updated IE and I can't remember the last time i've updated windows. I will try that next.

    Update: Only Chrome has the issue.

    When I export using node webkit, it works like normal.

    I apologize for not testing these things. I'm sort of new to bug testing. I will certainly be more thorough next time!

    For Now I will just have a check to see if the player is using chrome and force download the songs in advance or something

  • I decided to hold off the multiplayer features until the game was more "complete" since it is'nt a realtime multiplayer game. I'm simply using multiplayer to send and receive player creations to the server and back to the players. So people can challenge each other to play the game against their "Armadas" which they create using the same tools we used to make the "Quick Play" levels. you can actually check the game out now if you wish at

    It's still in Beta and there are a few broken waves after level 30. The game randomly chooses levels from a list of 200 waves (currently) so it feels fresh every time you play it! You will need to login to to play. Be sure to click the how to play button.

    Edit: I will be working on ReVeN's Multiplayer Beta after we finish up xbridge's conquest (Online creation mode). ReVeN has realtime multiplayer sidescroller shooter action and will be a more intense project to tackle. I'll let you know how it goes!

  • Problem Description

    ____ After playing a song on loop which was 22 MB when imported as wav (no issues stated or file errors) is played, followed by an ajax request for a project file that is somewhat buried in events, causes the ajax request to never return anything. when a wav that is played which is smaller, there are no issues with ajax requests____

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    ____ Demonstrates how ajax requests quit working after the audio object plays a music file that is over a certain size (relatively small for a song)____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • click button on the right
    • click the middle button
    • click button on right again to turn off that music
    • click button on left
    • click the middle button again

    Observed Result

    ____ ajax will not load the project file. also you cannot play the other sound file again, that breaks too ____

    Expected Result

    ____ Ajax should load the project file json string (which is a level taken from our game) ____

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (Not sure)
    • Internet Explorer: (Not sure, I don't use **** browsers)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 7 service pack 1 ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Release 173 ____

  • Okay that makes sense. I guess my thinking was it would be better to have a nearly blank project running the server code without having to load in any assets or things like that. I suppose it doesn't really matter, it was just that my server is designed to be the only host that can exist for Xbridge, since it's only being used to share people's custom level creations and also function as a social network.

    My current solution for this is for my "server" to look up a specific file on that only my account has access to, and if it returns the right data, then it proceeds as the host. otherwise anyone else would just get disconnected immediately with a message stating "the server is currently down for maintenance" although in reality, it just won't let any other computer but mine Host.

    My account management works in a similar way in that it checks the server to see if the user name exists in the dictionary object, and if not, adds it and tells the client's computer to upload that name to as their login. so technically, its not really possible for 2 people to have the same name, and this kinda gets around the whole duplicates thing where it adds a 2 or 3 etc to the player alias. it never allows two people with the same name to connect, and since their names are linked to their account, I don't believe it would be very easy to hack someone's Xbridge account without having to hack their account first.

    I imagine there are far better ways to do this. I just don't really know any coding outside of C2 or python. I read something about mysql being an excellent way to store player accounts with encryption. I just haven't spent any time looking into that just yet.

    A small group of us will be doing some more tests next weekend if you want to jump in and try it out. I'm sure you are a busy man, but if you're interested, feel free to PM me, and I'll send you a link.

    Austin Morgan

    Varia Games

  • The gimp is a decent program I hear, mspaint isn't complete shite, but nothing compares to Photoshop in my opinion. I would even say the built in editor in C2 is almost decent enough, except no hotkeys (that ive found) to do things like sample, manipulate individual selected objects or layers, which is very important to me. Pixel art really just requires great patience and a good workflow. I would reccomend doing some google searches for pixel art tutorials. You'll find it's ultimately less about the tools you're using and more the workflow and artistic skill that creates good art of any kind. Good luck in your search

    Austin Morgan

    Varia Games

  • Im sure there is a better way, but i know this way works at least. ... ycler.capx

    Create a global variable and name it something like Random_Gen

    This will be a number you will be setting to a random whole number within a range (I.e 10)

    In the example I use "Spacebar" to generate a random whole number between 1-3 using the "Choose" expression

    I then have a global variable which handles increasing the difficulty which in reality is just pushing the event check down a notch into a different set of layouts to pick from.

    so you have 1-3 easy, 4-6 medium and 7-9 Hard

    I used 9 levels just to get the point across, but you can set the "choose" expression to something like this "Choose(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)" (no quotes or you will get a string)

    I hope this helps!

    Austin Morgan

    Varia Games

  • So I would consider myself intermediate in my skills with the event system. I have a pretty decent understanding of the multiplayer object, but that aside, I was trying to create two different projects for our upcoming game Xbridge. One of these projects is the client which is the game itself. The second being, of course, the host project which the clients connect to. I was setting it up so if the clients accidentally became the "host" being the first to enter the room, the game would just tell them that the server was down for scheduled maintenance and they would get disconnected.

    However, the client and server could only ever stay connected for a short amount of time and couldnt send or receive signals to each other, all they could do was see other player alias' in the player list. So my question is, is it possible to have 2 different projects interacting with one another for the sake of creating a dedicated server?

    My current solution is to just make is so the host layout is accessible from the multiplayer layout, but can only be accessed via a secret key. not the best way to do it, and I still dont understand how to encrypt things like passwords or use hash tables. Im still kinda new to that aspect of security.

    Any help would be super appreciated!


    Austin Morgan

    Varia Games


    ReVeN by Varia Games

    Hey everyone,

    We've been working very hard on this game and hope it shows in our game trailer. We are approved Nintendo Wii U developers and we're also on steam greenlight you can find the greenlight link here:

  • ReVeN by Varia Games

    Hey everyone,

    We've been working very hard on this game and hope it shows in our game trailer. We are approved Nintendo Wii U developers and we're also on steam greenlight you can find the greenlight link here:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • ReVeN by Varia Games

    Hey everyone,

    We've been working very hard on this game and hope it shows in our game trailer. We are approved Nintendo Wii U developers and we're also on steam greenlight you can find the greenlight link here:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />

    <img src="" border="0" />