SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • No problem, hopefully you can find some answers in that official thread I linked. Maybe asking there would get more attention as well if you can't find a solution by reading the various documentation provided in the thread.


  • Yeah pin behaviour should also work too.

    I usually do things the "old" way - I keep forgetting about Pin, lol.


  • Why are you asking questions about Unity on the Construct 2 message boards?

    Just in case you meant the Cordova plugin for Construct 2, try reading through the later parts of THIS THREAD


  • Mouse is over Object

    --- Set text.position to object.position (plus or minus whatever side you want it on)

    --- Set text.text to "Whatever you want"

    --- Set text to visible


    --- Set text to invisible


  • Map generation is now working flawlessly... the origin point of the map is considered to be (0,0) with coordinate grid tiles being generated on the fly in both positive and negative directions with no limits. There is also a "fog of war".

    I can now start working out how I want to place details on the map tiles and generating some other details like ground-cover type, bodies of water, and of course cities and towns.

    You can test the basics of the map generation using the live web build at the usual address...

    Use the TAB key to switch between the game screen and the map. Arrow keys will move the map camera. Drag and Drop the yellow circle around the map as your "discovery" range. This yellow circle simulates the player moving around and exploring the map.


  • I had the same problem in my game with my "moon" and the "light" object having to be on different layers...



  • +------------------------+

    | Compare angles|_______________________

    | Object is between 90 and 270 degrees | Object Set flipped


    | Else | Object Set not flipped



  • No problem, I'm glad it's how you wanted it


  • Do you need to use SINE movement?

    If it's always needing to be the same speed, but vary the distance it travels... it would be easier to create a custom movement for it.

    Use bullet behaviour with a set speed, and randomly pick a distance for it to move from it's starting point. Create two instance variables for it's starting spot (X and Y) then create two more for it's destination point (X and Y) and just add or subtract a random value from the destination points... then set the motion towards those destination points.

    It's probably easier than trying to mess with over-riding the sine behaviour.


  • We can all dream can't we? LOL

    I agree... some kind of cleanup tool would be nice - a bazillion dollars would be nice too, haha xD


  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can't do it without WebGL... you need to use effects to make water "easily" like that.

    Why don't you want to use WebGL? It usually runs faster, and allows effects to be used...

    The only other way to do it really, is to draw an animation, frame by frame.


  • Voted!


  • Without seeing your capx file, there's not much anyone can do apart from 'guess' what the problem may be.

    I'm going to 'guess' that you must have some variable set somewhere to the current level, or next level... maybe this variable is directing your stars to the wrong level?

    Maybe it's going to the wrong part of the array and setting stars there? Maybe check when the level is complete if the row/column shift isn't happening in the array or something like that?

    It would be more helpful if we had a capx to look at, or if you can make a simple capx to reproduce the problem so we can see it.


  • It's a cache issue... just refresh multiple times, or force clear the cache in your browser.

    I have the same problem, and usually refreshing the page a few times (or force reloading by holding SHIFT when you refresh) will often bump the old version out of cache and load it again from scratch.


  • Nope.

    The only shortcut here is a good memory if it's used already or not.

    Honestly though, I wouldn't really worry about a few vars hanging around - unless you've literally got hundreds/thousands of unused vars, it won't make a grain of sands difference to performance or project size. If it's more of just a case of being tidy for the sake of sanity - then yeah, have fun cross checking everything :/
