SoldjahBoy's Forum Posts

  • You can also use BOIDS behaviour and use that to "flock" your entities. They will perhaps overlap, but quickly adjust themselves to be more in a "loose group" depending on the settings you put into the behaviour.

    You can get the original BOIDS behaviour HERE

    You can get Rex Rainbow's version of BOIDS behaviour HERE

    Each behaviour listed above works slightly differently. Rex has a bit more control but I find slightly harder to use (which usually comes with having more control).


  • This is really useful for cross platforms, thank you very much for this!

    No problem at all. I'm glad someone has found it useful!


  • Hi guys,

    I made a little test project to allow a canvas to actually resize to fit ANY screen resolution, on the fly. The red squares will find the corners of the canvas and move to them. I set them to move with lerp so you can see it in action. Notice the sqaures do not scale as the size of the layout/canvas is adjusted.

    I did this, mainly to tackle problems I'm personally having with making projects that would suit any device (fullscreen) - while not forcing an aspect ratio or orientation.

    I wanted to build something that would dynamically reposition itself on any device, any resolution, any aspect.

    Key factors in this project are to set your scaling method to scale outer (I think scale inner works as well), and to set to unbounded scrolling. Every object is then placed using ViewportLeft,ViewportRight,ViewportBottom,ViewportTop (which you could simplify by tracking those with some global variables or something).

    Again, I just made this to solve one of my own issues, but thought it may be useful for some other people to help with this annoying issue. You could also incorporate a scale modifier if you wanted to maintain a given scale for your objects.



    Realised I had RexRandom plugin in the project for some reason. I was messing with some other stuff and forgot to remove it. Should be a lot more user-friendly now. Sorry about that!


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  • You can use a "ghost object" that's set with bullet behaviour... then attach the "real" object to the ghost object coordinates. This way you can control the ghost object and the angle doesn't matter. The real object will be at whatever angle you tell it to be.

    You could also do it simply by setting the position of your object to;

    Set X: self.x+(amount of pixels)

    Set Y: self.y+(amount of pixels)

    You would need to figure out the amount of pixels per tick you wanted to use, in order to achieve the speed you want. Also be aware in doing is this way, you will also want to make sure you are using timedelta (dt) so that results do not vary on a slower or faster processor.


    • Post link icon

    Please keep in mind that anyone with a legacy Dropbox account will still have their public folder - and it will still function as always.

    I have several links on the forum over the years that are linked to my public folder, and they still work. It's probably still worth clicking the links to check for functionality.


    My public folder still works as normal - but - possibly not for much longer. Legacy accounts have been given a "grace period" of continued functionality from what I've been told. As far as I'm aware now, even legacy accounts will no longer be able to link via the public folder. I guess time will tell - how long though, I'm unsure of.


  • Thanks for giving it a shot Nandynho... I'm not sure what the solution is - but you will be a complete hero if you can figure out how to force the size on Apple devices. It works perfectly on every other platform/format as it is now, but Apple are being horrid.



  • Nandynho

    No problem at all. I know what it's like to be busy with other stuff. I appreciate if you have the time to look into this. The problem with iframe being forced to maximum document size on iDevices is quite annoying. I wish they would just do things like everyone else and make it easier on developers like you.



  • Thanks for the reply Ashley, I was leaning towards the fact it was a browser specific issue. You have now confirmed that, and I feel better because I thought it was me doing something wrong.

    It would be nice to have some kind of "force off zoom" option, even if it means the user can't select the text box - because I guess in my particular instance that would suit just fine. Whether or not this is possible or even worth doing for such specific uses is another story, however I would personally find this feature repeatedly useful.

    This whole "it's discrimination" is really a poor excuse IMO for these companies to take away some critical design decisions from developers - essentially forcing them to either live with a broken layout or figure out some other way of doing the job. Hopefully you can come to some understanding and agreement with the browser vendors regarding this. I'm still confused as to why there isn't an industry standard for a lot of these things... it would make everyone's job a lot easier!

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply mate.


  • Strangely enough, the google map DOESN'T allow zoom - where any other embedded content typically does. I guess the map has some fancy google code in there to stop pinch/pull zooming.

    It's the strange behaviour of the text box object that's got me stuck. It's clearly a problem with the default android browser... but if it's an over-looked bug on behalf of team Scirra then hopefully Ashley can fix it. If not, it's not a MAJOR issue, but I can guarantee the first person who looks at the site will be using android browser and try to zoom in... smh lol!


