shushpo's Forum Posts

  • Was not sure if I need to create new post in this subforum, so I'll just write it here (since the title says r266+). I'm on Steam version of C2, so I have r267. The thing that bothers me is that from time to time the app closes itself without any error message or warning. Last time it happened today, after I was trying to close the image editor. It closed the window with the sprite, while two other windows remained opened for a few seconds. Then the program just closed. This gets really frustrating. Hope it can be resolved and I can get back to my project without worrying of losing the progress again. Thanks in advance!

    P.S. The buttons, mentioned above do not work properly too. Can confirm.

    • Post link icon

    Hey, got the similar issue with my project too.

    Here are two GIF's with adding an event and adding an action.

    Please note that it's even slower than in GIFs due to the specific of the recording software.

    It's not pleasant, but not extremely awful too. I just hope it won't get any worse.

    My specs: i5-4670K, 16Gb RAM, Win10, GeForce GTX 1060 6Gb, C2 is installed on HDD, System runs on SSD.


  • Problem solved! The tiled sprite that I used for the environment of the level is basically a monolith picture that was combined from smaller pieces (I know, it's wrong to use that big sprites ). Its size was 9600x1080 and it looks like it exceeded the maximum that older laptops can handle. I just replaced it with smaller parts of the level environment sprites and it works just fine now.

  • Hi, this is my first game using Construct2, a simple little Breakout clone called Demobot, however when trying to play the game on a laptop a few assets such as the walls of the play area and the title in the opening and credits doesn't load and I cannot identify why as I am not too great with coding .

    Here is a link to my game for anyone who wants to play or wishes to see the issues listed to see if they can help:

    and for anyone who knows about coding I have already run this game on a laptop that cannot run the game through both Internet explorer and Google Chrome (I Recommend chrome personally) and I have made a copy of the code found by going to the developer's tools (or equivalent in chrome's case) along with pictures in the following link to a word documentation:!AhZ0UsrDRDqAgyUKK0txP_-aoOMw

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Hey, looks like I've got the same issue. On one of the PC's that I test my game on (on the oldest one) the background of one particular level goes completely black. It's WebGL's fault but I don't know how to solve this issue too. I started a topic on this question too, so here's the link, just in case: nwjs-level-goes-black-webgl-not-working-properly_t198463

  • I'll add the screenshots so you can see what I'm talking about.

    Update: I consulted folks from C2 Discord community on this matter, and got the info that apparently this issue happens because WebGL is not working properly. The reason of this is unknown.

    Console shows this warning:

  • Have you tried to re-install C2 on your PC at work? Maybe something corrupted it? What Anti-virus do you use? Some of them can be pretty rough in terms of sustaining the system clean of viruses (What I mean is that they just are generally bad and can screw up things easily ).

  • Hello,

    Recently, I've made a build and decided to test it on several PC's. I brought the build to my friend and tested it out. That's when I encountered the bug with jump calculation inaccuracy. I managed to bypass it by tweaking jump height and gravity.

    Then, while I was testing one of the builds on another PC I've encountered a situation when one of the levels turned almost completely black. Only "UI", "Rain" and "Objects" layers appeared. Everything below it was black. I've tried to delete and remake every layer that was below "Objects", but it lead to nothing. Then, I've returned to the condition of the build that I've tested on my friend's PC and tried it out again (to make sure that the reason of this graphic bug was not the changes that I've made). I also tried to downgrade to the previous version of nwjs, but the result was the same.

    I think that the reason maybe in that particular PC, but I am not entirely sure of it. I've updated Java to the latest version, as well as DirectX. The graphic card drivers are not too old too. It runs on Windows 10 and the specs aren't so bad too. Has anyone encountered the same issue? I would like to fix that issue because I don't know what causes it and on how many PC's it will appear. Maybe the chance is 1 on 10 or maybe it's more.

    Big thanks in advance!

  • > Most games are not affected by it. It causes maybe something like +/- 2px difference.


    Just my rotten luck...bugs really like me!

    I'll work around it then, I guess.

    I don't know where is my previous post, that I've updated couple of times (I hope it wasn't deleted), so I'll just double it here again.

