SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

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    God dammit I am hungry now!

    LOL sucked in.

    I'm drunk as a skunk and about to go to bed.

    My brain hurts from


  • lol thats true....VB...the true bogan beer

    BTW for all you non-australians out there this is the perfect example of a bogan...


    I drink Carton Cold, TEDS, Canadian Club, Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, Techilla shots and Jagerbombs!



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  • when tracing sprites, at least give credit where it's due

    most of your character is just a recolored version of Angel from KOF.

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

    It's slightly more than "recoloured" for starters, more like heavily modified... for instance, completely redesigning the legs, and gourad shading the entire sprite by hand. It's quite known that a method of mine (as well as others) is to use existing charater sheets for an animation template. I'm a good artist, but not a great animator... but whatever.

    Anyway, I have made some good progress on the engine tonight over a few too many drinks. Here is a link for those of you who want to check it out and give some feedback. I know certain things aren't working right, like the crouching animation... but anything else you find that's "weird" (regarding play mechanics) please let me know. ... e-v0.8.exe



    Arrow keys to move

    SHIFT to jump

    SHIFT (again) to grab ledge and flip up

    R to restart frame (test control only)


  • C&C 1 was freakin wicked. One of my favourite games of all time... I can still hear the sound of the GDI defense turrets... *ptptptptpewww*

    (or however you make that awesome sound) xD


  • Cheers man, I'll take a look and see if there is anything that will help out

    I seem to be grasping the whole platform thing really well... it's just some minor technical difficulties that are stopping me from establishing a clean cosmetic result.


  • ouch, are you gonna put a crawling animation? I could show you the zillion .cap Ive been working on. It has a pretty good movement engine, a combination of platform behavior and custom. It moves almost exactly like I want it but the crawling is hard to get right. I've been having hell with getting these passcoded doors to work with. then on another layout ive been making a more action based scroller.

    I wasn't thinking of a crawling animation... just more of a crouch to duck under certain traps. By all means, if you want to... link me the .cap file... all the input I can get will be a big help! I'm pretty satisfied so far with the result I have achieved though... it's looking pretty good IMO apart from that pesky crouch animation that just doesn't seem to want to act right.

    I'm getting close to a test upload... just so you guys can check stuff out.


  • oh come on Deadeye, youve got tons of posts and didnt you say you wrote some wiki articles? thats way more help im gonna be. I dont like teaching someone something that I dont know much about. I mean I'd try but good luck. Im semi-dee-dee-dee so you probably wouldnt get far with me

    You never know man... hang around long enough and you will end up writing tutorials yourself becasue you get bored!


  • lol, I think she should have longer hair too, right now she reminds me of those square enix guys that look like girls. No offense. short-haired girls can be hot too

    All good mate lol. Each to thier own I guess... maybe I'll make it longer if I can be bothered editing 50+ animation frames. I might upload a test.cap so you guys can give your opinion on the movement engine so far. Keep in mind certain animations aren't working quite right just yet, like the crouch animation for example.


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    <img src="">

    Pierogi are Superior.




  • *looks at David's bird* Amazingly as it looks did anyone noticed this is a shoop? I mean no bird have teeth.

    I noticed, but I thought it was obvious... so I didn't mention it. ****** still scary though! xD



  • Jim bogan!


    I drink all kinds of stuff... I'm just on the beam tonight. lol

    Favourites Include (in no particular order)


    -Canadian Club

    -Southern Comfort

    -Makers Mark

    -Johnny Walker (Black Label or above!)


    -Jim Beam



    -Tooheys Platinum

    -Pure Blonde



    -Pale Ale


    -Rose Cask (BOGUN BONUS)

    -Stanley Tawny Port

    -Wolfblass Tawny Port

    -Any kind of dry/sweet white (I prefer a nice Moselle)






    so like... at least I don't drink VB... plus I spell better than you when I'm pissed xD


    P.S. It took me like 10 mins to post this!

  • Um... your account hasn't been hijacked by robots has it?


    I think it's more likely that his brains have been hijacked by Jim Beam




    Doing Construct while drunk(ish) is hard :/

  • Keep in mind that i'm not a first timer, i have a lot of experience with construct-ish programs like mmf and gamefactory.

    And yeah, i'm struggling with making my little soldiers move along a grid...that seems to be the hardest part for now.

    Hey, well if you have the drive to tackle it, then by all means go for it. An isometric RTS game would be hawt. I've had experience with iso games before, so if you need any tips then feel free to fire away. Personally I never bothered with a grid, I just used 8 way movement or ball movement... the animations are the key to making cool tile transitions IMO.

    Good luck my friend! Hard job, but not impossible!


  • I am such a focking noob when it comes to platform games D:

    I'm glad you are here to save me deadeye! xD


  • OKey I just got easily offended. Sorry ^^.

    All good mate. No worries
