skymen's Forum Posts

  • Yep exactly.

    I agree with you. It'd be amazing to have everything on the scirra forums so we don't have to put stuff on other websites.

  • Alright, I dropped a few requests on the ideas platform.

    Still, it would be nice to have someone on the team dedicated to adding features to the SDK and documenting them at one point in the future.

  • Nice! Eren If you contact me via Discord or Patreon I can give you write access to the google sheets so you can add your plugins easily instead of just asking for modification.

  • I get that, but then it would be nice to either have documentation about the functions that allow us to do that.

    I know SetLayer isn't meant to be used on its own, I read through the commonAces file and reused that code.

    But then if I can't use it, how can I move an object accross layers?

    Do I need to create a SOL containing my one object instance and then call Action on that object type and SOL so it reuses the CommonACE file code? This is an issue I came accross when porting my skins addon which adds and syncs a skin on top of a sprite.

    But to do so, how can I create a SOL?

    For this simple case there are some issues. Not only the doc lacks content, but it also has false info in it. Like GetImagePoint(nameOrIndex) that states that it returns two values between 0 and 1, which it doesn't.

    Also when porting C2 addons that used undocumented features we can't really do anything but use those same features. The addon usually wouldn't use undocumented features if it didn't have to, and when porting it, we can either use them, or not port it at all.

    That's only accounting for the fact that the addon used undocumented features. But in the case of some plugins (like Spritefont+ and my Spritefont Deluxe) we can't even use what was documented in C2, like adding 3rd party files as a default texture.

  • Hi all.

    A few days ago, I made a website that referenced C2 plugins and wether they had been ported yet or not.

    At the moment, the website has all of rex's addon referenced.

    If you know of any ported plugin from C2, or plugins that weren't ported or fully ported, please add them to the database using this link:

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  • Usually most of the undocumented runtime functions that you used still exist but are either named in PascalCase or have an additionnal underscore before them.

    For exemple this.inst.GetWorldInfo()._SetLayer()

    If a plugin has a huge class that does all of the heavy work (like rex's addons sometimes do) you can just copy paste the whole thing in plugin.js or behavior.js at the very top and expect it to work fine.

    If said class uses functions from C2 runtime, just replace them but it should be easy.

    In C3 runtime the "this" you're controlling is not an inst class but an sdkInst. So if you want to call a function from another plugin (like sprite) you must do


    This will also let you access any property defined there, like current animation, and any defined helper function.

    The easiest way to know what you can access is by using console.log on "this"

    It will print every property, and list all of the functions you have in the last property named "__proto__". Each function will be named, and will list the needed arguments.

    The minification scirra used for the runtime files is pretty basic. They just replaced every function and var names with a single letter. All the runtime function names and Exps, Acts, and Cnds names can't br altered though so they haven't been changed.

    It's a way different story for the editor sdk though.

    However, I'm pretty sure that since the editor is also JS you can console.log your way through everything as well.

    I think you can get every file C3 has if you managed to host C3 on a local server. I haven't done that myself, but I know it is possible, and will let you access the addon's editor code and commonAces files.

  • You should contact the support at and try to settle this with them

  • Btw I also ported Rex's Tween tasks to C3 Runtime

  • Do you know that Eren has been porting lots of rex plugins already? And they're all free to use.

    If you wanna give money to him, I'd suggest you support him on Patreon

    here are all the ported plugins he made:

  • Hey everyone, I've just announced the winners on the Discord server

    Get in touch to get your prize!

  • Hi, I already replied to your email, but let me post my answer in here in case anyone else would want to know.


    You shouldn't do that because you can't run code from a given layout to change stuff on an instance that's on another layout. At least not like this.

    Instead you'll need to use a global variable and set it to the skin name you want and on the other layout, on start, set the object to the skin you want it to have.

  • hi

    can i participate with the free version?

    Yes you can absolutely do that :) beto76

    I submitted my entry, the game is called Damaged Controls

    Nice ! :D

  • The jam is now live at !

    The theme for the jam is: Creative Common Controls

    Please read the rules before you start making your entry

    Happy game jamming!

  • Announcing Construct Community Game Jam

    Recently we reached 1000 users on our discord community server, and to celebrate this we organised announced a game jam !

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    The game jam will be 2 weeks long and will be held from January 2nd to January 15th. The main goal of the jam will be to produce short games and minigames (a few minutes long at most) following a theme that will be revealed at the start of the jam. You will be allowed to make multiple submissions if you feel like it.

    Join the Construct Community Discord server if you haven't yet in order to discuss with other members of the community and take part in the jam:

    The construct team offered to give a one year C3 license to the winner. I will also be offering some of my plugins too.

    I hope you'll find this event cool and will participate with lots of amazing games!


  • Is WKWebview supported? I've encountered issues with SpriteFont+ being used in WKWebview and preventing layers from showing.. it would be nice to not have to deal with that.

    I never tried with WKWebview. If you contact me via Discord I'd be glad to hand you a copy if you can try it and tell me.

    My discord is skymen#8098