  • No, it happens just with a project that has just the text box object set to textarea mode.

    I haven't tried other modes, but the exact setting on the textbox I'm using are textarea mode, and it's enabled=false as well, and has CSS styling to make the background white.

    It doesn't happen on Chrome for Android, or anything else... just the default "android browser".

    iFrame plugin has this zoom problem with EVERY platform, but I asked in that plugin thread about that specifically. This issue is with the Text Box default C2 object.


  • Hi Nandynho!

    IT's pretty good that you continue the work of JesseJoh from his elements pack. I would recommend that you change the plugin ID though, because it conflicts with the old pack.

    I do have one question though... for some reason Apple decided that they don't follow the same rules for iframe as every other manufacturer or developer (what a surprise about this) so on Apple devices you cannot specify the size of the iframe unless it's LARGER than the document that is displayed inside. On Apple devices it will force the iframe to be the maximum size to contain the document... overflow:hidden does not work.

    After some research I have found something that (supposedly) works, but it's a bit of a hack. You have to make a DIV container around the iframe to force the size you want... basically using it like a wrapper. You set the heightt/width etc in the DIV wrapper and it will control the iframe sizing in iOS.

        <div id="wrapper">... old html goes here ...</div>
    I was wondering if it was possible to add this feature to the iframe plugin somehow, since it completely fails to display correctly in any Apple devices.
    There is also one last feature request if it's possible... Apple have also decided that disallowing ZOOM is discriminatory, so you can no longer force a particular display level. This is a problem however in a C2 app when it's using scaling mode (letterbox scale/integer scale/etc) because the ZOOM feature of the iframe over-rides the C2 scaling - and causes the entire page to break. I want to make the iframe itself not able to zoom in or out, and have a nested container inside of it that will allow zoom without affecting the entire project. I wish Apple would leave the evaluation of "discrimination" up to the designer, and not some random thought they had during their morning bowel movements.
    Is it possible to add to the plugin the turn off ZOOM of iframe (pinch/pull) on mobile devices (and CTRL+mouse scroll wheel) on PC/Windows?
    Thanks a bunch for reading! Great work on continuing the plugin!
  • Sorry to bug you Ashley but do you know why the Text Box object (set to textarea mode) would allow ZOOM to happen but only in (default) ANDROID BROWSER?

    It doesn't seem to be an issue in Chrome for Android, or on any iOS device.


  • I have done this and it works, at least on android browser and chrome for android. Haven not tested yet on iPhone/iPad.

    Exactly as Firewires said, just use the browser object, open URL -> "tel:12345678" <- use as link -> triggered by touching on certain object, etc

    Now when I tap on the number it will bring up my dialing options, add to contacts, etc.

    Make sure you put "tel:" before the number, that's important!


  • Hey guys,

    I've discovered a couple of issues with both the built-in text box object (when set to "textarea" mode) as well as any of the iframe plugins (jessejoh or pode's versions).

    If using just one/either/or/both of these objects in a project I have discovered the user can pinch/pull zoom on the site within these objects, thus causing some crazy undesirable results (like the layout trying to scale, failing to do so, then disappearing entirely off-screen).

    To test what I mean, visit this test build site I'm working on - wait for it to load and click "next" to hit the "about" page. The text area can be zoomed in by doing a pinch/pull (*EDIT* seems to be only on default android browser only) on the standard C2 built-in text box object. Removing the iframe from my project makes no difference, I have tried that already. I'm using this iframe for a google map embed only, but it makes no difference if left in or not.

    Anyone have any idea why the browser is allowing over-ride on zoom? I thought C2 was supposed to stop this from happening... though I have read recently that specifically in iOS that changes have been made to stop developers from being able to stop users from zooming (because it's apparently discriminatory - they'd rather break everyone's projects or pages that need zoom disabled in places). This is happening in android however... and on PC as well for that matter (if you hold CTRL and use the mouse wheel) it will do weird stuff.

    Help please? Is this a bug that needs to be reported or am I doing something wrong (like usual?)


    Was able to test on an iDevice and it works as expected (no zooming/breaking) but is definitely a problem on the standard android browser. Will test in chrome on android and see if that's also an issue.

    *EDIT 2*

    It also works fine in chrome on android... it seems to be just the standard android browser that's broken


  • But will you able to play with your friends? Will there be multiplayer?

    Just laugh nervously, smile a lot and say "yeaaahhhh" at every possible opportunity.

    Game looks neat... and I like the name
