SaRaB's Forum Posts

  • Thanks sir for your comment, well, it does not work as the tutorial said, i had read a lot of these methods but no benefits.

    the game works fine without coocon admob plugin but with the plugin it shows black screen, please any other solution i want the ads works fine.

  • thank you for your comment, all the things right now, there is another problem when exporting the game as apk, it shows black screen on the phone, the reason is because the coocon plugin when i remove it from installed plugins it works fine but when i install it it shows black screen, i do not now why.? please any solution for that problem.

    Thank you, (only the coocon plugin is problem now)

  • Thanks rekjl for your comment, I really did not find the link please can you provide me the the download link for the latest coocon plugin for construct 2

    Thank you

  • Thank you so much orinab for your replay.

    Acordding to what you said there is no a place to put the serial admob, yes there are places but not for ads, please see these photo and replay me with more details.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello, guys

    How are you.?

    I have a some problems with coocon, which is about the admob.

    First i need to now how to add ads into coocon plugin inside construct 2, i mean i usually use admob plugin,

    But now i will try coocon with ads admob, there is a serial from admob you have to put it into the admob plugin, in coocon plugin there is no a service that allow you to put ads serials, how i can do that with coocon.?

    Another thing, i tried coedeva admob plugin with coocon it does not work, someone explain to me please with these problems.


  • That oh1o kid hi, you may try this program ro preview you game as a test, it is name is nw.js.

    you may download it from here....

    install it and play construct 2 again and select the preview broswer as the nw.js.

    Thank you

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • If you look on all my game I only use of one screen size with scale outer which result work perfectly on all screen size

    Hey, sir could you please tell me how do you make the size work with phones and tablet without massing any edgs.?

    I mean with scale outer, when you open your game with scale outer on tablet there will be more black size or maybe white, means more layout size will appear, but on phones does not apear, how can I make and fix this problem that I can make the windows size work great with phones and tablet with out extra size.?


  • mahe , hey for me i usually use 1920X1080 for windows size i now it is big size but according to what i saw, it works even with he screen and less also, I use also latterbox size lol, that is my opinin.


  • Hey, please follow these steps, i hope helps you,

    1. in start page of your game you need to do like this image, and you need also to make unique local variable for local storage only, and call it record, (Means every score that user receive will be recorded in record variable,

    2. this image here you make a record variable, as you see inside the image, the high score will set same number with the record, set high score to record to stay on the same level that you received, note; ( local storage and record variable never removed if you set item set this on level selection page.

    3. in the whole levels, you must make a sup event behind the score that the use will received to save it in the record, this will save your high score even when you close and open the game in the browser or mobile phone it is the same.

  • Hello,

    How I can make the user open my game and rate it, when he click on the button below.

    It has been for 3 months and until now i did not fix this problem, please if someone has this way to make the user open the app please tell us here

    Thank you.

  • ok it works now, but i did not see the whole effect, only 8 i think.?

  • hey, Cipriux

    So, until now, InAppBrowser works only for closing the game it does not open the link to my game or games, I want to make user for example rate my game and there is a button there, what should i do now, what are the plugins need to be used to fix this problem.

    I now it is boring iusse but I am still trying, would you mind telling me step by step.? I have Inappbrowser now and the plugin you put, also the last version of intel xdk.


  • Hey,

    Thank you so much for sharing this plugin, but for me it does not work, I do not now why.?!

    I just post the files on the correct folder inside the plugins folder and received like these, please see the screenshots and tell me what should I do.?

    Screenshot 1

    Screenshot 2

    I use the last version of construct 2 (r228 Beta) also Intel xdk.

    Thank you,

  • > Hi, is this working on android, cause i am working on android until now.?


    Yep, it's working like a charm

    Well, I added your plugin in construct 2 and when i add admob pro to intel it freezes the screen then i can not do anything, i also build apk and tried it in the phone it keeps freezing in the game, probably your plugin does not work good with me, after that I tried the official plugin of construct 2 (admob) just it works this time i do not now what is happening actually.