    Hey, I've just discovered the same bug in my game too. Have you, by chance, found any way to eliminate it? I'm already too far into the development, so moving my game onto C3 is not an option for me (and I also don't have a budget for it). Update#2: Ok, I think I've managed to bypass that bug by tweaking the jump height and the gravity of the player, but the bug is still there. I think that it should be fixed. After all, a lot of people still use Construct 2 and people will continue to buy it, so it is really worth looking in. With all respect to the developers, I must say that this is a very nasty issue that concerns the very basic functionality of the engine. I hope that you'll understand what I'm trying to say here. Thanks.

  • dop2000 NN81 Thanks for your answers!

  • Hey, good people!

    I have two questions about adding the music into the game. First - is there a way to continue the music theme after the character died and the level restarts?

    The thing is that in my game the new players will most likely "die" multiple times in a row and I don't wan't them to be annoyed by the constant restart of the music theme, tied to this level.

    And the second question - let's say, I have one music theme tied to three themed levels. Is there a way to continue the music after level transitioning?

    Should I make separate event sheet for the music and add it to every level's event sheet and somehow tie the music to the global number which states what level is now?

    Thanks in advance!

  • If I am correct It exists because anything that is using delta time to correct itself is skipping over showing you certain frames to show you the correct frame as if your computer was keeping up. The measurement is totally disregarding the performance of your computer to keep the game to a consistent speed. I imagine if old NES games like Castlevania were to use delta time than instead of slowing down you would have been playing nintendo at 2-5fps which would have made it much harder to dodge say an unexpected fireball.

    As far as converting the numbers, I know exactly what you are talking about. 400px per seconds never turns out to be 400 * dt for me I myself have had to make totally different wild estimates on numbers when using delta time, but I eventually find the right one.

    I see...well, since the tutorial says that behaviors already used built-in delta-time, it means that everything is not so bad, in my case. Most of "moving" things, except some "enemies" sprites are being moved using behaviors in my project, so I'll just have to tinker with the rest (which consist the smaller part of game's objects). Thanks for the answer, though!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello!

    Recently, I've discovered an issue with a different speed of moving objects on different PC's. At first, I thought that this is some weird bug, but after I did some proper research (which I should have been done at the start), I found the function called "delta-time". This prevents moving sprites, that do not use behaviors, from acting differently, depending on FPS and a system that runs the game. I found a tutorial and a post about that, but I still can't wrap my head around it. Let's say, that every tick a sprite moves on 6px to the right (Self.X + 6), then what will be the analogue of six pixels, if I choose to use delta-time function? Is there any formula that can be used to translate the sole number of pixels into its delta-time analogue? Many thanks in advance!

    Update: Looks like the only way is to rewrite all of the functions that use simple sprite movement and find out the new "speeds" from scratch. This whole time I was seeing the distorted movement speed that was based more on the specs of my PC than on real numbers (I suddenly realised that 6px per second is much much slower that I saw everyday in my browser for the past month

  • Would this work for you?: ... .capx?dl=0

    No need for a spawner, everything works off the block behaviours. I've also included a check to move the avatar out of the block if it resolidifies whilst they're overlapping.

    This is just what I needed <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /> Thanks a lot for your help, mate!

  • Hi there, good people! I am stuck with the question on how do I make blocks that can disappear after player stand on them and after a few seconds, respawn back at where they were.

    I ended up with making two separate objects: sprite for block (with Fade and Solid behavior) and invisible sprite for spawner (with Timer).

    How it goes so far:

    • Player collides with a block.
    • Block starts to fade out.
    • The timer on spawner starts.
    • After the timer ends, a block is created on a spawner.

    It's the short version of what I tried. The main problem is that after the timer ends, it spawns new blocks on every spawner, including those that still have a block on them.

    Is there any way to check if there is no block on the spawner, to prevent all this? Or is there any way to write a universal function that can mention the exact spawner, from which the block

    faded away?

    Big thanks in advance!

  • My advice would be to make it large and go with it and if it affects performance you can always scale it down and re-import. If you notice any performance hits you can always make a copy of your project and import scaled down versions and see if the backgrounds are the issue and if so do the reduced sizes still meet your quality threshold.

    I have used some pretty large backgrounds and not had any noticeable slow down on PC. If you were making a bullet-hell shooter with hundreds of sprites and lots of effects then it might make a difference, but with a platformer, I wouldn't think so.

    Thanks for the advice!