SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • You are using too many 3rd party addons for me to really bother and load your capx files.

    I can say though, for certainty, that what you want to do is totally possible. It really just depends on exactly how you want it to look, and what other features you are including (does your blob have a "bendable" border on it? - does it have the same "wobble" effect?)

    Anything that is 2D is possible in C2 - anything. It's always just a case of creative thinking (for non-programmer) or knowing the proper math (for programmer).


  • C2 has animation groups for a reason... to make it easier to change between animations, and stop people from asking silly questions about it.

    Unless you have some SUPER SPECIFIC reason to do it the way you did, then you should consider doing it the way it's meant to be done.


  • Don't destroy the ship. After the ship is "destroyed", play a blank animation.

    Or this.

    Or set invisible, or set opacity to 0 and disable collisions... many ways this can be done also.


  • You really should break that sprite up into smaller objects itself... that's a HUGE image to load up as a single sprite. It will solve two problems then - number one problem as listed in your original post - and number two problem of making sure you are optimising your game as much as possible. Lots of small images are handled better than one big image.


  • Just curious, did you try making the actual object that is using path finding very small? Maybe reduce the size to only 1 pixel? Just to see if the theory about it stops when it touches the border of the destination?

    If it's smaller, maybe it will get closer to the destination point


    I think it's obvious that I don't really ever use path finding - so these problems are new to me also!


  • Oh my bad I didn't read your post very well it seems. Haha!


  • WACOM tablet emulates mouse drivers basically - so I don't think it's going to work with "on touch" events since this is capacitive touch not mechanical.

    My WACOM works in every game exactly how a mouse would do - minus the software specific pressure application.

    Someone would have to make a plugin for WACOM in order to get the result you desire - I think.


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  • I would recommend using a dictionary object instead of an array personally.

    You can add a dictionary object into a container with any other object - and then you automatically have a constant set of "plain language" accessible information sets.

    The main benefit of this method is that you can easily track instances of each object (since it's in a container with the dictionary) and you can still save the dictionary data as JSON string for webstorage or NWjs writing files to hard disk.

    I find array to be more useful when handling un-named data (like tile positions or something) but this is personal preference.


  • Also, moving physics objects using other behaviours (like bullet for example) can also cause weird results. It is recommended when using physics to only move the objects by applying forces - and not using "set speed" or "set angle" etc from other behaviours. Usually the option of having two or more behaviours is if you want to move the object sometimes by physics, and other times not.


  • A quick and dirty fix would be that pathfinding only works if the object ISN'T overlapping the destination object... then when it touches the destination to have it move to the X.Y position of the destination manually - since by the time it has touched the object the pathfinding has already done it's job.

    You could even create a small buffer around the destination (use a slightly enlarged version of the same sprite maybe) so that it "corrects" itself before it's already on-top. It might make this look a little less "oh um let me just fix myself at the last second".


  • My guy > collides with button > set button.variable to "active"

    button.variable = "active" and button.Y is greater than the ground > button.Y = button.Y - 0.2

    button.y = ground.Y > set button.variable to "done"

    button.variable = "done" > Do something

    That's probably how I'd do it


  • You can also have a set of functions...

    Call 1st function

    --- Shoot

    --- Wait 0.2 seconds

    --- Call function 2

    Function 2

    --- Shoot

    --- Wait 0.2 seconds

    --- Call function 3


    Being functions though, it may cause un-intended results.

    You could do the same thing without funtions, if you use a variable to control which thing is shooting...

    [GlobalVar.ShootOrder = 0]

    [Left Mouse Clicked]

    --- Shoot

    --- Wait 0.2 seconds

    --- Set ShootOrder to 1

    [ShootOder = 1]

    --- Shoot

    --- Wait 0.2 seconds

    --- Set ShootOrder to 2


    This would probably be better actually.


  • If you want the player also not to "clip through" the object which is crushing them, try placing the "crusher" on top (zorder top) to the player - so when it closes down the player is behind it and you can't see.


  • Before I download this, can you tell me what you mean by "they don't work"?

    Do the animations not play properly? Do they play one time then no more? What exactly are they doing or not doing?

    The most common problem people have with triggering animations, is that they trigger them every tick and the frame never goes past frame 1. I'm going to guess that this is the same problem that you are having.

    It also may be better to make a new project with just one or two animations in it for people to check, rather than having your whole project there. If you have the problem in your project, it will be the same in a new project if you build it the same way.


  • You need to add conditions that it only follows the player ship if the playership.count is greater than 0

    I guess it's going to coordinate 0,0 because the ship isn't there anymore - but you're still trying to follow the ship.
