sparkdad's Forum Posts

  • Even in a 3D Isometric view? I will post my example CAPX.

    When you run it..

    Click on the circular build spots to build towers.

    The enemy will throw a boulder at a certain ActionPoint on their path.

    That BOULDER is the item that I would like to see arc.

    I will try the physics right now and see what happens.


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  • I have been scouring the forums and tutorials but have not found a way to make a projectile, eg. boulder, arrows, etc. fly with an arcing motion instead of the bullet motion.

    Does anyone know a behavior that does this or is it in the physics?


    Well you can look at my code but I finally got it fixed after I worked on picking the right item!!!

    Now on to a more elaborate CONTEXT MENU for the Towers. Right now it is just a red BOX.. : )

    It will eventually have several options such as Upgrade, Sell, Repair, etc.

    Thanks for all of your help!

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • UPDATE #2

    DID NOT WORK!!!!

    I think that I am going to rewrite and use animations for the rollover to take the complication out of some of this.

    I will note when done.

  • Another problem!!!!

    Now I am creating the Context Menu at build spots. When you mouseover a build spot it highlights. Once you click it a red box pops up that will eventually contain towers that an be built.

    When you click on the red box ( or eventually icons of towers ) it should build a tower on the BUILD SPOT that was originally clicked.

    This is working fine. When the event is OVER it should get rid of the BUILDSPOT that the tower was built on : ) but it gets rid of ALL of the build spots!


  • Awesome! Thank you! I am getting better at Construct Events but still have some work to go! I appreciate the communities help!

  • Thanks to all that have helped! OK. So mouse events are fixed, although I switched to click instead of mouseover for interface reasons.

    The problem now is that once an enemy reaches the castle the health bars do not update correctly.

    When you run the game...

    LEFT CLICK on the circles on the map to build towers.

    RIGHT CLICK to destroy a tower.

    All works fine until one enemy reaches the end.

    I suppose the problem is in the destruction of the enemy and hp bar.


  • Thanks ROJO! You were right! It works perfect now!

    Last thing if you might look. I have a mouseover event for the towers to display information. It will eventually show a context menu for upgrading etc.

    It only seems to work on the middle tower for some reason!

    Any thoughts? It is in the MouseControls Group.

  • I have asked several questions here in the last couple of days and of course here is another one!

    I have followed several pieces of advice here on the forum and this is what I have made.

    If you run the layout you will notice that at some point the towers will shoot the enemy that is farthest to the right but will NOT shoot the ones on the left.

    So the TOWERS on the FAR right shoot but middle and left towers do not.

    Any thoughts?

  • Thanks!

    Here is my proof of concept file : )

  • I am working on a proof of concept for a Tower Defense game. I want a health bar to be attached to every enemy on the screen and have that health bar updated as a enemy is "hit" by a projectile, etc.

    I see a lot of discussion in the Classic forum regarding containers , but nothing in the C2 forums. Any thoughts?

  • Hiya! Happy Sunday!

    I am doing a lot of proof of concepts for getting ready to make a game.

    I used TILED to create a project.

    Now I have a little man on the layout that runs around using the 8Key method.

    How can I make him stop moving when he say hits a wall, but move when on say dirt.



  • Thank you! Got that to work! Now I am going to make a BUFF bar so that there can be several kids of buffs all lined up on the top, like most MMO's do their system.

  • OK.

    I am doing some concept proofs with the ghost shooter.

    I put a SHIELD power up in the game. When the player picks the shield up it adds 1 to his shield and puts a SHIELD BUFF sprite on the HUD beside the score.

    When he is at ZERO shields I want the shield to get removed.

    How do I..... ?


  • Hi All!

    I am trying to make an image work like a button for eg. my main menu.

    But this functionality I need for my game as well.

    I need to be able to click on an image in the game as well.

    Where is the functionality for doing this? I see it in other games, but for the life of me do not see it in the behaviors or events.

    Please advise.