Honestly, I love c2, but I think architecture could be greatly improved upon. I want to see better scalability, plugins from event sheets, a real option for those who like scripting, modding of core files, and the like.
I know c2 is made by a small team, and so my comparison to unity is never fair. But it is worth pointing out all the things that make one environment great and another okay.
I sure would like to see export that isn't html5 and jscript...
Mostly I want all this because I like c2, but I can only use it to make small games/prototypes. There is too many issues with jank (I know these aren't all c2's fault) but jscript kinda ***** for games.
I'm in nomatter what, but here's hoping for c3 (and not 3d c2, but a better construct for 2d game dev)