Shubi's Forum Posts

  • Yeah i had a disabled group too, enabled it and now it previews fine.


  • My project was working fine, i deleted a couple of objects and now I am seeing a black screen whenever i preview... i opened Console tab and it is showing following error.. Does anyone know what this could be?

  • Hi again,

    I know this is an old one but i couldn't find an answer in older posts except the option for using a third party plugin that i dont want to use, and i need it very much for my upcoming game.

    So is there a way to download a canvas snapshot on mobile device storage?

    Edit: Just to remind that Browser Invoke download does not work on a mobile.

  • Turned out it is able to share image(canvassnapshot) on any platform without any problem,

    but when it comes to recorded video... it works on facebook, Google Drive..... and Not on whatsapp (Shows File Format Not Supported).

    (in case i am doing something wrong) here is how i am doing it...

  • alright!

    I will try setting Canvas size to low while recording then, may be that would reduce the slowdown.

  • Hi newt thanks for replying

    i am currently using pretty low quality recording i guess...

    Do you think i can do anything else in its settings to reduce the load?

  • Hi everyone,

    I am using GameRecorder plugin in my game to record screen, but the moment t starts recording the Game starts running Super Slow on Android,

    i was wondering is this normal and can i do anything to fix it?

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  • I did what you said and the file can be shared now, but for some reasons, the apps like whatsapp does not allow direct media sharing from apps as said here...

    so is there a way that i can save it to external storage of the device first and then share that file at the same time?

    Edit : Works if i share it with facebook though.

  • I didn't knew that. thanks!

    hey do by any chance you know about sharing the video recorded by C3 gamerecorder?

    i posted asking about it but i guess no one knows...

  • Wow Great!

    Thanks again for clearing that up!

  • dop2000

    hey what about adding a key to a dictionary? does it completes the same tick too or do i have to wait?

  • AFAIK, Load from JSON is not an asynchronous operation. It is completed in the same tick. Even if JSON string is very big, there will be a lag, but the next action will not be performed until data is loaded into the dictionary. So you don't need any wait at all.

    Wow that's amazing!

    Thank you both for helping!

  • hi everyone,

    I am using "Load Dictionary form Json" and wait "1" sec after it to let it load, i want to reduce the wait time,

    so is there a minimum time in which a dictionary can be loaded so that i don't use wait action longer than necessary?

  • Bump! Anyone?

    I have an idea that it may have to do something with binary plugin may be but i don't know how... so a little help would be very nice.

  • hey everyone,

    we can record our game play with "GameRecorder" plugin and we get a recording url at the end of it but its a blob url and cannot be share as it is,

    so i want to know how to share the recorded video with "share" plugin?