Stuntmanignitionbrad's Forum Posts

  • I am making a 3d first person game with the first-person platformer template, but when I make a new layout and try to add a wall, the player goes right through it.

  • I have a game if you want to try it. It's called Downfall, but I don't where you would find it. It's probably on least played somewhere. Thanks!

  • Have you tried this:

    make a global variable called CameraAngle or whatever, then set it's value to 0.

    Then use these events:

    On Left arrow key pressed:

    Set cameraAngle to clamp(cameraAngle - 45, -45, 45)

    On Right arrow key pressed:

    Set cameraAngle to clamp(cameraAngle + 45, -45, 45)

    Every tick:

    Set Camera angle to cameraAngle

  • The thing is, I'm a free user and can't use alot of events.

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  • Yeah, I saw that too. Do you want to have the wrap behavior in your game sometimes and disable it at other times, because I don't really know how to do that. I'll try to see what I can figure out though.

  • Okay, so I've figured some more stuff out, so now all I need to do is make the player respawn at the start of the level, rather than where he was when he died.

  • What do you mean?

  • I've decided that I'll just make my game, so it doesn't need checkpoints. Thanks for your help though! I'll tell you when I've finished it.

  • Okay, so I got the healthbar to deplete when I run into the enemy guy, but the thing I can't figure out is, how do I get the player to respawn at the beginning of the level after being hit three times? Oh, yeah, anyone want to play my other game? It's called Downfall. Thanks!

  • I'm trying the thing you said about having an ID variable and that stuff. I haven't finished yet, so I hope it will work. Oh, yeah, just so you know, my profile name wasn't supposed to look like it was Stuntman Ignition Brad. It was supposed to be Stuntman Ignition Be Rad, but I couldn't fit that in there.

  • I tried it, but it still doesn't work. Here's what all my events for the healtbar look like:

    Event: Player: on collision with enemy

    Subevent: Healthbar: Animation frame<4 Action: Healthbar:set animation frame to Healthbar.Animationframe+1 Action: System: subtract 1 from Health

    Event: System: Health = 0 Action: Restart layout.

    I don't know if you'll be able to understand that or not. And the Health thing is my global variable. Thanks.

  • Uh, could you explain that by showing my how to do it, like:


    and stuff?

  • Also I'm using the free version and can't use alot of events.

  • The thing is, I have a healthbar where it has four animations of it getting smaller, if you can understand that. I have never actually been able to figure out how to do the healthbar at all, so if you have any ideas, I would appreciate them.

  • I added a healthbar into my 3d game, but I can't figure out how to make it where the layout restarts, or the player respawns at the start of the layout. Also, when I go on a platform above or below the enemy thing that's trying to kill me, and it goes right above or below me, it still takes some of my health off. If anyone can figure out anything I just said, I'd appreciate them replying. Thanks!