Sheep's Forum Posts

  • Well I have it all set up <img src="" border="0" /> I believe that is correct (not including the rest just using 1 for now to test) what do I do from here? After I beat the aliens it just goes to a screen where it is a blank layer.

    EDIT- Well apparently that is too much stuff, it said that I have a limit of 100 events and like 4 layers or something. This is one of those times when it sucks to be part of the proletariat.

  • I assume it will make my game laggy or something or a larger file?

  • FredQ- Can I do that without making a bunch of layouts? Or was that just something you said would be easier?

    sqiddster- Is the HUD layer my main layer or something? As well what do you mean by a backing?

  • How can I set my game so that I can add things like a screen saying "Level 2" and such without using too many layouts?

    I know about global variables and all that but I need to know what I have to set to get everything in motion. In short just tell me how to set it so my game can progress 1 level and I can take it from there.

    Please and thank you to all who respond.

  • I have the perfect reaction image for this situation. <img src="" border="0" />

    Thank you.


    Here is the .capx

    I can't figure out how to set it so the title screen shows up before "Layout 1" everytime I load the game on facebook or in the program Layout 1 runs first. If I select "Return to title?" after I beat all the aliens the title is there though.



    I followed this tutorial on making a title screen. For those of you who do not want to watch the video I will explain how to make one.

    First off create a new layout, we will call it "Title Screen".

    When it asks if you wish to create an event sheet along with it select "Add event sheet".

    By this point in your game I will assume you have already learned about sprites and all of that jazz so we will not get too detailed on them.

    First, add your sprite (If you created one) for the title of your game.

    Center it as best as you can wherever you wish. (top, middle, bottom, side, wherever)

    Next, double click outside of your game area (the white space around your game) and when the object tab opens, select "Text" under the "General" section.

    Depending on what you wish your game to say make the text say something along the lines of "Play" or "Click here to play". Title this text object as "Play". (You can use whatever but the rest of this will make more sense if you use that)

    Yet again center this where you want it.

    Customize the color, font, size, etc. how you wish.

    For now we are only worrying about the "Play" text so don't add any other texts just yet.

    Go to your "Event Sheet" (be sure to remember which one applies to this layout) and click "Add event"

    (We will assume you want to click with the mouse, if not do the same but with a keyboard function)

    Select the "Mouse" icon, and then click "On object clicked".

    Choose whether you want it to work on left or right click, and leave "Click type" on "Clicked".

    Where it says "Object clicked" select the text icon that says "Play" we created earlier and hit "Ok".

    Next to this event we just created for the mouse click "Add action".

    Go to the "System" icon and find "Go to layout". Select "Go to layout" and then choose "Layout 1" or whatever your game layout is titled.

    Run your layout and your title screen should be the first thing to show up. You should be able to click "Play" (or whatever you put) and it should take you to your game.

    If for some reason it takes you to your game first, go back to Construct 2 and drag the tab that says "Title Screen" and put it on the right on the one that says "Layout 1" or whatever your game layout is titled.

    If you did everything right you should now have a title screen that you can interact with. Just as you did with the "Play" button. You can add more sprites/text objects to interact with by doing the same thing but using their respective names.

    FOR EXAMPLE- Let's say you want to add one of your characters to the title screen so people can click them and go to a page that has his/her/it's biography or something.

    You would add the sprite, follow the same steps (creating a new layout, event sheet, and all) and create his biography page.

    The sprite would have to be put into your "Title Screen" layout, but when you do the steps for clicking it with your mouse, you change the layout it goes to, to the layout you created his biography in.

    If you have any questions on this feel free to comment here and I may (or may not depending on how far in the future you respond) help you.

  • I think I actually understood that. O.o

    I have to go somewhere but when I get back I will try. Thank you Yann.

    EDIT- (For anyone who has similar trouble) I have fixed my fire rate problem. Meaning I made it so my person fires less often so the player can not simply hold the button and send a crazy amount of bullets.

    What I did was this.

    Add an event.

    System- "Every X Seconds" I set X to 0.3 (You may want slower or faster)

    Add another condition- Select Keyboard and then "key is down".

    (I picked the space bar as my key but you can choose whichever key.)

    After this click "add action" next to the first event "System- "Every 0.3 Seconds"

    Then select your player and click "spawn another object".

    Choose your bullet as the object to spawn, and set it to spawn at Layer 1, image point 0.

    (Unless you are doing space invaders ignore this step)

    Add another action below this one, select your "bullet" icon and then select "set angle", set it to 270.

    Then select "audio", followed by "play" and your sound file for when a bullet shoots.

    After doing all this the player no longer fires as often.

    I put this is all descriptive as I could for those who do not know what to do like I wish I had found.

    EDIT- There seems to be a few bugs with doing this. If anyone can fix that it would be awesome.


    Here is my .capx for it, and Yann you totally lost me there. I understand how to make global variables but not their purpose really.

  • I converted all sound files to ogg and they work now thank you all.

    I searched about how to add more levels so I know about copying the events and layout and all, but does anyone have a good tutorial on how to add the screen so it says "level 2" when the aliens are all gone, make aliens respawn and all that? I already know how to make them move faster every level though. I also need to be able to lower the fire rate, not a certain amount of bullets; but so you cant fire as many in a few seconds by continuously clicking.

  • No, how do I change them in that? Also I just noticed that when the score gets to 100 it goes away.

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  • I think it's just sounds. It's just the noises the things make when they shoot and stuff.

  • To the sounds folder.

  • I ended up being able to open them after restarting like 4 times, but I had to convert them to .ogg using sony vegas, then for some reason they didnt play when I put them in. I put them in the right spot I thought, but I took them back out so the file doesn't get messed up.

  • Ok...this program officially hates me. I can't import sound files apparently. I get this if I try. I've left it sitting thinking it was just taking a while but it just keeps looking like that.