Spela's Forum Posts

  • Did you select only 12 ad providers? Go to Admob, on the left menu go to Blocking controls. On the top sliding menu go all the way to the right to EU User Consent and Scroll down to "Custom set of ad technology providers". Click Select Providers and pick a few, no more than 12.

    In your code in the Create action set "show" to FALSE, not true.

    Create another event for testing. Create new Text object and add event:

    -> MobileAdvert: On interstitial failed to load --> TextObject: Set text to MobileAdvert.ErrorMessage

    You can do the same thing with On configuration failed to see if that is the problem.

    Export for android and then test on a few different devices. I have the same app normally showing test ads on 2 devices but not on the 3rd one - no idea why.

  • This is just a small part of a larger project which I'm not allowed to share.

    So instead of looking for a way to "disable" a layer that isn't visible I added events to destroy all objects that are not on the active (visible) layer. Probably not the best solution but it seems to do the trick :)

  • This isn't working either. there are multiple instances of both objects on both layers and now only one (the top one) is doing something - instead of all instances of the B object that are on layer 1 :(

  • I'm afraid that doesn't seem to work for me... Here's my aprox. event:

    On object A clicked -> Object B do something.

    Both object A and B are on layer 0 and on layer 1 and even if I add the is layer visible condition, both object Bs do something - the one on layer 0 and the one on layer 1.

    Maybe I should change topic title to layers instead of objects but I don't know hot to do that.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi

    I have 2 layers with multiple objects. Some objects are on the same coordinates but different layers. My problem is both objects are triggered with On clicked, eventhough the second object is on bottom layer which is not visible.

    Is there a way to make sure only the visible object is "clickable"?

    Thank you

  • Right... I keep forgetting about Else :/

    Thank you very much, you are a life saver!

  • Hello

    I have a sprite called Bugs with a local variable called Player. The values for the local variable are 1, 2, 3 or 4.

    I need to count how many of them have the variable set to 1, how many to 2 etc. and save that to global variables. I tried using compare variable and pickedcount like so:

    - Bugs (variable) Player = 1 --> set 1x to Bugs.pickedcount

    the "1x" is the global variable.

    This works fine until the value is 0 - meaning there are no Bugs that have Player variable set to 1. I understand that if the condition isn't met the action isn't triggered and I will never get a 0 this way. But I really need that 0...

    So, how can I count the number of Bugs objects that have their Player variable set to 1 and get that number even if it's 0?

    Thank you :)

  • Hi

    I know it's been a few years but I'm having a similar problem and I was wondering it those examples could be uploaded again because the links don't work anymore. Especially the one with multiple touch inputs.

    thank you!

  • Thank you for both examples, they solved my problems :)

  • Hi

    I'm making a two player game on one device and I can't get the touch to work properly. In the manual it says "The Touch object supports multi-touch. This is most useful with the On touched object and Is touching object conditions,..."

    I have 2 players and 2 objects:

    + Is touching P1field --> P1 move forward 5 pixels

    + Is touching P2field --> P2 move forward 5 pixels

    My problem is that only the first touch is triggered, so whoever starts the touch first, they will move and the other player has no control.

    What can I do to make sure both touch inputs are detected?

    Thank you

  • The Master Collection looks amazing :) My problem is I would only like the mobile part of it. As far as I can tell it's not possible to buy just one part. But is it perhaps possible to split the Master Collection to different accounts? For example, I get the Mobile Master and a friend of mine gets everything else.

    Thank you

  • Thank you for your reply, but what about apps like Viber? I get notifications (with sound) even if my screen is locked...

  • Hi

    I would like to make a tamagotchi style game for android but my problem is that the app gets paused when it's not active. That means that I can't trigger events every X minutes. Is there a way to make sure the app is still running even if it's in background?

    Thank you

  • Note : In my experience, Mobile Advert will not show in browser preview

    That part answered first of many questions, thank you :)

    I think it's coming along and I will be able to make it work, eventually.

    There is one part that I find confusing... If iI turn on Test mode, does that mean that I can use ad ID for my actual ads in the event sheet or not?

  • Hello,

    I followed the steps in the manual for the plugin but it seems it's still not configured correctly :(

    On AdMob I did this:

    - created an account

    - added my app

    - created ad unit

    - copied my publisher ID into the EU user consent part

    In Construct I did this:

    - added MobileAdvert plugin

    - turned on Test mode

    - added Android app ID

    - added Puglisher ID

    - added Privacy policy URL

    Then in Event Sheet I did a simple test:

    MobileAdvert->is configured: Text->Set text to "Ads configured"

    MobileAdvert->is not configured: Text->Set text to "Ads not working"

    This app isn't published yet. When I preview my project I get the not working result. I tried MobileAdvert->Create banner and Show the current banner advert but I still don't see any ads.

    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you very much