Ruskul's Forum Posts

  • R0J0hound - I will look into that. Thanks.

  • Howdy,

    I've been playing around with event based procedual terrain generation and I noticed something interesting.

    A function impacts performance up to 5x more than another simple event call (calling function vs Adding to avariable, for example). The more you do within the function the less that becomes in relation. But if you call a function simply to perform 1-2 events, just copying and pasting those 1-2 events saves mucho cpu time, if you do this many times.

    I'm not sure why the performance hit is so great, but once a game is all done and made, if you have performance issues you may try replacing function calls with the code. This makes your code base unmaintainable and awful to look at but you can gain a bit of performance by doing it. This should only* be considered if you are struggling with performance and have eliminated other bottlenecks. Obviously if you have 1000 physics based objects, you may find that reducing function calls is a waste of time in the grand scheme of things.

    Better yet, use the event system only to tie scripts together. Do everything else in scripts. That saves over 9000, a whopping 500% to 1000 points more . Ya..

    I often like to make dynamic function call systems in placement of switch statements (as construct has none) and event driven dispatch systems, but this may not be as efficient as simply going through a giant condition list.

  • The feature to change at runtime doesn't exist, so logically one would look for other ways to simulate the effect..

    Thats the confirmation I was looking for. I thought it may exist in the sdk but I couldn't find it, thought I would check.

    There are plenty of reasons to want to change polygons directly rather than having transforms control them. More from a procedural standpoint, trying to avoid editor side work. Its not something that is needed* but that would be nice.

    Rotating combined with resizing works to an extent to solve the problem but again requires more programming work, at least in the sense I need to do some trig to ensure proper placement rotation and stretching.

  • But Why?

  • I feel as though it would be nice to be able to change the color of comments, change the font size, change the color of the text, and be able to bold and italicize it.

    I often don't add comments because it adds visual clutter the the event sheets that can't be effectively managed. In a 'normal' coding environment comments can be collapsed, they are usually of a color that doesn't stand out wich makes the actual code stick out. In construct, the comments sort of stick out being the same color and size as the text in the events, plus they are highlighted in yellow. Now some comments are important and some not so important, I think it would be nice to have some options at our disposal to make reading our events a bit easier.

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  • LittleStain

    1.) I do know how to solve my problem without re-sizing the polygon in multiple ways, demonstrated by solving a single aspect of the problem. Problem is multifaceted and will require 4x the work to fully solve. Solution cannot be scaled efficiently in future if project expands. Further, performance will be degraded in solutions based on benchmark comparisons. Much better to be able to set polygon directly.

    2.) Adding animation frames would require 4n frames where n is the total number of sprites of type x that can occur in a particular pattern known to exist in advance. A good suggestion considering most problems of this nature but not feasible in this case. Appreciate tip.

  • Hey,

    Have polygon, need polygon to resize in different way than sprite can. need to say polygon equal (0,0 - 0,1 - 200,100 - 200,99). make sense?

    think cannot be done. Maybe sdk but don't think can access that in any way.

    Resiszing polygon best solution, understand alternative ways to solve problem but workarounds less efficient. Take more work. Undesirable.



  • Problem Description

    When you Shift Right click drag to select multiple tiles for the tilemap, it simply selects the first tile you are on to the last and creates the new brush from the tilemap based on the index of the tile. If my drag starts and ends on the same tile then my brush is only one tile and is that same tile. If you start on tile index 0 and finish on tile index 5 then you get a brush that is as though you simply selected a rectangle of tiles from the tilemap panel from 0 -5, not the tiles you actually selected.

    Attach a Capx

    Create a capx, create a tilemap. This doesn't need a specific capx

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1 - create tile map and draw the tiles with it
    • Step 2 - Shift right lick drag from a to b
    • Step 3 - note that what you dragged across didn't get copied...

    Observed Result

    -Note that what you dragged across didn't get copied

    Expected Result

    That you actually copy what you are dragging the across. Like in any other program. Imagine if in photoshop when you copy a section of an image but when you paste it simply pastes an interpolation from pixel A (in the top left) to pixel b in the bottom right. That's useless.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 sp 1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • tulamide -

    Fez, meatboy, shovel knight, dustforce, aquaria, terraria, broforce, limbo, starbound, copy girl, marty's island, axiom verge.

