skelooth's Forum Posts

  • Since the asset store is new, I'll just leave some brief feedback:

    System was smooth! There was a small bug that things stayed in my shopping cart until I redeemed them (I had to go buy more swag). For pragmatic people though I'd request either better items filters or a more text heavy layout in the future if possible. Otherwise, cool beans ya'll.

    (use case, an image of a song does not describe anything to me, nor does a thumbnail of most bundles, and descriptive text would be much more useful.)

  • oh, I figured you knew so I did not expand on it.

    Basically it looks like the car is missing an animation for the angle it's moving at, so it switches back and forth between frames,

    so for example

    car is moving at 30 degrees, ever second or so the animation of the car is 20 degrees then 40 degrees repeat.

    As for the game not loading, I refreshed with the intent of checking for JS errors, but then it worked.

  • I had to refresh the page before it would load up and run correctly for some reason,

    Looks awesome! The movement was jerky since the trajectory of the cars didn't aways match the animation, so the cars would like... flip back and forth, hard to explain. Otherwise everything is very cool. Enemy and combat felt smooth, but would be nice to select all of your units at once. Graphics are great too

  • Hey, thanks for the feedback !

    I bought the music from the scirra store on a whim. I'm making every effort to make sure I retain commercial rights to sell everything I produce. The graphics I mostly bought from the Indie Graphics Bundle on steam, though I have spent hours customizing the little bit that is shown in the current build. (I have like a gig of space sprites and animations to work with!). As for fonts, I'm getting them from fontsquirrel and embedding the CSS as a project file.

    Fullscreen was easy, it worked that way by default with C2. I just did

    On Click Text -> [browser: request full screen]

  • That's a brilliant work around! I scrapped indoor combat in my game to focus on the tweaks I'm making to the fomula of how combat is fought. I just love the battle and stat system from FTL so much so I'm blending the concept with real time movement and RPG elements.

    How does your invisible square generate the waypoints? Thanks so much.

  • Not sure you can. MAYBE with some conventional HTML but my experience is that C2 gets suspended as soon as it loses window focus on mobile.

  • I am also working on something FTL inspired (freaking awesome game I've unlocked all the ships but the crystal ship). What you've done looks great!

    Can I ask how you did the pathfinding?

  • What do I need to do, legally, to protect my potential game? Is there standard legal mumbo jumbo I can throw in?

    How important is it that I DBA as a game company instead of self publishing under my normal name? Is it a question solely of brand management and the risk of tainting your own name as a poor brand?

  • My game is in landscape setting and I've never had to do anything special, it just works fullscreen in crosswalk. Is the screen size of your project not 720px?

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  • Creative problem solving with C2....

    Can you just make your bounding boxes bigger? Especially in the case of a bullet, you could extend the "tail" of the hitbox 5-10 pixels. Sometimes a collision might look a little wonky, but it's better than missing.

  • I would gladly bring my "please adujst your graphic settings!" at 30 fps for the slow systems. That would be perfectly normal : )

    But triggering it and losing some collisions as soon as 45FPS is quite a surprise.

    It only happens on fast objects like gun bullets or spaceships with boost, but it can break the game very quickly.

    (ex: if a trigger is skipped on the track because the ship is coming too fast.)

    Being fast paced is the whole point of a racing game, so I really can't slow some of the game elements.


    This is a logic problem in all game engines. A very simple solution is to store a "sprite last position" element so you can check for collision along the vector instead of just the point. I'm not sure how this would be implemented in C2 though.

    I think box2d (or one of the common physics engines) will handle the advanced collision for you, and I believe it works along similar lines by incorporating the last known position.

  • Oh yes, user feedback is kind of terrifying. When software works without a hitch you never hear *any* user feedback, but if anyone sees anything they dislike even the slightest bit the floodgates of negative feedback open! I am a web developer and know this cycle well. Complaining people are the most vocal, it's pretty rare to get positive feedback from users unless you scratch their itch just right.

    I'm impressed you did an IGN takeover, I imagine that is not cheap?

    I'm still a long ways from releasing, but I know I need to keep this stuff in mind. If I could in the very least make my money back, I would call it a success. Really I just love programming, but as I get older time gets more valuable.

  • Thank you so much! I didn't realize C2 games were compatible, that's great news!

    How far in the process were you before you started publishing press releases, trailers, etc?

    Edit: What are things you've done in the past that had a negative reaction?

  • More,

    How did you price your game? I believe games of similar caliber of what I have planned go from 5 to 10 dollars, but as the developer I will not make a good judge of the game's value. I've sunk quite a bit of money into it so far though. How do you determine your games value in a way that optimizes for sales/market reach?

    How much did you drop in advertising? Is $1k in online advertising overkill, or not enough?

  • After a lifetime of hobby game programming (and programming in general) I am hell bent on charging money for the game I'm working on. I have made a career of programming for other people none of my personal side projects have seen any success so far.

    I'm very good with SEO, SEM, and web development, I am not good at: knowing what people want, or how to extract money from people.

    Currently my plan is to release a "light" version, a "full" version, and to release on android, DRM free desktop, and win8 store.

    So I ask of you, looking back to the first time you turned a profit off a game, what mistakes did you make, what advice would you give? If you have a fantastic link, please post that as well!