stelarfox's Forum Posts

  • Ok then i am sure i have the old because was a zip.. how do i uninstall this old and where do i find the new one?

  • Thanks a lot Not still working but managed to do the LoadApi...

    even so i did not found the "branding Logo" option about GetLogo

    nor in actions...or conditions or expresion..

    all i got as expressions were..

    Count, IID, MyExpresion, PickedCount and UID

    so really not sure how to set the GetLogo, may be i just have an old version. can you confirm the version or check if you manage to see the GetLogo?

    or you just have to set GetLogo inside the as message in the load the spilGames API text?

  • ok thanks about the capx file

    so just adding the line to the index.html only "calls" the other .js file now I get it

    well the api its said to have 3 things...

    the advertising...(which is the stop and resume)..

    to really Load the api...

    and finally the Branding Logo.

    that last part not sure was mentioned on here..

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  • skyhunter93... does your code use all or just advertising?

    because that part works for me but nothing else.. and I at least tried to do exactly what you say you did...

    the problem is, should all the code be in the index.html?

    and a lot of times you say "capx" what does that mean i never find a file with that name.

  • Hello again.. i noticed that only the first inclusion works

    i mean what i have to put into the html

    but i have seen that certain functions need to be set in other .js files...

    now the real problem which one.

    should be a totally new one. or have to be edited each time after i export the project?

    I mean i tried to say all it says but is so bad explained i really have no idea.

  • ok you passed the QA great... now can you explain all the steps? i managed to get the "advertise" but still nothing of the rest works please help.

    (i know really little of html or java so can you explain where to seat each part? and what is required?)

  • Finally managed to install the package of this link.

    I'm making a example capx right now but in the meantime:

    Here's a little plugin I made: (i didn ot have permisions but is the same that skyhunter93 set).

    The only thing it does is adding the spilgames API to the index.html so you don't have to add it manually each time you export your project. It's a huge time saver.

    I talked with spilgames and they said that the ads are not showing right now because their API isn't complete right now and are testing things. So there is no way for us to test it right now. I suppose they use a local environment on their side to test the ads.

    Actually my implementation is pretty similar to the one bilgekaan did. but you are now seeing the ads because of what I said.

    but still not sure of what it does or how to use it..

    will it also make the functions needed to stop and resume?

    and if so what are the names of the variables?

    if i have to do that part what file do i have to open to add it?

    do i have to open after presenting and making all the game?

    (ignore my first request as its obsolete but could not remove it)

  • I do not understand how install that package...

    i am rather new to the use of api's and i need to add it to my game just this one you are saying.. so..

    can someone explain the steps to do so?

    for example you talked that you need to use the one in the page of the do i do that or the other..

    do i have to manually touch the html once its ready?

    and what did you mean about do it when its all loaded.

    please answer me or send a pm...