sirkame's Forum Posts

  • Hi everybody,

    I'm developing a small graphic adventure and I got most of the base "engine" created. But I have a problem driving the character where I want without getting him stuck somewhere.

    I tried to use the regular pathfinder but it's slow calculating. Do you know an alternative path finder that works with this kind of game?

    Thank you! =)

  • I have the same problem. With r205 it doesn't happen, but my project was saved as 206.

    Nombre del evento de problema: APPCRASH

    Nombre de la aplicación: Construct2.exe

    Versión de la aplicación:

    Marca de tiempo de la aplicación: 556462df

    Nombre del módulo con errores: ig4icd64.dll

    Versión del módulo con errores:

    Marca de tiempo del módulo con errores: 506dfa58

    Código de excepción: c0000005

    Desplazamiento de excepción: 0000000000074379

    Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7600.

    Id. de configuración regional: 3082

    Información adicional 1: 905b

    Información adicional 2: 905b88fa91c8a99d48c21c0a5cd7b230

    Información adicional 3: a73c

    Información adicional 4: a73c845f1a528de6bcf604007844f718

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks. I'll try checking that out.

  • Hi friends,

    In my games I always have to press a button before the game detects the gamepad, but I've played several games in the Scirra Arcade that doesn't need this. It works directly. How could I do this?

  • Hi friends,

    I'm trying to upload a game to Kongregate by exporting it from Construct 2 with it's export-Kongregate feature, and then uploading the game (index.html as main file and the rest of the exported files as a ZIP), but when trying to preview the game, the loading bar goes red and it freezes. I also tried with regular HTML export and doesn't work either.

    Do you have any idea what can be causing this?

    Thanks in advance, as always.

  • Some mobile browsers, especially Safari on iOS, won't let sounds play, especially music, unless the touchscreen is touched.

    If that's an issue with music, I'd try adding music files as sound files in your project and treat them as sounds. Might not work, but I remember I wanted to try that out and haven't got a chance yet.

    I've tried already, but still no sound. I think it's because of the sound format, that should be mp4, but yesterday I tried to change it to MP4 and now PC runs it but on Iphone it crashes when loading is complete, so I'l redo everything again and test it. Thank you!

  • Thank you Kan. that's exactly what I was thinking. It's very, very important to be careful about framerate depending issues, like colission detecting or values slightly "dancing" up and down.

  • Hi friends,

    I have uploaded a prototype to googledrive but when playing it with the Iphone it doesn't sound. I've read about exporting with Cordova and it creates what looks like regular HTML5 files, so I upload them and all I got is black screen, both in my PC and in the Iphone, so obviously I'm missing something.

    What should I do to get sound working? Thanks!

  • Hi friends,

    I've been testing a very very simple prototype on a cell phone (Iphone 5). I've never tried to play Construct games with the phone, but I found a problem when playing. As the gamme slightly stutters, the jump strength (platform behaviour) seems to change depending on the framerate. Sometimes I'm gonna jump and, instead of jumping, for example, 500, it jumps above or sometimes below that strenght. Sometimes the character can't jump over a platform and some other he can.

    Is it possible to regulate this somehow? Some tips to improve performance in phones?


  • Hi!

    I've tried making another similar text under the another one (slightly displaced to right and down) with another color tu simulate the shadow, but it would be great it I could make a real full border to the text, without using the sprite text object. Anyone can help?


  • Hi Lordshiva. Thanks, but there's a problem. The real situation is that I have an area where enemies can enter and others can spawn. So, there's no collision when an enemy spawns inside directly. Instead, I should use (I think) overlapping, but doesn't seem to work. I don't know if it's a program's limitation or something.

    EDIT: I restarted the program and now collision works when spawning. I don't know why. Thank you very much and sorry =)

  • Hi there,

    I'm trying to count how many enemies are, for example, inside a jail, in a particular zone.

    The problem I have is that when several enemies enter that zone at the same time, only one of them is counted by the program. I have this logic right now:

    If enemy is overlapping jail sensor (covering all the floor) TRIGGER ONCE ==== add 1 to jailenemycount (global variable).

    That didn't work, so I tried:

    If enemy is overlapping jail sensor and enemy's instance variable "countthisone" = 0 ====== set countthisone to 1

    and then, when enemy's countthisone = 1 ====== add 1 to jailenemycount and set countthisone to 0

    I'm missing something here. Any help will be very welcome.

    Thank you in advance!

  • Yes, I tried. The problem is that the object is created depending on the window width, not in the project resolution width. So for some reason, I create an object on window.width/2 and as my window is bigger (yes, it sounds veeeeery weird) the object actually shows on the right side of the screen. It's crazy.

  • Hi!

    I'm trying to create a HUD in the upper side of the screen with 3 different objects on it. Imagine: health, combo and coins.

    The thing is, if I create the object in a specific X or Y it goes away when changing the resolution. I tried to create them with this but doesn't work:

    Create object "health" at: window.width/2 (middle one)

    Create object "combo" at: window.width/2-(window.width/3) (left one)

    But when It shows completely off because window.width takes the browser window and not the window size I wrote in the layout options. I tried every single full screen mode and nothing.

    So: the object is created based on window width (1920 because of my monitor resolution) but the game is 720p.

  • Hi friends,

    My problem is simple but I can't get rid of it. I stack a pile of boxes (perfectly square) that are in "bounding box" collision mode. I stack them one above another and they start like... shaking a little bit. If I play with density all I get is more of that effect. Is it impossible to stack them perfectly?

    Also, there's 1 pixel (transparent) between the boxes but I double-checked the sprite and the pixel line is not there. Any ideas?

    Thank you as always.