strike911's Forum Posts

  • Here is the video of my side scrolling shooter. Space has been colonized and now the colonies are at war with the Earth. Oh noez! This level is supposed to be an epic space battle... think Gundam or Macross style.

    Video shows basic movement, camera zooms, shooting, barrel rolling (dodge enemy fire), and a pursuit mode (which shifts the area that the player can move, forcing the player to avoid attacking enemies from behind without being able to fire at them).

    The player ship is not final (it is just a scanned pencil sketch).

    The goal is a dynamic side scrolling shooter that has more play options than just shoot the enemies in front of you.

    All graphics, music, and sound are original (though the video didn't seem to record the audio).

  • Uploading video as I type.

  • Working on a little horizontally side scrolling shooter about a war between colonies in outer space and the Earth. Watched Gundam a little too much as a kid, I think. As you can see in the pics, there are cities on the moon.

    Resolution is set for 720P right now. THE SHIP IS NOT FINAL. That's the shape I want, but it's just a pencil sketch I scanned in and cut up. The ship will have more refined graphics... I promise.

    <img src="">

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    Do a Barrel Roll, plus dramatic camera zoom & shield.

    <img src="">

    After posting it, it looks a little empty. It looks so much better in motion (there are explosions going off in the background). All the wings and pieces of the ship are individual and move according to the direction the player goes in. Explosions are hand animated the old fashioned way, all the graphics I drew up in photoshop, and haven't got around to finalizing the player's ship's graphics. Really though, the animation of the ship moving I'm really proud of.

    Also, besides shooting, you can do barrel rolls, which is animated, and the camera will zoom in dynamically and stuff. All the other layers have different Zoom rates, so it's really dramatic.... and cool.

    No enemies yet, but... they're coming. And battleships in the background too. I just hope I can program enemy movements.... which I suck at. >_< But yeah, almost all of the player craft movement and shooting is in there. I find myself working on the background and the ambiance more than the actual gameplay though. lol. haha.

  • New version up!

    Controls so far:

    draw a circle with the mouse - Make a storm

    press K - Kite flies by

    Press B - Birds fly by

    press A - airplane flies by

    Numbers 1-9 do different atmosphere colors (1-4 go from daytime to nighttime sequentially)

    These are just pieces of the game. Now I need to assemble them into something that is fun. For instance, i need to have a new gesture to make the plane fly by, or something. The environment is looking how i want it to, but it needs gameplay to work. That's next on my to-do list.

  • Thanks. Yeah, I was having trouble getting the volume to work how I wanted it to. I wanted it to fade away quickly, and not have a harsh on/off effect, but I just couldn't get it working right. Still messing with it.

    I can't take full credit for the mouse gestures because cow_trix suggested a system in the help thread. I tried it and it worked and I added in a few extra checks to make sure a circle was drawn exactly.

    It's really simple.

    <img src="">

    Basically, a group of invisible sprites follow the mouse cursor, that look like that diagram. When the mouse button is held down, the group sets into position and will no longer move where the cursor goes. When the mouse button is released the group pops back into position following the cursor.

    The little sprites in a circle path can be turned on if the mouse cursor touches them. They will turn off if they touch any of the blue sprites. When all the waypoint sprites are turned on it initiates an event. The player MUST draw some semblance of a circle in order for all the waypoint sprites to be turned on at the same time. See easy?

    So now, theoretically, I could make a square or a triangle or any other shape I want with this same premise. Or I could even have smaller circles cause different events.

    Something I thought about implementing (but didn't do) was to try scaling. So that the size of the invisible sprite group would change according to how far the mouse is moved, so that a circle could be drawn at any size, so long as it was a circle. It was about 2 or 3 events too much work for me, though. haha. It could be done like that too though.

  • Oh man, this is really cool. I might have to give this a try.

  • Thanks everyone. Here's a little peek at the things I've been working on since i posted last. The perspective is a little different. It was from the side, but I have it set up now as if you're lyingon the ground, looking up. The picture doesn't adequately show the movements and animations of the trees from the storm, or the rain effects, but you can kind of see the leaves coming off the trees.

    I also added rain effects that are different from the old rain effects. Droplets land on the camera now, trees (that blow in the wind when its raining), leaves blow off away from the trees when high wind is occurring, and a passenger jet flies by. I also have a lot of sound effects now, for ambiance, the rain, wind blowing, etc. It's much more immersive.

    I personally like the new view. It's like you're lying down in the grass, looking up at the sky. Now that I have the concept solidified I'm going to keep adding new things for people to discover. Hey, I might have a full fledged game by the end of it!

