Hi, Master of Python,
This code works in my case. Thanks.
New member is stored into global (hash)table _Instances._vals_
If an instance has been destroyed, the member of this dead instance in _Instances._vals_ will not be released automatic.
Btw, the variable type in construct only support "Number" and "String", so that I can not store instance directly.
I save the UID of instance and find it from adding an "compared" event, if I only use built-in event sheet (w/o python support).
Is there a faster way to keep the selected instances (w/o python support)?
With python, I save the {UID:instance} in a (hash)table, and clean the {UID:instance} pair if the instance has been destroyed.
Humm... Maybe I can cover the 'Destroy' method in objAInstance in _Instances to hang my clean method.
1. What is _Instances?
2. Will objA[0].Destroy() call objAInstance.Destroy()? Is objAInstance the class of objA[0]?
Thank you for your help