Roy2's Forum Posts

  • I think that probably there must be a way to do it with layers and the blenders options and effects, but i'm terrible at it, so i can't help you. On the other hand, user "Somebody" made an awesome plugin effect that makes exactly what i think you want. With it you should just to have two exactly horses of differents colours on the same position, and use the plugin on the second one:


    EDIT: it seems that because i'm new i can't post links. "Search Nearly daily [EFFECTS] by Somebody - neat things + big GIFs" or just delete the spaces of this url:

    http s://www.scirra .com/forum/ effects-by-some body-neat-things-big-gifs_t123401

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  • Hi. I'm new to the community, and i've been having troubles with something that in theory i'm sure that must be simple to do.

    I have a background, and this three sprites. Let's say that white is the background. Sprite 1 is the player, and sprite 2 is always following the position of the player.

    I want sprite 2 to be invisible, and when being over sprite 3, make it transparent for being able to see the player. I'm somehow sure that this is posible using layers, and the blending options and effects of construct 2, but i just can't get the solution. I will apreciate a lot any answer, thanks you!