    I'm going to need to do a little optimizing though, the particle effects can get heavy, so I'm going to need to set up some limits, and drops the particle counts, particularly on the clouds that the player can make.

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  • Anytime you click the mouse to make a cloud, there is a medium sized white rotating circle that pops up. It's kind of like a guide... if you draw a circle where that little guide was at, then it should initiate the rain cloud.

    Thanks for the kind words everyone.

  • EDIT (11-12-2009) -

    New Version is online!

    SIZE : 19.4 MB


    <img src="">

    Controls so far:

    draw a circle with the mouse - Make a storm

    press K - Kite flies by

    Press B - Birds fly by

    press A - airplane flies by

    Numbers 1-9 do different atmosphere colors (1-4 go from daytime to nighttime sequentially)

    These are just pieces of the game. Now I need to assemble them into something that is fun. For instance, i need to have a new gesture to make the plane fly by, or something. The environment is looking how i want it to, but it needs gameplay to work. That's next on my to-do list.


    This is a little something I've been playing with. It's more of a sandbox toy than a game, but perhaps you'll find it interesting.

    I was really stressed yesterday, so I made this and the game really relaxed me.

    You can make clouds by dragging your mouse. You get small puffy clouds with the left button and more wispy ones with the right button. You can draw pictures in the sky, which is fun for a while, and you can also cause a rain storm (and makes the sky gray and cloudier), and make the sun come out. By drawing a circle you can cause the rain storm. I want to keep adding interactions like that though, and perhaps even add objectives (or things to collect). Drawing things and having them show up is half of the fun of this game. Right now you can just mess around with it, but that's pretty much it. It's more a proof of concept than anything else.

    I want to add a distant airplane flying by, maybe some birds, and a night time scene with stars and shooting stars.

    I made all the graphics in Photoshop. The music is not mine, I got it off of Soundsnap, but I plan on composing something myself.

    Also, after you get bored, you can hit 1,2, and 3, to change the sky's color. They were just test buttons that changed colors, just to make sure they were working properly.

  • Just checking in to say I tried your method and it worked great! I've set up a small circle of waypoints that follow the mouse cursor until the mouse is clicked. When it is clicked the waypoints no longer follow the mouse and are set into position (until the mouse button is let go). Each waypoint is turned on when the mouse cursor touches it. In the center of this waypoint circle is an additional sprite that when touched resets all of the waypoints to off (to ensure that the cursor is in fact being dragged in a circle). There is also a large circle surrounding all of the waypoints so if the cursor goes outside the circle shape, it resets the waypoints to off.

    That way the player has to draw a circle!

    It works great! Thanks a lot man! Now when the player draws a circle I can make things appear right in the middle! Exactly what I wanted! Thanks!

  • Howdy. Been a while since I've been here, but I have a question. And I've been stuck on it for a while.

    I need mouse gestures. I want to be able to have the player hold down the mouse button and drag the cursor in a circle for 2 or 3 seconds, which would then initiate a new event.

    Is there a way to do this?

  • Hey thanks. I'm working on getting a parallaxed ground with the boxes on top. A little tricky getting the perspective to work, but it's going well. I'm going to have the main plane of action shift down onto a street level.

  • Thanks guys for the kind words.

    lol, and yes, there is a very liberal use of 3D boxes for buildings. haha.

  • Thanks. lol. Yeah, there is a heavy Einhander influence... for someone to notice is almost like a compliment since I loved that game so much.

    I could add a lot more aesthetic touches by adding a HUD, adding some effects when in bullet time, and just giving more indication that a new weapon is acquired. It's kind of just a test build as is though.

  • Hi Quality video here:

    It's shmup where you're an outlaw mecha blowing up police, that can transform into a jet. The video shows multiple types of weapons that I scroll through (no indication on changes yet), bullet time, and briefly a transformation into a different more maneuverable craft, a jet.

    I had been meaning to put this on the boards. Basically its a little shoot 'em up I'm using in my gamedev/design portfolio. It's fun, it's basic. I made all the assets, the giant city illustration in the background, the music, the explosion animations, the ****** designs for the cars and player graphics, lol. It's decently fun. There's a lot of little details that probably won't get noticed like blinking lights on things, etc. etc.

    The graphics will be overhauled if I do carry this on later. If anything the enemies and the player graphic need major overhauls. Still buggy as hell, and my attempt to make a mecha move fluidly looks pretty terrible, I know, but I think it works...

    Anyway, was a fun little diversion for me that I always wanted to post.