samueledev's Forum Posts

  • For example.

    I have pizza1.width --- the result is 3

    but if I do

    "pizza" & varNum & ".width" --- result is the string "pizza1.width" (not 3)

    Is there a solution to convert the string into the value?

  • Hi guys!

    Is there a method in Construct 2 to compare function.param (or variables) in a composed array.

    I have Array:



    I want compare a function parameter with the array but composed, like in the photo.

    Sorry for my English but its very hard for me exaplain what i want to do ahaahah.

    Here the image:

    Comparison: "pizza" & pizzaRichiesta & ".at"&"("& passaggi &")" - But of course Construct return a string not array.

    I dont want manually create everything like but change the number of pizza dynamically

  • I played it; I loved the visuals, the sound effects and the menu animations.

    However the menu animations and the transitions are very slow even on a good device like a Nexus 5x. What is the game canvas resolution ?

    Thank you for your feedback!

    It's very strange that the transitions is very slow ... Anyway the resolutition is 850 x 1280

  • Hi Guys!

    This is my last game!

    It’s a game with 5 mini-games, mission, award and unlockable characters!

    Here the Trailer <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_arrow.gif" alt=":arrow:" title="Arrow">

    Here is the link to the game <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_arrow.gif" alt=":arrow:" title="Arrow">

    Please leave a comment, I want to know what you think <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_idea.gif" alt=":idea:" title="Idea">

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  • Hello guys, I'm new to construct 2 , until now I have made ​​in the game phaserjs (

    I'm here to ask you how I can move an object in the x and y position with speed? In phaser i used tween <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad">