Shubi's Forum Posts

  • Alright i will try that.

  • I liked your idea, but it would cause a significant performance drop especially in a game with 100(s) of physics objects.

    Any other solution? .... Like i said before, one approach would be to take a snap of whole layout (not just window size) and then using your idea of putting that image on a layer scaling it etc. is there a way to do that?

  • What if i dont want to show a map but real time feed of rest of the layout.

    Let me explain with an example,

    Look at the image below....

    This is a classic tower stack game ... remember those? Now i can see the play area ie. the top of tower and sky. Right? But what if i want to show my player a mini version of the complete tower build so far in a small window at top corner of the screen ?

    Now doing that will require capturing an image of the whole layout (not just the window size). How can i do that?

  • Hi everyone...I need some help with my new game,

    So Imagine a big layout of 2000x1000px

    And the window size to be of 500x1000px

    Now the player would see the playing area of course (500x1000) when he plays, but what if I also want the player to see the rest of the layout (in real time) in a little box at top of screen.

    If you did not understand what I am trying to say... See the image below.

  • Bookmark it on your browser! I don't know about any button in menu for this.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Look their is a little star on this post at top... in between the subscribe button and search box

  • Thank you Mikal

    I used Construct 2 Multiplayer Object and Scirra's free server for this game. Its easy when you don't have to code your own server.

  • justifun

    Updated with a Promo Video

  • I am planning to do that justifun

  • Kindly give feedbacks on a game that i have just completed and published on Google Play Store,

    Its called Chain Reaction : Nuclear

  • ok thanks for help!

  • I don't think it works that way. 'Pick by evaluate' is for instances and a tile is not an instance from a tilemap.

    I think you have to loop through the tilemap tile for tile and look if the surrounded tiles are the ones you want.

    I made a little example:

    Its not a tilemap object its just a sprite object with name "sp_tile".

  • Hi everyone... need a little help with Pick by evaluate event here,

    Imagine a grid of object(sp_tile), i want to pick tiles around a tile if they are present and set a variable to the picked tiles, i am using following events to make that happen...

    But it never works. What am i doing wrong here?

  • Thanks for the info, hope you fix it within a week as you have said at the bug report.good luck.

  • I just recreated the build fail a minute ago, it is happening only when i use google play and advert plugins are both used in the project.


    "Bug reports" are more than a crash log. Sometimes it's possible to draw a conclusion from a log message, but often we need to know the situation in which it occurs. Depending on the error that can be a > combination of the system information, the project and a particular sequence of operations.

    I see, but what to do when it shows only a log after a failed build and not a bug report. That is what is happening and same is what i posted in bug report.