    These are not shining hulls devoid of passion. These are the results of passion. I only mention indie titles because they are an attainable goal for an individual.

    The mobile game industry is different than the gamers game industry. Consoles and PC games are as good as they have ever been. The indie game revolution made it even better. I feel sorry for anyone who traded their gameboy for an iphone and thought that was the future of gaming. Mobile gaming is simply media consumption motivated by boredom and and quick fix. Don't make phone games and you don't have to worry about it.

  • Nothing has ruined the industry. The industry is thriving. The fact is, is that you have to make something worth peoples time and money. Nobody wants to have to pay for something that probably sucks when they can get all the suckage they want for free. I'm not saying your game sucks, I'm just assuming that it has a greater chance of sucking than not because 1.) its on a phone. 2.) most phone games suck outright because they are on a phone. The cards are stacked against you.

    I can count a lot of highly successful indie devs that put their heart and soul into their games for years before they got a penny. The market really isn't any different now than 20 years ago. If anything its better. More people play. Sure there are more games, but marketing has always been important. The mobile market is different because honestly it is different. If you want to make a game and get paid for it. 1.) make a good game. 2.) convince people its worth their time and money. 3.) don't make it for the crappy mobile industry. Mobile was cool only when it was a gameboy. In the end, you still take a risk. Its called business. Most game makers forget that. They get all caught up in the idea that they are going to make a game and everyone is going to play it like it was God's gift to mankind. Have you done any market research? What are people playing? Are there any openings? What is the competition like? Who is going to pay for your game? How can you reach your target audience?

    Making games is also easier now than ever before. I mean I'm assuming you are using construct since you are on this forum. Shoot, I get paid to teach 5th graders how to make games. Are they making games that shouldn't be free? of course not, but the fact is is that everyone and their mother can make games now. You have to be better than all the rest.

    I must finish with, I do hate free to play games. I hate adds, and I hate having to spend more than I otherwise would to play a game when its all done and said. I am happy to pay upfront for a game I think I want. But I'm also not the average fiscally immature moron that inhabits most western countries. I can see what free to play games do and I don't like it. I hate it. But honestly playing candy crushers doesn't make you a gamer, it makes you a consumer of mobile media. There is a difference. And that also means if you want one audience and not the other you have to design your games accordingly.

  • <rant>

    This is still broken. It doesn't crash, but the feature is worthless atm. No offense to ashley, but I don't see how he can make such an amazing program pretty much by himself and then flunk at making such a rudimentary but completely necessary feature. Lets be honest, this isn't a hard problem to be solved. At all. I could have solved this in middle school.

    But I am pretty sure it comes down to priority... But for Pete's banana flipp'n sake, it can't take that long to add this feature, to add it right, and do so in half a years time. It should have been included in the get go. It already has similar but less useful features (like selecting multiple tiles from the tile selector).

    closed bugs. Rubbish.


  • So um, shift right click drag select tiles to stamp doesn't work. still doesn't work. Is this ever going to be fixed?

    Its not like it should be that hard to make either. and its like the one feature the tilemap *needs* other wise there is no point to the tilemap at all apart from importing tilemaps from tiled.

  • Multiple examples can be found on this forum, just search for typewriter effect..

    Thanks, I didn't even know what it was called!

  • joejoe - To me, the funny part was how obvious it was, but I never thought about it like that before. But you are right. Your English seems great to me!

  • Hey all,

    I was curious if anyone has dealt with this and could point me in the right direction. Rather than trying to describe it I'll just show it in action:

    This is nothing new of course. Its been around for ages, but adds a significant amount of polish to all text. Simply typing the text in like:





    The s

    The sp...

    and so on is a major improvement over seeing the whole text all at once. It gives it life in time.

    Now, I havn't ever done anything with this before, and if there are some good places to start I would be happy to hear about them before I start dissecting the text plugin that comes with construct.