Silhouette's Forum Posts

  • Thanks guys, I got my alarms working, and my random numbers.

    Hmmm. What about making a boundary for my level? My plane can fly right off the screen x.x.

    Also, after I add a behavior(such as 8 direction movement) is there a way I can view the behavior as events with conditions and actions, so that I may make changes? Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I figured there would have to be a way to break a behavior down into its minor parts.

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  • I tried this at one point and it did not work.

    Let me try it again, and I'll get back to you.

    EDIT: Hmm, I think it might be working. I'll post if I'm mistaken. In the meantime, what do I type in for x and y values in object creation events to place them at random values. I thought it would be randomx and randomy but I was wrong.

  • Hey everyone, I'm new to Construct, and to game creation in general.

    So I tried gamemaker, and I liked it. I messed around learning the basics, and created a game meant for learning purposes. I then decided to expand my horizons, and downloaded Construct.

    I must say, Construct is awesome. I'm currently learning some basics via tutorials, but I've came across something I don't know how to do. I've been searching the forum, and I can't,for the life of me, figure out how to do what I want to do.

    In gamemaker, there are events called alarms. One can set alarms to a certain duration, and when the alarm's duration expires, actions are carried out. Using this, you can do many things. One of the main things I used it for was delay between firing projectiles.

    In gamamaker, I made an object with a variable "canshoot." On creation, canshoot was set to 1. When I pressed space, it checked to see if canshoot was set to 1, and if it was, it did the three following actions:

    1.) create a projectile

    2.) set canshoot to 0

    3.) set an alarm to a certain duration

    I then had an alarm event that would, when the set duration expired, set canshoot back to 1. This would allow me to shoot a projectile, be unable to shoot for the duration of the alarm while canshoot was at 0, and then be able to shoot again after the alarm duration expired. This kept a delay between each and every shot.

    However, enough about gamemaker. This is a construct forum.

    I can't figure out how to get the same results in construct. There doesn't seem to be an alarm event, or any object types related to time. I can't seem to find anything other than "every x milliseconds" which doesn't produce the same results. I just want to be able to set a timer for a length of time, and upon the time running out, have an action occur. How do I do this in construct?

    I need to make my projectiles fire with delay in between each shot, regardless of whether I'm tapping the key, or holding it down.

    Thanks in advance.
