RookieDev's Forum Posts

  • Awesome!! I was just searching for someone to handle sounds for this project.

    I Am actually making a sandbox game like Terraria but similar to Growtopia in scale.

    I was wondering how much you charge for Backround music similar to Terraria.

    Do you charge by the track? or by soundtracks?

    Also how much do you charge for soundeffects for simple things like Player Death and Mob Sounds?

  • Guizmus i sent my capX to your PM Box to check out

  • Guizmus This is insane! I had everything setup exactly the same the only difference i had was i was adding some numbers in the expression that shouldnt of been there.Your capX is flawless,I apollogize for not sending my capX file but it did seem like we was able to talk our way around things until i got some numbers mixed up.This is solved thanks to you G-Man i also want to thank you for showing me a different way of rounding <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I am still having issues when my player is on the ground,The tiled grid is not matching up with the blocks i snapped to the grid in my layout,Does anyone else have any clues on how to make this accurate?

    I can see that it is offsetting and i dont know why,When it should be behind my player and snapping to the grid as i walk in an acurate fashion.

    I think i just found out that I cant detect offsetting on a tiled backround! That really sucks i guess i will be going back to using single sprites for this grid.

  • Guizmus I had it set as a condition that ran every tick but the platformer movement sounds alot more optimized and actually sounds a hell of alot better.

    I didnt think to make a tiled backround for the grid because i thought that it would register it as only one sprite and not a grid

    I stand corrected,and you are helping alot,I get alot more from the forums than tutorials,I like to be social and hands on thats the best way to learn.Thanks For all of your input and your help so far

  • I want to See Scirra Make The First DRAG AND DROP 3D ENGINE!!

    I will pay to see this guys!! I know its Possible And if they did this it would be Incredible!

  • In my Demo you can see that my grid of sprites are all individual sprites that are pinned to my objects position correct?

    Now that i have taken pin off my sprites nolonger stay together as a group of Cells but now there is just one single cell behind my player.If i use this method how can i keep my GRID TOGETHER.

    Hope that makes more sense.And i do not need a capX i just need you to explain it to me if you can.

  • Ok the only issue im having now is,I had my grid sprites sticking to my player with PIN now since i have it off i only have one single cell my grid of sprites will not stick together this way?

    I can only get one single cell to appear and how would i go about pinning this,If i cant use the pin function?


  • Guizmus Thank you GeneratorX Thank you aswell

    Guizmus i was wondering how i went about that,I have that same code but i did not make it every tick and i also did not take PIN off.Thank you

  • Hi everyone I pulled an all nighter,No pain no gain

    I was wondering how i can make my premade Grid follow and snap to the grid ingame so i can place tiles more accurate,right now my tiles are going where ever they want and its looking horrible.

    Here is the demo to check out.

    Koolville DEMO

    arrows = movement

    hold left mouse to destroy

    left click an empty space to build is what im trying to achieve but also keeping it with the ingame grid.

    Im also not using arrays.

  • That is amazing shinkan I never seen anyone put it that way before,This capX should be showcased in the tutorials section! you would help alot of people understand.Thank you for showing me this,I can see the difference in each expression.

  • shinkan most people would maybe say thank you and just use this but i want to ask you what is happening there?

    I think i understand that "round" is rounding up the number correct?

    But where does the 16)/32)*32 come in im lost looking at this.

    Most stuff after i see it i can instantly tell how it works but this is alittle tricky.

    Thank you by the way.

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  • Awesome i was trippin alittle when it broke,I have so much on my mind i could not even see that little aspect to fix this.Thanks I did manage to incorperate touch controls with your example and it works flawless.

    I want to know what you think about me using a premade grid to dictate where the player has the reach to set blocks? I figured it would be just as good as using arrays,the only issue i have is am i able to have the player place a block ingame but have it still snap to the grid? I dont want the player to go and lay a block but have it offsetting at an uneven position.

  • shinkan There is a bug in this capX,When i click one tile then the other a cracking sprite is left behind.It creates two cracking sprites and breaks the digging function.Is there a way to fix this?

  • Well you can have it all. I made this example especially for you.

    Thank you shinkan seeing this really helped me out alot.