Hey everyone! This is my first post. I searched forum topics and did Google and Bing searches for the last 6 hours, or so, and can't seem to find any other reports of my problem. So I hope I'm not bothering anyone.
I am starting out with a simple Breakout clone. I followed the tutorial, here:
It's a great tutorial and got me up and going. My problem is that my ball sometimes breaks two bricks, which isn't a problem while playing the game... but for some reason, even though both bricks get destroyed, you only get score for one, and my variable that calculates the end of the round only gets +1 added to it. So by the end of the bricks, the game is waiting for more.
I uploaded a cap to wlok.com/upload/breakout01.cap
Other than the double destruction, it seems to run pretty well.
Any help would be appreciated. And I'll keep trying other things. I read somewhere that I might not use the "Ball" object but I will need to read up on Custom Movement before I start that.